We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

too funny. You aren't worth my time if you think a ten second how you doing hand shake is a meeting. you are totally useless tool

How do you know it was just a "10 second meeting"? Because Page said it? Well Page also said he never went to Russia, then said he went to Russia but not on behalf of the campaign, then said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign but not with the campaign's knowledge, then he said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge but not to meet with Presidential officials, then he said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with Presidential officials but didn't talk with them. Now he's saying he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with Presidential officials and talked to them for only "10 seconds".

So Page's story changed five times. And you expect him to be telling the truth about how long he talked with the Deupty PM, why?
too funny. You aren't worth my time if you think a ten second how you doing hand shake is a meeting. you are totally useless tool

How do you know it was just a "10 second meeting"? Because Page said it? Well Page also said he never went to Russia, then said he went to Russia but not on behalf of the campaign, then said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign but not with the campaign's knowledge, then he said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge but not to meet with Presidential officials, then he said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with Presidential officials but didn't talk with them. Now he's saying he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with Presidential officials and talked to them for only "10 seconds".

So Page's story changed five times. And you expect him to be telling the truth about how long he talked with the Deupty PM, why?
how do you know it was longer, he said it was ten seconds. prove it wasn't.

again, you got fking nothing junior.
ask him why he denied.

I'm asking you since you're the one defending this shit...why do you think he flew all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge?

why are you asking us?

Because you're defending them and have been this thread. Now you suddenly clam up? Why?

fk you folks have no fking common sense at all. now 10 second hand shakes are meetings. holy fk are you one huge fking nut job. Your user name is spot on.

Why did Carter Page fly all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with the Deputy PM for ten seconds?
ask him why he denied.

I'm asking you since you're the one defending this shit...why do you think he flew all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge?

why are you asking us?

Because you're defending them and have been this thread. Now you suddenly clam up? Why?

fk you folks have no fking common sense at all. now 10 second hand shakes are meetings. holy fk are you one huge fking nut job. Your user name is spot on.

Why did Carter Page fly all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with the Deputy PM for ten seconds?
too funny, how the fk am I supposed to know? I don't know the man. you seem to think you know what he eats and drinks at night, you know he did something he says he didn't. naw, you answer why he denied. It isn't my job, I truly don't care cause russia russia is fake. So does all of congress now.
dude, it's an open message board so you are allowed to post as many times you want about Carter Page, but I provided the comments he made and you have nothing. but hey, you keep posting he said he said, when really he didn't, and the transcript back that. We all know he didn't. The investigators know he didn't. so guess what you got? a nothing burger again. you sure like those.

So this is an interesting retreat attempt on your part, comrade. You've spent the better part of half this thread vigorously and arrogantly defending Carter Page (why? who the fuck knows!?) when Carter Page already lied to you once when he said he never went to Russia or met with Russians while there. So why did the Trump campaign send him to Russia to meet with the Deputy PM for ten seconds? That doesn't make any sense. What was Page doing in Russia on behalf of the campaign?
dude, it's an open message board so you are allowed to post as many times you want about Carter Page, but I provided the comments he made and you have nothing. but hey, you keep posting he said he said, when really he didn't, and the transcript back that. We all know he didn't. The investigators know he didn't. so guess what you got? a nothing burger again. you sure like those.

So this is an interesting retreat attempt on your part, comrade. You've spent the better part of half this thread vigorously and arrogantly defending Carter Page (why? who the fuck knows!?) when Carter Page already lied to you once when he said he never went to Russia or met with Russians while there. So why did the Trump campaign send him to Russia to meet with the Deputy PM for ten seconds? That doesn't make any sense. What was Page doing in Russia on behalf of the campaign?
I quoted what he said. you are just a loser on a message board. I defend no one, I merely highlight losers such as yourself that make shit up. Yep, I am actually dissing your attempt to lie. and doing marvelous darling.
how do you know it was longer, he said it was ten seconds. prove it wasn't.again, you got fking nothing junior.

I don't know how long he spoke with the Deputy PM, but he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to do something. What was that something?
I quoted what he said..

You sort of did. He said in Congressional testimony that he met with the Deputy PM for "ten seconds"...but that was after he denied he even went to Russia in the first place.

Why would he fly halfway around the world to shake someone's hand for ten seconds?
Wrong. Hillary paid for the dossier, Not republicans

Its still true either way
Prove it, asshole.

Whether I do or not, it's still true
Your claims are meaningless without proof, dumbass.

As are yours.

For example: "Clinton paid for the dossier, established fact"
it is.
ask him why he denied.

I'm asking you since you're the one defending this shit...why do you think he flew all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge?

why are you asking us?

Because you're defending them and have been this thread. Now you suddenly clam up? Why?

fk you folks have no fking common sense at all. now 10 second hand shakes are meetings. holy fk are you one huge fking nut job. Your user name is spot on.

Why did Carter Page fly all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with the Deputy PM for ten seconds?
dude you can ask that question as many times as you like. I defend no man that I have no contact with. I merely look at the evidence. to which you have zip. so again, all I do is demonstrate your lies.
how do you know it was longer, he said it was ten seconds. prove it wasn't.again, you got fking nothing junior.

I don't know how long he spoke with the Deputy PM, but he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to do something. What was that something?
well you have a entire panel asking questions and you got answers. So there you are. all answered for you.

You should have asked to be on the panel so you could ask your questions of him. you lost out dude.
I quoted what he said..

You sort of did. He said in Congressional testimony that he met with the Deputy PM for "ten seconds"...but that was after he denied he even went to Russia in the first place.

Why would he fly halfway around the world to shake someone's hand for ten seconds?
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.
dude you can ask that question as many times as you like. I defend no man that I have no contact with. I merely look at the evidence. to which you have zip. so again, all I do is demonstrate your lies.

You're defending Page but not defending Page. OK, so I think what is happening is that your propaganda can't account for the changes in Page's story...so you're now running away from the whole thing rather than pose a thought as to why he went to Russia. This comes after you have no problem divining the intentions and motivations behind Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc.

So we know you have no problem making presumptions about people. But now you're stopping short when it comes to Page? Weird.
dude you can ask that question as many times as you like. I defend no man that I have no contact with. I merely look at the evidence. to which you have zip. so again, all I do is demonstrate your lies.

You're defending Page but not defending Page. OK, so I think what is happening is that your propaganda can't account for the changes in Page's story...so you're now running away from the whole thing rather than pose a thought as to why he went to Russia. This comes after you have no problem divining the intentions and motivations behind Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc.

So we know you have no problem making presumptions about people. But now you're stopping short when it comes to Page? Weird.
no, I am exposing you as a liar, and a person that makes shit up. big difference.
well you have a entire panel asking questions and you got answers. So there you are. all answered for you.

Page went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge obviously to collude with Russia. Why else would he fly halfway around the world?

I'm asking you these questions because you seem to have answers for everyone else.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
well you have a entire panel asking questions and you got answers. So there you are. all answered for you.

Page went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge obviously to collude with Russia. Why else would he fly halfway around the world?

I'm asking you these questions because you seem to have answers for everyone else.
dude, I don't fking care why he went there. He is allowed to go there. He gave testimony to a panel, go after the fking panel for not asking your questions.
no, I am exposing you as a liar, and a person that makes shit up. big difference.

I didn't lie about anything. Page is the one who lied before. Why you trust him when he said he flew halfway around the world on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with the Deputy PM "for ten seconds" is beyond me.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.
dude, I don't fking care why he went there.

So you don't care that he could have gone there to collude with them on behalf of the campaign. Weird.

He is allowed to go there. He gave testimony to a panel, go after the fking panel for not asking your questions.

Ah..."he's allowed to go there". OK, so why did he go there?

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