We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

dude you can ask that question as many times as you like. I defend no man that I have no contact with. I merely look at the evidence. to which you have zip. so again, all I do is demonstrate your lies.

You're defending Page but not defending Page. OK, so I think what is happening is that your propaganda can't account for the changes in Page's story...so you're now running away from the whole thing rather than pose a thought as to why he went to Russia. This comes after you have no problem divining the intentions and motivations behind Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc.

So we know you have no problem making presumptions about people. But now you're stopping short when it comes to Page? Weird.

Thats what he does. He cant even fathom possibilities with Trump and his gang but he'll see child rape on a pizza menu.

His defense then asking "Who's defending?" act is one repeated here often. Its lame they cant even defend their own positions and dont even want to be associated with their own defenses.
no, I am exposing you as a liar, and a person that makes shit up. big difference.

I didn't lie about anything. Page is the one who lied before. Why you trust him when he said he flew halfway around the world on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to meet with the Deputy PM "for ten seconds" is beyond me.
sure you're lying, your posting statements he didn't make. I proved it from his testimony. you have a problem with it isn't my problem.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him.

Don't you think it's suspicious that you don't? I don't understand how you can make all these presumptions about Clinton and Obama's motivations, yet you can't when it comes to Page. What gives?

I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

You seem to have plenty of interest in him since you've been vigorously defending him on the grounds of ignorance. So something is interesting about this to you.
dude you can ask that question as many times as you like. I defend no man that I have no contact with. I merely look at the evidence. to which you have zip. so again, all I do is demonstrate your lies.

You're defending Page but not defending Page. OK, so I think what is happening is that your propaganda can't account for the changes in Page's story...so you're now running away from the whole thing rather than pose a thought as to why he went to Russia. This comes after you have no problem divining the intentions and motivations behind Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc.

So we know you have no problem making presumptions about people. But now you're stopping short when it comes to Page? Weird.

Thats what he does. He cant even fathom possibilities with Trump and his gang but he'll see child rape on a pizza menu.

His defense then asking "Who's defending?" act is one repeated here often. Its lame they cant even defend their own positions and dont even want to be associated with their own defenses.

It's what propagandists do when their propaganda runs out.
sure you're lying, your posting statements he didn't make. I proved it from his testimony. you have a problem with it isn't my problem.

What statements did I say Page made that he never made? We're looking at the same transcript.
dude you can ask that question as many times as you like. I defend no man that I have no contact with. I merely look at the evidence. to which you have zip. so again, all I do is demonstrate your lies.

You're defending Page but not defending Page. OK, so I think what is happening is that your propaganda can't account for the changes in Page's story...so you're now running away from the whole thing rather than pose a thought as to why he went to Russia. This comes after you have no problem divining the intentions and motivations behind Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc.

So we know you have no problem making presumptions about people. But now you're stopping short when it comes to Page? Weird.

Thats what he does. He cant even fathom possibilities with Trump and his gang but he'll see child rape on a pizza menu.

His defense then asking "Who's defending?" act is one repeated here often. Its lame they cant even defend their own positions and dont even want to be associated with their own defenses.
questions like:
"did you go to the store to buy beer?" No.
Did you go to the store? yes.

And to a left libturd that is called a lie and changing one's story. too funny. That is typical left turd tactics.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?

A paycheck. It's his job to be a propagandist.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?
to show who the liars are like you and drp.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him.

Don't you think it's suspicious that you don't? I don't understand how you can make all these presumptions about Clinton and Obama's motivations, yet you can't when it comes to Page. What gives?

I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

You seem to have plenty of interest in him since you've been vigorously defending him on the grounds of ignorance. So something is interesting about this to you.
so are you saying I'm some sort official person in finding liars? dude, this is a message board, relax Frances
sure you're lying, your posting statements he didn't make. I proved it from his testimony. you have a problem with it isn't my problem.

What statements did I say Page made that he never made? We're looking at the same transcript.
that he lied. he didn't, I posted his quotes that showed you made it up. unless you can prove he did something other than what he stated under oath, I got nothing more for you drp.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?

A paycheck. It's his job to be a propagandist.
thanks for the compliment.
why did you lie about hitlery not paying for the dossier?

I didn't lie. I said it doesn't fucking matter. You guys were the ones who commissioned it. What does it matter if she "paid for it"? Page is corroborating the dossier.

Wrong. Hillary paid for the dossier, Not republicans

Wrong on both. Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Fusion GPS paid for domestic open source research on several candidates, they had nothing to do with the dossier.


Fusion GPS paid for domestic open source research on several candidates, they had nothing to do with the dossier.

Not true. They contracted with Christopher Steele's firm, Orbis Business Intelligence to do the research. Only in that regard did Fusion GPS have nothing to do with it.

Boy did I screw up that post, let me clarify, the Free Beacon paid Fusion GPS for research from domestic open source, publicly available information, the Free Beacon did not pay for the dossier in any manner.

There was no "dossier" in the works until Fusion GPS was on Hillary's payroll, dumbass.

All of the research that went into the dossier was already being done. The dossier is just the compilation of that research. You know this, but are lying about it. Why? Because you're a propagandist.

Really, the Free Beacon stated that none of the information they were provided appeared in the dossier.

Taking 10 seconds to say "hi" is not a meeting, douchebag.

So you're confident that was all that happened? So then why did Page fly all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge if he only talked to the Deputy PM for "10 seconds"?

And why did Page deny he even flew to Russia in the first place?

He was scheduled to give a speech at a university, something he had done before.

Wrong, Hillary paid for it. A conservative publication paid Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, but the "dossier" wasn't started until Hillary started handing out the cash.

The research was already happening, Cruz paid for it. So now you're trying to do...what? Discredit the dossier based on...what?

Too bad for you Carter "loose lips" Page already confirmed parts of the dossier.

At this point, you all haven't proven anything in the dossier isn't true. You're playing defense by trying to gaslight the dossier.

We are wise to your propagandist attempts at subversion.

Page doesn't corroborate jack shit.

Oh yes he does. Even your own Daily Caller confirms it. So now at this point, you are searching for anything to use as a red herring to avoid having to admit that you've been bullshitting everyone this entire time. Haven't you?
dude, it's an open message board so you are allowed to post as many times you want about Carter Page, but I provided the comments he made and you have nothing. but hey, you keep posting he said he said, when really he didn't, and the transcript back that. We all know he didn't. The investigators know he didn't. so guess what you got? a nothing burger again. you sure like those.

Derp just posts as many lies as he can think up, and then he sees which one you fall for.
how do you know it was longer, he said it was ten seconds. prove it wasn't.again, you got fking nothing junior.

I don't know how long he spoke with the Deputy PM, but he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to do something. What was that something?
The campaign didn't ask him to go to Russia or pay for his trip. The campaign's responsibility is nil.
how do you know it was longer, he said it was ten seconds. prove it wasn't.again, you got fking nothing junior.

I don't know how long he spoke with the Deputy PM, but he flew to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge to do something. What was that something?
The campaign didn't ask him to go to Russia or pay for his trip. The campaign's responsibility is nil.
I get a kick like US citizens aren't allowed to fly to Russia. Funny are they different than going to London? Did he need to explain why he went to any other foreign land? Bri, I laugh quite a lot in here at the stupid that is this left team in here. oh, oh, oh, why did he do this and why did he do that, come on man you defend him. No we don't, we just catch them in their lies. but they are hilarious. Keep up the good fight.

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