We have to figure something out folks. 10 of the first 12 Prezes were slave owners. Jefferson luuved his. Winky Winky.

Persistence Of Memory

Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2019
What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
They were all evil, slave-owning bastards.

Thus, we need communism.

That's pretty much the bullshit argument.

What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
They were all evil, slave-owning bastards.

Thus, we need communism.

That's pretty much the bullshit argument.

..and every president up to Lincoln failed to stop it. GUILTY AS HELL!!!
What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
Well, whats the big deal "Urban Dweller," the democratic party, which you obviously toe suck, was the party of slavery, and are you ready, it still is! Didn't you know that you ain't black if you vote against them, and 96% of all voting blacks do just that, chained to democrats just as firmly today, as in 1864! Check fucking mate! :fu:
What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
They were all evil, slave-owning bastards.

Thus, we need communism.

That's pretty much the bullshit argument.

..and every president up to Lincoln failed to stop it. GUILTY AS HELL!!!
Except Jefferson, who ended the international slave trade.

What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.

America really need to chuck Jefferson's statue into the Tidal Basis, and chop down the Washington Monument.

And they rename the City of Washington for a tremendous George, George Floyd, and rename the District of Columbia as well. Floyd, DIP (District of Indigenous Peoples) should be the new name.
What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
Well, whats the big deal "Urban Dweller," the democratic party, which you obviously toe suck, was the party of slavery, and are you ready, it still is! Didn't you know that you ain't black if you vote against them, and 96% of all voting blacks do just that, chained to democrats just as firmly today, as in 1864! Check fucking mate! :fu:
Black unemployment was 0.00% in 1864 don't forget.
Washington freed all his slaves when he died.

Yep, so it's just all the OTHER lefty loons that want to take down his statues.
You have left-wing and right-wing extremists. All the liberals I know do not want any statues of the founding fathers taken down.

Yup, just ALL the OTHERS....except me....and my buddies.

You have to post a video from a Russian propaganda network to support your position? That is quite sad. As I said there are extremists on all sides.
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What the hell we going to do about this??

Only the, "My shit does not stink" Adams family didn't.

I forgot which one, but one of these men freed all his slaves, when they expired. Swear to God.
Yeah, and before that the King Of England brought slaves over in wooden ships. Before that, he brought over white and black indentured servants who could work their way to freedom and property, but one fucking freeman decided that he wanted to keep his negro's as slaves, because they were his property.

Thanks to Anthony Johnson, the man who made slavery legal in the colonies.


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