We have to consider the possibility that top Republicans are compromised after Wilber Ross

I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?

I'm not convinced he's playing. That would require some planning and creativity. He displays neither.
I didn't lie. I said it doesn't fucking matter. You guys were the ones who commissioned it. What does it matter if she "paid for it"? Page is corroborating the dossier.

Wrong. Hillary paid for the dossier, Not republicans

Wrong on both. Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Fusion GPS paid for domestic open source research on several candidates, they had nothing to do with the dossier.


Fusion GPS paid for domestic open source research on several candidates, they had nothing to do with the dossier.

Not true. They contracted with Christopher Steele's firm, Orbis Business Intelligence to do the research. Only in that regard did Fusion GPS have nothing to do with it.

Boy did I screw up that post, let me clarify, the Free Beacon paid Fusion GPS for research from domestic open source, publicly available information, the Free Beacon did not pay for the dossier in any manner.


Bullshit. Post that up.
The dossier took at least five months to compile. We know it was given to the FBI in June and we also know that the Dems took over the funding of the effort in April.
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?

I'm not convinced he's playing. That would require some planning and creativity. He displays neither.
you couldn't be convinced of anything accept you are a parrot. Right Polly?
I did, I posted images of his statements from a PDF that you provided with his statements. that's a quote.

And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?

I'm not convinced he's playing. That would require some planning and creativity. He displays neither.
you couldn't be convinced of anything accept you are a parrot. Right Polly?

I'm convinced you truly are dumb.
And I took those statements and posed a question to you that you refuse to answer for obvious reasons.
cause I don't have to answer any questions about him. I don't know him. I have no interest in him. you do, go talk to him tape it and let's get the transcript. you think it will be different? LOL again, your user name is spot on.

What is in it for you to play dumb in regards to this issue?

I'm not convinced he's playing. That would require some planning and creativity. He displays neither.
you couldn't be convinced of anything accept you are a parrot. Right Polly?

I'm convinced you truly are dumb.
good for you. I care why?
The Russian lawyer he met with said he did. That's all we peons know so far.

Was that before of after her two meetings with Fusion GPS?


Huh? "Her" is....who? And if the answer to your question is something that you could Google yourself, then go look it up yourself and make your point.

Who were you talking about, the Russian lawyer. You do know she was working for Fusion GPS right, she met with them before and after the meeting with Jr. It was all a set up.

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down


"It was all a setup"

It would be courteous if you made a clear distinction between items relayed from an article, and things you literally just made up.

I gave you a link, deal with it. It seems Fusion GPS is buried ass deep in Russia.


You made up this: "it was aall a setup". That was a fantasy you created in your brain, then asserted as true, because you liked the sound of it. My pointing that out was me 'dealing with it". Pay attention!
The Russian lawyer he met with said he did. That's all we peons know so far.

Was that before of after her two meetings with Fusion GPS?


Huh? "Her" is....who? And if the answer to your question is something that you could Google yourself, then go look it up yourself and make your point.

Who were you talking about, the Russian lawyer. You do know she was working for Fusion GPS right, she met with them before and after the meeting with Jr. It was all a set up.

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down


Haha, what a piece of garbage that article is.

It demonstrates no meetings...only that the two people were in the same place at the same time. The headline is a lie.

Like Sessions and the Russian ambassador being at the same reception? What's good for the goose................

"Like Sessions and the Russian ambassador being at the same reception? "

No, not like that at all, and now I have to wonder how someone with so many strong opinions and assertions on this topic can be , at the same time, so completely underinformed on the same topic.

Sessions admit he met with him. Again, pay attention! read a newspaper!
Wrong. Hillary paid for the dossier, Not republicans

Wrong on both. Fusion GPS paid for the dossier.

Fusion GPS paid for domestic open source research on several candidates, they had nothing to do with the dossier.


Fusion GPS paid for domestic open source research on several candidates, they had nothing to do with the dossier.

Not true. They contracted with Christopher Steele's firm, Orbis Business Intelligence to do the research. Only in that regard did Fusion GPS have nothing to do with it.

Boy did I screw up that post, let me clarify, the Free Beacon paid Fusion GPS for research from domestic open source, publicly available information, the Free Beacon did not pay for the dossier in any manner.


Bullshit. Post that up.
The dossier took at least five months to compile. We know it was given to the FBI in June and we also know that the Dems took over the funding of the effort in April.

Who says it took 5 months to write? I could write a pile of unsubstantiated trash like that in a week, easy.
so are you saying I'm some sort official person in finding liars? dude, this is a message board, relax Frances

What I'm saying is that you seem to have no problem when it comes to presuming the motivations and intentions of every action Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc. take, yet you suddenly clam up when it comes to presuming the motivation and intention of Carter Page, who you are defending on this thread.

That's suspicious.
so are you saying I'm some sort official person in finding liars? dude, this is a message board, relax Frances

What I'm saying is that you seem to have no problem when it comes to presuming the motivations and intentions of every action Clinton, Obama, leftists, etc. take, yet you suddenly clam up when it comes to presuming the motivation and intention of Carter Page, who you are defending on this thread.

That's suspicious.
no I follow the evidence. I make no presumptions without a form of evidence. So as soon as you have evidence that Page actually did something come on back and debate. but until then his transcript is clear and you lied.
that he lied. he didn't,

Ah, but he did. What he said in the Congressional Testimony is different than what he's been saying in the press and in interviews, and what Trump said how his people had "no contact with Russia". For instance, he said for months that he never traveled to Russia, then he said he did but only as a personal trip, then in the testimony, he said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the knowledge of the campaign.

So why did he lie and say he never went to Russia? Why did he lie again and say he went to Russia but for personal business?

I posted his quotes that showed you made it up. unless you can prove he did something other than what he stated under oath, I got nothing more for you drp.

No, what you did was post the transcript but didn't bother to post any of the things he said before he testified.
because he could and had money to buy a ticket, I guess. Maybe it was part of a bucket list item.

Or it was done on behalf of the campaign. Which is what he said in his testimony. So why would he fly all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign to merely shake someone's hand?
He was scheduled to give a speech at a university, something he had done before..

But that's not what he said before. So this is a new change to the story. Before, he flat out denied he even went to Russia. Then he said he went there for personal reasons (possibly what you're referring to). Then he said this week that he went there on behalf of the campaign with the knowledge of the campaign.

So why did he lie and change his story so many times? And why did Trump say there was "no contact with Russia"? Clearly, there was. So why lie?
that he lied. he didn't,

Ah, but he did. What he said in the Congressional Testimony is different than what he's been saying in the press and in interviews, and what Trump said how his people had "no contact with Russia". For instance, he said for months that he never traveled to Russia, then he said he did but only as a personal trip, then in the testimony, he said he went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the knowledge of the campaign.

So why did he lie and say he never went to Russia? Why did he lie again and say he went to Russia but for personal business?

I posted his quotes that showed you made it up. unless you can prove he did something other than what he stated under oath, I got nothing more for you drp.

No, what you did was post the transcript but didn't bother to post any of the things he said before he testified.
anyone can say anything they want to the press. under oath it had better be the truth. I posted his statements and you don't have anything. you lie!
The campaign didn't ask him to go to Russia or pay for his trip. The campaign's responsibility is nil.

He went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the knowledge of the campaign. We know this because he admitted it.
because he could and had money to buy a ticket, I guess. Maybe it was part of a bucket list item.

Or it was done on behalf of the campaign. Which is what he said in his testimony. So why would he fly all the way to Russia on behalf of the campaign to merely shake someone's hand?
did they pay for his ticket? if not, then no he didn't. follow the money.
I get a kick like US citizens aren't allowed to fly to Russia. Funny are they different than going to London? Did he need to explain why he went to any other foreign land? Bri, I laugh quite a lot in here at the stupid that is this left team in here. oh, oh, oh, why did he do this and why did he do that, come on man you defend him. No we don't, we just catch them in their lies. but they are hilarious. Keep up the good fight.

It's not that he went to Russia, it's that he and Trump and their surrogates and defenders all lied about it.

So why did they all lie about it? Obviously because they're trying to hide something. Why else would they all lie?
no I follow the evidence.

No you're not. The evidence shows that Page was lying and thus Trump was lying about Page's contacts with Russia. Page went to Russia on behalf of the campaign with the campaign's knowledge for the purpose of meeting with Russian officials, which he did. So when Trump said no one in his campaign had contact with Russia, he was lying. People in his campaign did have contact with Russians. A lot of them. So why lie and say they didn't? Because he's trying to hide something.

make no presumptions without a form of evidence. So as soon as you have evidence that Page actually did something come on back and debate. but until then his transcript is clear and you lied.

You make presumptions without evidence all the time, now suddenly you're not? I wonder why...hmmmm...geee...
anyone can say anything they want to the press

So your defense is that we shouldn't take anybody truthfully when they speak to the press?

That's not a defense. Why would Page lie so many times, in so many different ways?

under oath it had better be the truth. I posted his statements and you don't have anything. you lie!

"It had better be the truth" - so if Page lies to the press, why would he be telling the truth to Congress?

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