We Have the Right to Assemble and Freedom of Religion - Unlawful Arrest of Preacher

The last time I viewed any of the posts of the stoooopid folk on here(you know who I mean)they were still fighting a fallacious battle....aka accusing those who want churches to refrain from meeting during this crisis ......of not believing in freedom of religion nor of freedom of assembly....irregardless of the fact that we do.....that many of us and our ancestors have fought to preserve all the freedoms of America.

We simply say that it is not good to have gatherings of people during this time of a National
Emergency as it is undeniable that facilitates the spread of the virus....thus just plain good common sense not to do that till the virus has been subdued.

Zackly. The act of gathering in a close group cannot in any way be defined as a "religious" practice. That's where the "freedom of religion" argument fails to show up.
If you're only going to twist and lie about everything that I say, then there is no point in trying to carry on any discussion with you.
So you can't answer a simple question therefore you run away

You've been deceitfully attributing positions to me that I never took, and demanding that I defend those positions. Your “simple question” is a strawman argument.

I am not going to explain why I believe X, because I do not, in fact, believe X.
When the Constitution was written, there was no such thing as a global pandemic.
Learn some history. The Bubonic plague preceded the writing of the Constitition.

---The Black Death of October 1347 to c1352 was one of the worst catastrophes in recorded history – a deadly bubonic plague that ravaged communities across Europe, changing forever their social and economic fabric.---

They had no idea how it spread. Our forefathers didnt know about social distancing.
When the Constitution was written, there was no such thing as a global pandemic.
Learn some history. The Bubonic plague preceded the writing of the Constitition.

---The Black Death of October 1347 to c1352 was one of the worst catastrophes in recorded history – a deadly bubonic plague that ravaged communities across Europe, changing forever their social and economic fabric.---

They had no idea how it spread. Our forefathers didnt know about social distancing.
And it wasn't 'global'. Columbus hadn't even crossed the Atlantic yet.
If you're only going to twist and lie about everything that I say, then there is no point in trying to carry on any discussion with you.
So you can't answer a simple question therefore you run away

You've been deceitfully attributing positions to me that I never took, and demanding that I defend those positions. Your “simple question” is a strawman argument.

I am not going to explain why I believe X, because I do not, in fact, believe X.

You said you won't speak to what other religions require I asked you what your religion requires and you refuse to answer
If you're only going to twist and lie about everything that I say, then there is no point in trying to carry on any discussion with you.
So you can't answer a simple question therefore you run away

You've been deceitfully attributing positions to me that I never took, and demanding that I defend those positions. Your “simple question” is a strawman argument.

I am not going to explain why I believe X, because I do not, in fact, believe X.

You said you won't speak to what other religions require I asked you what your religion requires and you refuse to answer

Typical behavior for the intellectually dishonest religious nut case....obviously programmed by some religious cult of which he is ashamed and thus refuses to reveal the name of the cult.

The kind of personality in the muslim world that is recruited to be suicide bombers.
I am not going to explain why I believe X, because I do not, in fact, believe X.


What makes you think you have more authority than I do to say what I do or do not believe?

And what authority do you think you have, for that matter, to demand that I make any account at all to you with regard to what I believe?
Well since I asked you and you refused to answer my one simple question about your religion you have given me no other option than to infer what you are thinking as I read your posts
Typical behavior for the intellectually dishonest religious nut case....obviously programmed by some religious cult of which he is ashamed and thus refuses to reveal the name of the cult.

The kind of personality in the muslim world that is recruited to be suicide bombers.

For someone who claims not to know what my religion is (even though it's pretty much common knowledge among the members of this forum) you sure do make a lot of rather extreme assumptions about what my religion teaches and practices, most of those assumptions being wildly inaccurate and baseless.

What is clear is that no matter what I do or do not reveal, you can be counted on to lie about it, and misrepresent it, in whatever way best suits your own personal agenda, as you have rather blatantly done about what little I have said about my religion in this thread.

I did give, many posts back, an honest account of my own religion's belief and practice, as it relates to the topic of this thread. Your response was to come back with a deceitful hyperbole, not consistent with what I had revealed, not consistent with anything that I actually believe, practice, or have expressed; to attribute this false belief to me, and to demand repeatedly that I explain and justify that belief which you knowingly falsely attributed to me.

I'm not going to play this game with you. It is not my responsibility to explain nor defend your deliberate lies. They're your lies; you explain and defend them.
Well since I asked you and you refused to answer my one simple question about your religion you have given me no other option than to infer what you are thinking as I read your posts

That you do not like the answer that I gave, much earlier in this thread, does not give you license to make up crap about what I believe, that is not in any way consistent with anything that I have expressed, and to claim that it is any representation of what I actually believe, much less to demand that I explain or defend the beliefs which you falsely and dishonestly are thus attributing to me.

Your deliberate and willful lies are your own responsibility, and not mine.
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theres no talking to rw morons about doing the right thing - they have NO CONCEPT BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG
They use the type of argumentation used by Russian trolls, not that they are all Russian trolls.

Russia would love the US to be in chaos and lots of people to die, btw.
Certainly you do not have to justify your religion to anyone, but is congregating in large groups actually an essential tenet of your faith and the practices thereof? Would it actually be a sin to practice your faith in smaller groups or via Internet?

You admit that I do not need to justify my religion, and then immediately follow that up with a demand that I justify my religion.

No. If the tenets of your religion endanger others then yeah, you kind of have to knock it off.

Well, it's a fact that we do restrict practices related to other faiths where they come into conflict with certain laws. Female circumcision is very important to certain sects in Islam, as I understand it, and it's still illegal in this country. The Mormon Church had to give up polygamy. Religions that practice animal sacrifice are restricted in what they can sacrifice, where, and what facilities they have to have for sanitation, if I recall correctly.

And all of those things are central tenets to their beliefs and the practices of it; I don't know of any church which believes that you're committing a sin by not meeting in a big group, and I note with interest that none of the defenders of "Do anything you want cloaked in religious freedom!" have yet to tell me I'm wrong about that.

I have to dumb it down for them. They're selfish fucking idiots.

You should know by now that I dumb nothing down for anyone. I expect people to pull themselves up to my level of reason, or wallow in the anguish of being shown to be emotion-driven fools. Whichever.

Honestly I don't know that one way or another. I do know that when talking to mental midgets you have to sometimes stoop.

Maybe you feel the need to. I never have.
Coronavirus cases are also linked to hospitals, are you suggesting we shut down hospitals?

Are you suggesting that congregating to sing hymns and listen to someone talk is equivalent to getting urgent medical care?
No urge to assemble from me but the assemblers and worshippers are absolutely right. Liberals are trying to assert that their emotional needs to remain healthy does in fact trump your preexisting constitutional right to assemble and worship.

You lost the argument when you dismissively classified it as "liberals".
Bob what they are saying is that if you go to church then you are infringing on their right to remain Corona free and there is no such right .
That's not what i am saying at all.

What's the big deal about temporarily modifying the way you worship out of concern for the greater community?

Don't all religions suggest you love and care for your fellow man?

I'm pretty sure no religion tells people to purposely endanger the health of others

I honestly think this is one of the times that God is rolling His eyes, saying, "You people are missing the point again." Pretty sure the Framers would be, too.

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