We have to find a phrase, or word, to induce panic and fear.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
One of those who over the last two or three decades almost always gives me a good laugh is Professor George Lakoff. He briefly had a time in the spotlight as he tried to scare people away from voting for Republicans by trying to use his theories that Republicans were just better at phrasing things. That was always funny to me, while explaining that Republicans were idiots, he would then explain how brilliant Republicans were in finding descriptive terms and phrases for things. The famous Death Panels for health care comes to mind.

George Lakoff apparently has graduated a number of students who honestly believe that the reason people are not excited about this or that, is the lack of a great phrase. This article talks about how they must find a way to describe Air Pollution in such a way as to frighten people into doing what the crusaders want.

Pandemic? Silent killer? We may need to talk differently about air pollution.

Now, only in our modern era would people talk about how they are trying to mess with your emotions, and emotional response, and not be strung up. We have to make you feel it is the most important thing, and any way we can manipulate your emotions is fine because our cause is just.

The problem my friends is this. Everyone is running around trying to cause panic and fear to drive people away from whatever it is they don’t like. Border wall folks are trying to scare you with stories of criminal illegal aliens. The left is trying to scare you with doom and gloom stories of Trump becoming the Man in the High Castle. Environmentalists, Religious, everyone is trying to scare you.

Think about that next time you read warnings from someone who is trying to get you to support his ideals or program.


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