We Have the Right to Assemble and Freedom of Religion - Unlawful Arrest of Preacher

Well since I asked you and you refused to answer my one simple question about your religion you have given me no other option than to infer what you are thinking as I read your posts

That you do not like the answer that I gave, much earlier in this thread, does not give you license to make up crap about what I believe, that is not in any way consistent with anything that I have expressed, and to claim that it is any representation of what I actually believe, much less to demand that I explain or defend the beliefs which you falsely and dishonestly are thus attributing to me.

Your deliberate and willful lies are your own responsibility, and not mine.

I didn't see that before so exscise the FUCK out of me and you still did not provide where in whatever religious book you use that it is indeed a requirement for people to be packed together cheek to jowl in a building
Zackly. The act of gathering in a close group cannot in any way be defined as a "religious" practice. That's where the "freedom of religion" argument fails to show up.
If it happens in a church it's covered under freedom of religion.

Good to know I can shoot somebody in a church and I'm "immune".

What a friggin' jackass. A church is not "religion", Dumbphuque.
Press Releases
AMA urges all governors to adopt stay-at-home orders to fight COVID-19
Apr 3, 2020
CHICAGO — In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic and evidence that shows that physical distancing is the only effective mechanism to stop the spread of the virus, the American Medical Association (AMA) today sent a letter to the National Governors Association (NGA) urging all states to issue statewide stay-at-home orders.

The full text of the letter is below:
Dear Mr. McBride,

On behalf of the American Medical Association (AMA) and our physician and medical student members, I am writing to urge the National Governors Association (NGA) and its member governors to support statewide, emergency orders to close non-essential businesses, limit non-essential activities and prohibit gatherings during the critical stages of the response to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Physical distancing is the only effective mechanism to slow the exponential spread of the virus and decrease the anticipated spike in COVID-19 cases across all states. As physicians, we are honored to serve and put our lives on the front line to protect our patients and communities, but we need the help of policymakers as we take on this immense challenge. It is vital that states keep residents at home to avoid overwhelming our health care systems and depleting the equipment, resources and manpower needed to care for the influx of critically ill patients.

Viruses know no borders. Therefore, a uniform response to the pandemic across all states is critical and stay-at-home orders are a necessary defense to turn the tide against COVID-19. We strongly urge all states to issue stay-at-home orders to residents if they have not done so already. These directives will save lives.
The AMA stands ready to assist NGA and governors across the country in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

James L. Madara, M.D.
AMA urges all governors to adopt stay-at-home orders to fight COVID-19
No urge to assemble from me but the assemblers and worshippers [sic] are absolutely right. Liberals are trying to assert that their emotional needs to remain healthy does in fact trump your preexisting constitutional right to assemble and worship.
You lost the argument when you dismissively classified it as "liberals".

I know you're not a LIbEral, but the fact is undeniable, that for decades, LIbErals have hated Christianity, have hated the values for which Christianity stands, and have wasted no excuse to attack and undermine Christianity and these values.

This COVID-19 scam is providing them with a great opportunity on which to base these attacks, and to seize government powers that they would never be able to seize under more normal circumstances, they are making the very most that they can of this opportunity; and you are playing right into their hands, perfectly playing the role of the useful idiot believing exactly what they want you to believe, and doing exactly what they want you to do.

You've been duped.
…that it is indeed a requirement for people to be packed together cheek to jowl in a building…

I never said that, and I never believed that.

That's you, again, flat-out knowingly, willfully lying about my beliefs, and then demanding that I explain and justify your lies.

Go f••• off, you deceitful, lying piece of shit, and take your strawmen with you. I don't play this game with your kind. I don't play this game with anyone, but least of all, with your kind,
This is the same kind of stupidity that got us a Child Molestation Scandal in the Catholic Church, the unwillingness of government to confront Churches when they go out of bounds.
The Protestants are no better when it comes to this sort of thing, Penn State, etc.. The kids are trapped in a cult of "extremely conservative" social-sexual mores by their parents, preachers, schoolteachers, hometown cops etc., etc.

Like the Mormons, there's no way out for the "lost boys" when all the girls are "taken" by men who already have wives, by the time they come of age.
If it happens in a church it's covered under freedom of religion.

That isn't what's under siege. We're under siege by COVID-19. The general public's health, welfare, and survival takes precedence. I'm Christian, but don't get why services still have to be held in person at church. There are alternatives. A Christian can just as easily spread the virus as easily as anybody else. It even protects the Christians who are members of the church or want to visit.
…that it is indeed a requirement for people to be packed together cheek to jowl in a building…

I never said that, and I never believed that.

That's you, again, flat-out knowingly, willfully lying about my beliefs, and then demanding that I explain and justify your lies.

Go f••• off, you deceitful, lying piece of shit, and take your strawmen with you. I don't play this game with your kind. I don't play this game with anyone, but least of all, with your kind,

you said your religion requires you to gather in large groups but now you say you didn't say that?

Tell me where do those groups congregate if not in a building?
Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.
Apparently they and you don't understand that temporary health restrictions for the public safety usurp the Constitution. Temporarily. Or would you rather have martial law?
No urge to assemble from me but the assemblers and worshippers [sic] are absolutely right. Liberals are trying to assert that their emotional needs to remain healthy does in fact trump your preexisting constitutional right to assemble and worship.
You lost the argument when you dismissively classified it as "liberals".

I know you're not a LIbEral, but the fact is undeniable, that for decades, LIbErals have hated Christianity, have hated the values for which Christianity stands, and have wasted no excuse to attack and undermine Christianity and these values.

This COVID-19 scam is providing them with a great opportunity on which to base these attacks, and to seize government powers that they would never be able to seize under more normal circumstances, they are making the very most that they can of this opportunity; and you are playing right into their hands, perfectly playing the role of the useful idiot believing exactly what they want you to believe, and doing exactly what they want you to do.

You've been duped.

I think we've already covered that I'm not planning to accept your "this is all a HOAX!" assertion as a debate parameter.
Zackly. The act of gathering in a close group cannot in any way be defined as a "religious" practice. That's where the "freedom of religion" argument fails to show up.
If it happens in a church it's covered under freedom of religion.
Zackly. The act of gathering in a close group cannot in any way be defined as a "religious" practice. That's where the "freedom of religion" argument fails to show up.
If it happens in a church it's covered under freedom of religion.

Part or all of that 1st amendment and some other's can be suspended during a national emergency, just ask the SCOTUS.

If you need a church to pray and honor whoever your God is then you're not much of a christian, jew, mulslim, etc.
If you need a church to pray and honor whoever your God is then you're not much of a christian, jew, mulslim, etc

Agreed. I mean, aren't the religious people continually telling us that God (or whatever name your belief system uses) is everywhere and knows everything? If that is true, and God is everywhere, why are you required to go to a specific building just to talk to Him?

Me? I'm not religious in any way, shape, form or fashion. I refuse to join a group that takes away God's greatest gift to man, which is free will. And, while I'm not religious, that doesn't mean I haven't looked at a few. Interestingly enough, most of them say pretty much the same thing, there is something better, there is something worse, and what we do in this life determines which. There is a God, there is some form of the Golden Rule and there are certain rules that must be followed.

Nope, I can talk to God and pray while sipping coffee or a beer, watching the critters off my back porch. A church isn't required.
---War over Easter: Kansas lawmakers revoke governor’s order limiting church gatherings---
---...the order had sparked strong backlash among Republicans and religious liberty advocates, who condemned it as a violation of foundational freedoms and an overreach by the governor.---

Dem governor opposes freedom:

---Kansas Gov. Kelly sues lawmakers over vote striking down limits on church gatherings---

Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

Good, the governor in Kansas should start arresting these idiot assclowns too!

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly sues GOP lawmakers for revoking her order limiting church gatherings

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