we have to reopen the economy.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
i've heard and understand both sides of the argument when it comes to keeping the shutdown in place and the other side that says we need to reopen .... i can see why people believe we need to continue the lockdown indefinitely and i was leaning to that side of the argument for a while.... but with info coming out that because of the world wide shutdowns that millions in countries all over the world and maybe even in our own country if the economy collapses will face hunger and starvation [ and thats just the tip of the iceberg] ! add that to info coming out about how contagious this virus is [maybe the most contagious the world has ever seen !] it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable! and even though both sides of the political spectrum say that their side is or would have done a better job fighting the virus in realty i dont think anyone could do much to stop the spread of this sci fy like contagion ! so the question is are we just prolonging the inevitable by continuing the shut down and are we risking the destruction of our and the rest of the worlds economies for trying to stop the spread of something that cant be stopped ?folks believe me when i say i'm being serious !because we know that sadly reopening the economy may result in the deaths of many but do we have time to wait it out ? will the world be thrown into chaos in that waiting period causing the deaths of millions maybe billions ? or is it time to bite the bullet and reopen and at the same time try protect our most vulnerable until this thing passes ...if it passes .....and lets be real for a second here there i no way we are anywhere near [this country or any other country] to testing everyone in our population ! the question is can we wait ? and if this virus is as contagious as they are starting to find does it matter in the end ? its a tough decision and i dont envy anyone that has to make that decision ! the world is hurting folks and maybe that cant be prevented but is it possible that we may be making it worse not just in the US but all around the world by trying to hide from it ? as sad as the fact that many have already died and will continue to die will a global collapse and mass starvation, the breakdown of social order other illnesses not being properly cared for do to social and economic collapse on a world wide scale [a modern dark ages] be much much worse ? it would be nice if we could stay shut down for months and months until we get a cure or it goes away [if it goes away] on its own but in reality time is not on our side ! every day the world stays shut down we are getting closer to the collapse of society due to economic pain ......maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may be .
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i've heard and understand both sides of the argument when it comes to keeping the shutdown in place and the other side that says we need to reopen .... i can see why people believe we need to continue the lockdown indefinitely and i was leaning to that side of the argument for a while.... but with info coming out that because of the world wide shutdowns that millions in countries all over the world and maybe even in our own country if the economy collapses will face hunger and starvation [ and thats just the tip of the iceberg] ! add that to info coming out about how contagious this virus is [maybe the most contagious the world has ever seen !] it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable! and even though both sides of the political spectrum say that their side is or would have done a better job fighting the virus in realty i dont think anyone could do much to stop the spread of this sci fy like contagion ! so the question is are we just prolonging the inevitable by continuing the shut down and are we risking the destruction of our and the rest of the worlds economies for trying to stop the spread of something that cant be stopped ?folks believe me when i say i'm being serious !because we know that sadly reopening the economy may result in the deaths of many but do we have time to wait it out ? will the world be thrown into chaos in that waiting period causing the deaths of millions maybe billions ? or is it time to bite the bullet and reopen and at the same time try protect our most vulnerable until this thing passes ...if it passes .....and lets be real for a second here there i no way we are anywhere near [this country or any other country] to testing everyone in our population ! the question is can we wait ? and if this virus is as contagious as they are starting to find does it matter in the end ? its a tough decision and i dont envy anyone that has to make that decision ! the world is hurting folks and maybe that cant be prevented but is it possible that we may be making it worse not just in the US but all around the world by trying to hide from it ? as sad as the fact that many have already died and will continue to die will a global collapse and mass starvation, the breakdown of social order other illnesses not being properly cared for do to social and economic collapse on a world wide scale [a modern dark ages] be much much worse ? it would be nice if we could stay shut down for months and months until we get a cure or it goes away [if it goes away] on its own but in reality time is not on our side ! every day the world stays shut down we are getting closer to the collapse of society due to economic pain ......maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may be .

Wow, 6 weeks is a lifetime:

Here is what YOU said back in March:

"i predict that Trumps streamlining of the process and cooperation with the private sector instead of relying on mainly gov agencies will be seen as a brilliant strategy ! social distancing daily educational news briefings to educate the public [something we did not see during the last administration ] telling us how to reduce infection and how to avoid infecting others if you suspect you are infected [personal responsibility] will not only stop the covid 19 spread but it may set a new standard for disease and influenza measures ! thats right the steps taken by Americans may save 100s of thousands of lives during the regular flu seasons in the future ! and the Trump administration will be even stronger now that we have slowed infection ! "

Its funny you sang the blob's praises after he stated on 3/10 that he didn't know people died from the flu.

Anyway, it's gone from the blob stopping the spread to "it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable!". I guess any person who is honest would admit the blob failed yet again. But of course...you won't.
Money obviously means more to the "pro lifers" than life itself!!!!
Money has to be earned in order for lives to be lived. We here in the states may be the freest country on the planet, but sadly still not everything is going to be handed to a person like I'm sure that everyone on this planet wishes that everything would be handed out.

God bless you always!!!

i've heard and understand both sides of the argument when it comes to keeping the shutdown in place and the other side that says we need to reopen .... i can see why people believe we need to continue the lockdown indefinitely and i was leaning to that side of the argument for a while.... but with info coming out that because of the world wide shutdowns that millions in countries all over the world and maybe even in our own country if the economy collapses will face hunger and starvation [ and thats just the tip of the iceberg] ! add that to info coming out about how contagious this virus is [maybe the most contagious the world has ever seen !] it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable! and even though both sides of the political spectrum say that their side is or would have done a better job fighting the virus in realty i dont think anyone could do much to stop the spread of this sci fy like contagion ! so the question is are we just prolonging the inevitable by continuing the shut down and are we risking the destruction of our and the rest of the worlds economies for trying to stop the spread of something that cant be stopped ?folks believe me when i say i'm being serious !because we know that sadly reopening the economy may result in the deaths of many but do we have time to wait it out ? will the world be thrown into chaos in that waiting period causing the deaths of millions maybe billions ? or is it time to bite the bullet and reopen and at the same time try protect our most vulnerable until this thing passes ...if it passes .....and lets be real for a second here there i no way we are anywhere near [this country or any other country] to testing everyone in our population ! the question is can we wait ? and if this virus is as contagious as they are starting to find does it matter in the end ? its a tough decision and i dont envy anyone that has to make that decision ! the world is hurting folks and maybe that cant be prevented but is it possible that we may be making it worse not just in the US but all around the world by trying to hide from it ? as sad as the fact that many have already died and will continue to die will a global collapse and mass starvation, the breakdown of social order other illnesses not being properly cared for do to social and economic collapse on a world wide scale [a modern dark ages] be much much worse ? it would be nice if we could stay shut down for months and months until we get a cure or it goes away [if it goes away] on its own but in reality time is not on our side ! every day the world stays shut down we are getting closer to the collapse of society due to economic pain ......maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may be .

Wow, 6 weeks is a lifetime:

Here is what YOU said back in March:

"i predict that Trumps streamlining of the process and cooperation with the private sector instead of relying on mainly gov agencies will be seen as a brilliant strategy ! social distancing daily educational news briefings to educate the public [something we did not see during the last administration ] telling us how to reduce infection and how to avoid infecting others if you suspect you are infected [personal responsibility] will not only stop the covid 19 spread but it may set a new standard for disease and influenza measures ! thats right the steps taken by Americans may save 100s of thousands of lives during the regular flu seasons in the future ! and the Trump administration will be even stronger now that we have slowed infection ! "

Its funny you sang the blob's praises after he stated on 3/10 that he didn't know people died from the flu.

Anyway, it's gone from the blob stopping the spread to "it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable!". I guess any person who is honest would admit the blob failed yet again. But of course...you won't.
is it Trumps fault that the virus is ravaging Italy Spain and over 100 other countries around the world . and your vile and evil chicom propaganda just may work and prevent Trump from being reelected faggot! but remember this you weak sick pussy ass piece of treasonous cowardly dog shit you have to live in this world too ! and trust me bitch you cannot will not do well in an apocalyptic world !you see you are a weakling therefore you will be easy pickings for those who want to take what you have in a dog eat dog world !
i've heard and understand both sides of the argument when it comes to keeping the shutdown in place and the other side that says we need to reopen .... i can see why people believe we need to continue the lockdown indefinitely and i was leaning to that side of the argument for a while.... but with info coming out that because of the world wide shutdowns that millions in countries all over the world and maybe even in our own country if the economy collapses will face hunger and starvation [ and thats just the tip of the iceberg] ! add that to info coming out about how contagious this virus is [maybe the most contagious the world has ever seen !] it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable! and even though both sides of the political spectrum say that their side is or would have done a better job fighting the virus in realty i dont think anyone could do much to stop the spread of this sci fy like contagion ! so the question is are we just prolonging the inevitable by continuing the shut down and are we risking the destruction of our and the rest of the worlds economies for trying to stop the spread of something that cant be stopped ?folks believe me when i say i'm being serious !because we know that sadly reopening the economy may result in the deaths of many but do we have time to wait it out ? will the world be thrown into chaos in that waiting period causing the deaths of millions maybe billions ? or is it time to bite the bullet and reopen and at the same time try protect our most vulnerable until this thing passes ...if it passes .....and lets be real for a second here there i no way we are anywhere near [this country or any other country] to testing everyone in our population ! the question is can we wait ? and if this virus is as contagious as they are starting to find does it matter in the end ? its a tough decision and i dont envy anyone that has to make that decision ! the world is hurting folks and maybe that cant be prevented but is it possible that we may be making it worse not just in the US but all around the world by trying to hide from it ? as sad as the fact that many have already died and will continue to die will a global collapse and mass starvation, the breakdown of social order other illnesses not being properly cared for do to social and economic collapse on a world wide scale [a modern dark ages] be much much worse ? it would be nice if we could stay shut down for months and months until we get a cure or it goes away [if it goes away] on its own but in reality time is not on our side ! every day the world stays shut down we are getting closer to the collapse of society due to economic pain ......maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may be .

Wow, 6 weeks is a lifetime:

Here is what YOU said back in March:

"i predict that Trumps streamlining of the process and cooperation with the private sector instead of relying on mainly gov agencies will be seen as a brilliant strategy ! social distancing daily educational news briefings to educate the public [something we did not see during the last administration ] telling us how to reduce infection and how to avoid infecting others if you suspect you are infected [personal responsibility] will not only stop the covid 19 spread but it may set a new standard for disease and influenza measures ! thats right the steps taken by Americans may save 100s of thousands of lives during the regular flu seasons in the future ! and the Trump administration will be even stronger now that we have slowed infection ! "

Its funny you sang the blob's praises after he stated on 3/10 that he didn't know people died from the flu.

Anyway, it's gone from the blob stopping the spread to "it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable!". I guess any person who is honest would admit the blob failed yet again. But of course...you won't.
the Truth of the matter is your evil communist allies and their bought and paid for WHO lied to the world and withheld info traitor ! bidens pals the chicoms are responsible for the pandemic killing thousands across the world ! we nor anyone else have ever seen anything like this ! there is no way to prepare for something never seen before traitor ! things change as we gather info about the virus that biden and the lefts pals the chicoms have been keeping from the world ! so facts change traitor ! the truth of the matter is this and yes i'm going to say it ...you and your leftwing party are very very happy the pandemic is happening ! just look at how giddy the left is on msm and leaders like the vile pelosi have been as people die ! you are a coward a communist and a traitor and you and your party should be treated as enemies of the United States of America !
maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may
right now, herd immunity looks like it is going to work out well for Sweden

yes, they have 700 or 800 more deaths than Denmark or Norway, but that number is statistically insignificant for a country of 10 million

we will really know in a few months, but the early results and numbers are encouraging

we should all be pulling for things to go well in GA, TN, TX and other states th bat are phasing in openings

great post, but damn what a well of text..

i've heard and understand both sides of the argument when it comes to keeping the shutdown in place and the other side that says we need to reopen .... i can see why people believe we need to continue the lockdown indefinitely and i was leaning to that side of the argument for a while.... but with info coming out that because of the world wide shutdowns that millions in countries all over the world and maybe even in our own country if the economy collapses will face hunger and starvation [ and thats just the tip of the iceberg] ! add that to info coming out about how contagious this virus is [maybe the most contagious the world has ever seen !] it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable! and even though both sides of the political spectrum say that their side is or would have done a better job fighting the virus in realty i dont think anyone could do much to stop the spread of this sci fy like contagion ! so the question is are we just prolonging the inevitable by continuing the shut down and are we risking the destruction of our and the rest of the worlds economies for trying to stop the spread of something that cant be stopped ?folks believe me when i say i'm being serious !because we know that sadly reopening the economy may result in the deaths of many but do we have time to wait it out ? will the world be thrown into chaos in that waiting period causing the deaths of millions maybe billions ? or is it time to bite the bullet and reopen and at the same time try protect our most vulnerable until this thing passes ...if it passes .....and lets be real for a second here there i no way we are anywhere near [this country or any other country] to testing everyone in our population ! the question is can we wait ? and if this virus is as contagious as they are starting to find does it matter in the end ? its a tough decision and i dont envy anyone that has to make that decision ! the world is hurting folks and maybe that cant be prevented but is it possible that we may be making it worse not just in the US but all around the world by trying to hide from it ? as sad as the fact that many have already died and will continue to die will a global collapse and mass starvation, the breakdown of social order other illnesses not being properly cared for do to social and economic collapse on a world wide scale [a modern dark ages] be much much worse ? it would be nice if we could stay shut down for months and months until we get a cure or it goes away [if it goes away] on its own but in reality time is not on our side ! every day the world stays shut down we are getting closer to the collapse of society due to economic pain ......maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may be .

Wow, 6 weeks is a lifetime:

Here is what YOU said back in March:

"i predict that Trumps streamlining of the process and cooperation with the private sector instead of relying on mainly gov agencies will be seen as a brilliant strategy ! social distancing daily educational news briefings to educate the public [something we did not see during the last administration ] telling us how to reduce infection and how to avoid infecting others if you suspect you are infected [personal responsibility] will not only stop the covid 19 spread but it may set a new standard for disease and influenza measures ! thats right the steps taken by Americans may save 100s of thousands of lives during the regular flu seasons in the future ! and the Trump administration will be even stronger now that we have slowed infection ! "

Its funny you sang the blob's praises after he stated on 3/10 that he didn't know people died from the flu.

Anyway, it's gone from the blob stopping the spread to "it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable!". I guess any person who is honest would admit the blob failed yet again. But of course...you won't.
is it Trumps fault that the virus is ravaging Italy Spain and over 100 other countries around the world . and your vile and evil chicom propaganda just may work and prevent Trump from being reelected faggot! but remember this you weak sick pussy ass piece of treasonous cowardly dog shit you have to live in this world too ! and trust me bitch you cannot will not do well in an apocalyptic world !you see you are a weakling therefore you will be easy pickings for those who want to take what you have in a dog eat dog world !

Its your blob's fault for not addressing the pandemic, calling it a hoax, downplaying it's severity, and botching the response in the US.

As for the rest of your posts...first you said the blob would stop the spread...now you say it's out of control. You are saying the blob failed; right?
i've heard and understand both sides of the argument when it comes to keeping the shutdown in place and the other side that says we need to reopen .... i can see why people believe we need to continue the lockdown indefinitely and i was leaning to that side of the argument for a while.... but with info coming out that because of the world wide shutdowns that millions in countries all over the world and maybe even in our own country if the economy collapses will face hunger and starvation [ and thats just the tip of the iceberg] ! add that to info coming out about how contagious this virus is [maybe the most contagious the world has ever seen !] it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable! and even though both sides of the political spectrum say that their side is or would have done a better job fighting the virus in realty i dont think anyone could do much to stop the spread of this sci fy like contagion ! so the question is are we just prolonging the inevitable by continuing the shut down and are we risking the destruction of our and the rest of the worlds economies for trying to stop the spread of something that cant be stopped ?folks believe me when i say i'm being serious !because we know that sadly reopening the economy may result in the deaths of many but do we have time to wait it out ? will the world be thrown into chaos in that waiting period causing the deaths of millions maybe billions ? or is it time to bite the bullet and reopen and at the same time try protect our most vulnerable until this thing passes ...if it passes .....and lets be real for a second here there i no way we are anywhere near [this country or any other country] to testing everyone in our population ! the question is can we wait ? and if this virus is as contagious as they are starting to find does it matter in the end ? its a tough decision and i dont envy anyone that has to make that decision ! the world is hurting folks and maybe that cant be prevented but is it possible that we may be making it worse not just in the US but all around the world by trying to hide from it ? as sad as the fact that many have already died and will continue to die will a global collapse and mass starvation, the breakdown of social order other illnesses not being properly cared for do to social and economic collapse on a world wide scale [a modern dark ages] be much much worse ? it would be nice if we could stay shut down for months and months until we get a cure or it goes away [if it goes away] on its own but in reality time is not on our side ! every day the world stays shut down we are getting closer to the collapse of society due to economic pain ......maybe and i know it sounds harsh but maybe the only answer is herd immunity no matter how painful that may be .

Wow, 6 weeks is a lifetime:

Here is what YOU said back in March:

"i predict that Trumps streamlining of the process and cooperation with the private sector instead of relying on mainly gov agencies will be seen as a brilliant strategy ! social distancing daily educational news briefings to educate the public [something we did not see during the last administration ] telling us how to reduce infection and how to avoid infecting others if you suspect you are infected [personal responsibility] will not only stop the covid 19 spread but it may set a new standard for disease and influenza measures ! thats right the steps taken by Americans may save 100s of thousands of lives during the regular flu seasons in the future ! and the Trump administration will be even stronger now that we have slowed infection ! "

Its funny you sang the blob's praises after he stated on 3/10 that he didn't know people died from the flu.

Anyway, it's gone from the blob stopping the spread to "it may be time to accept the fact that it is truly uncontainable!". I guess any person who is honest would admit the blob failed yet again. But of course...you won't.
the Truth of the matter is your evil communist allies and their bought and paid for WHO lied to the world and withheld info traitor ! bidens pals the chicoms are responsible for the pandemic killing thousands across the world ! we nor anyone else have ever seen anything like this ! there is no way to prepare for something never seen before traitor ! things change as we gather info about the virus that biden and the lefts pals the chicoms have been keeping from the world ! so facts change traitor ! the truth of the matter is this and yes i'm going to say it ...you and your leftwing party are very very happy the pandemic is happening ! just look at how giddy the left is on msm and leaders like the vile pelosi have been as people die ! you are a coward a communist and a traitor and you and your party should be treated as enemies of the United States of America !


I guess it is true...you get paid what, $0.05 per "chicom" right?

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