We know Lefties hate Russian interference, how about Big Tech / Social Media election interference..are you okay with that?

Easy there sheep.....They are companies primarily based in America with global employees, global shareholders, global users and global interests.
Don't dumb yourself down...that's what Leftarded fools do.
You're stretching beyond reason.
Easy there sheep.....They are companies primarily based in America with global employees, global shareholders, global users and global interests.
Don't dumb yourself down...that's what Leftarded fools do.
You're stretching beyond reason.
I simply made an elementary point....A human being standing on U.S. soil is not necessarily a U.S. citizen looking out for U.S. interests and a company based in the U.S. is not necessarily an "American company" looking out for America's interests.
These companies are headed by and funded by globalists working a globalist agenda. Why wouldn't they? Don't be naïve.
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.

You keep repeating that while plenty of evidence has been presented.

Just because you don't consider it evidence, as you won't consider anything evidence, doesn't mean it's not evidence.
Then why was it all thrown out of court so far? Not just my opinion.
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.

You keep repeating that while plenty of evidence has been presented.

Just because you don't consider it evidence, as you won't consider anything evidence, doesn't mean it's not evidence.
Then why was it all thrown out of court so far? Not just my opinion.

Not because lack of evidence. This you could have determined by simply READING why SOME cases are thrown out. Trump has also won others, what is the explanation for that?
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.

You keep repeating that while plenty of evidence has been presented.

Just because you don't consider it evidence, as you won't consider anything evidence, doesn't mean it's not evidence.
Then why was it all thrown out of court so far? Not just my opinion.

Not because lack of evidence. This you could have determined by simply READING why SOME cases are thrown out. Trump has also won others, what is the explanation for that?

Trump and his allies have won zero out of the 22 lawsuits they've filed since Election Day
I’m curious to know if election interference in general is what bothers them or if it’s and issue of who / what interferes and how said inference changes the end result.
It would not be a problem if right wingers were not so, true witness bearing challenged especially with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge. Job 34:30 applies.

How about an Infotainment category?
Last edited:
I’m curious to know if election interference in general is what bothers them or if it’s and issue of who / what interferes and how said inference changes the end result.
American citizens expressing opinions isn't "interference".

I mean seriously, can you really not understand the difference here?
I'm gonna take that as an unqualified "yes" and out you in the "too dumb to bother with" column for a while.

Have a nice day.
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.

You keep repeating that while plenty of evidence has been presented.

Just because you don't consider it evidence, as you won't consider anything evidence, doesn't mean it's not evidence.
Then why was it all thrown out of court so far? Not just my opinion.

Not because lack of evidence. This you could have determined by simply READING why SOME cases are thrown out. Trump has also won others, what is the explanation for that?

Trump and his allies have won zero out of the 22 lawsuits they've filed since Election Day
They lost another court case today.
Which social media company isn't an American company? Twitter, Facebook, Google, those are all American companies.

Like hell they are.

They're global corporations doing the best they can to promote progressive causes. They can see the writing on the wall. The workers of the world are sick and tired of suffering in the sweat shops and toxic environments US Corporations have established in their countries. The workers in the US are tired of being abused by banks and billionaires and that's why we're aggressively protesting in places like Seattle. Twitter, Facebook, and Google are doing great things in China and once we have fully purged the capitalists from control of the political process in the US, we can finally create a global government that does not allow US corporations to exploit the billions of people who toil under inhumane conditions to make shitty clothing and toys for spoiled americans.
Tech and the MSM actually kept Biden in the race. Cheating won it for him. Russia did nothing compared to how our own media tried to rig this past election. Time to switch to OAN and Parler for an accurate picture.
Could not have said it better. :up:
Tech and the MSM actually kept Biden in the race. Cheating won it for him. Russia did nothing compared to how our own media tried to rig this past election. Time to switch to OAN and Parler for an accurate picture.
Every person here should subscribe to american free press.
I'll check that out.
I hope you do,anytime I mention that even the awake people never comment about it,it just goes over their heads, the proof is in the pudding it exposes government corruption and tells what’s really going on.there is one shill from Langley that posts here who has never been able to open his mouth up without lying who says they are liars so it’s obviously spot on. :biggrin:
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.

You keep repeating that while plenty of evidence has been presented.

Just because you don't consider it evidence, as you won't consider anything evidence, doesn't mean it's not evidence.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: That describes the mindset of all Biden fans.
I’m curious to know if election interference in general is what bothers them or if it’s and issue of who / what interferes and how said inference changes the end result.

Nazis like yourself want to co-opt business and subjugate them to the state's needs.

That's a core tenant of Nazism/fascism
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.

You keep repeating that while plenty of evidence has been presented.

Just because you don't consider it evidence, as you won't consider anything evidence, doesn't mean it's not evidence.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: That describes the mindset of all Biden fans.
Not a fan of Biden either. Please try again. :biggrin:
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.
You made me think about the concept of evidence and realized that 99% of cases where a verdict is agreed is due to rather weak links between the evidence that infers that something occurred and the evidence, usually lacking, that a particular person or group committed the act that resulted in a trial.

The old adage of Beyond The Shadow Of a Doubt does not apply in the real world...
The Columbo, or CSI, effect has influenced people to believe that there must be solid evidence to convince a jury or jurist.
This is, in reality not the legal threshold.
The threshold is Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
93+% of law suits are settled out of court because no one wants to spend the money, even when the claimant will eventually win because the expense is not worth the time and money.

If you watch real life criminal shows that drag you through the actual cases that result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, 99+% of them do not have solid evidence to back up the penalty...
The Jury and Jurist decide upon the outcome via the legal mechanism of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

The events and results of Election night go way beyond the threshold of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.
You made me think about the concept of evidence and realized that 99% of cases where a verdict is agreed is due to rather weak links between the evidence that infers that something occurred and the evidence, usually lacking, that a particular person or group committed the act that resulted in a trial.

The old adage of Beyond The Shadow Of a Doubt does not apply in the real world...
The Columbo, or CSI, effect has influenced people to believe that there must be solid evidence to convince a jury or jurist.
This is, in reality not the legal threshold.
The threshold is Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
93+% of law suits are settled out of court because no one wants to spend the money, even when the claimant will eventually win because the expense is not worth the time and money.

If you watch real life criminal shows that drag you through the actual cases that result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, 99+% of them do not have solid evidence to back up the penalty...
The Jury and Jurist decide upon the outcome via the legal mechanism of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

The events and results of Election night go way beyond the threshold of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
Except that no one ever shows any solid proof. What y'all waiting for to present some?
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.
You made me think about the concept of evidence and realized that 99% of cases where a verdict is agreed is due to rather weak links between the evidence that infers that something occurred and the evidence, usually lacking, that a particular person or group committed the act that resulted in a trial.

The old adage of Beyond The Shadow Of a Doubt does not apply in the real world...
The Columbo, or CSI, effect has influenced people to believe that there must be solid evidence to convince a jury or jurist.
This is, in reality not the legal threshold.
The threshold is Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
93+% of law suits are settled out of court because no one wants to spend the money, even when the claimant will eventually win because the expense is not worth the time and money.

If you watch real life criminal shows that drag you through the actual cases that result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, 99+% of them do not have solid evidence to back up the penalty...
The Jury and Jurist decide upon the outcome via the legal mechanism of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

The events and results of Election night go way beyond the threshold of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
Except that no one ever shows any solid proof. What y'all waiting for to present some?

Back to the "no evidence", after mountains of evidence presented.
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.
You made me think about the concept of evidence and realized that 99% of cases where a verdict is agreed is due to rather weak links between the evidence that infers that something occurred and the evidence, usually lacking, that a particular person or group committed the act that resulted in a trial.

The old adage of Beyond The Shadow Of a Doubt does not apply in the real world...
The Columbo, or CSI, effect has influenced people to believe that there must be solid evidence to convince a jury or jurist.
This is, in reality not the legal threshold.
The threshold is Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
93+% of law suits are settled out of court because no one wants to spend the money, even when the claimant will eventually win because the expense is not worth the time and money.

If you watch real life criminal shows that drag you through the actual cases that result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, 99+% of them do not have solid evidence to back up the penalty...
The Jury and Jurist decide upon the outcome via the legal mechanism of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

The events and results of Election night go way beyond the threshold of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
Except that no one ever shows any solid proof. What y'all waiting for to present some?

Back to the "no evidence", after mountains of evidence presented.
Then why has everything been thrown out of court, even by judges that Trump appointed.
I love all the butthurt after 4 years of being obnoxious about everything. :woohoo:
Being pro-US is obnoxious?
No, Trump has been obnoxious about pretty much everything the last 4 years.

Successful is the word you look for.
Yes, some success, and I agreed with some of his policies, but he was just way too obnoxious as a person, otherwise he might have had a second term.
Everyone always knew who they were voting for and the current election results are still up in the air.
Trump lost, and he knows it. Claimed fraud again yesterday but with no proof, just fartsmoke.
The "victories" are statistically impossible.
Even in the Blueist areas in NYS, no one party gets over 95% of the vote; it just never happens.
Except no one has real proof of that.
The "victories" are impossible.
Except nobody has any real proof, just a lot of fartsmoke and butthurt.
Just like GW's Housing Bubble...
No evidence but it happened.
Plenty of evidence for the housing bubble. For election fraud, nothing concrete so far.
See Post #42.
SCOTUS will decide.
Just cuz Trump stacked SCOTUS in his favour, doesn't mean that they'll support any nonsense whatsoever. So far, there's been NO solid evidence. And even you know that.
You made me think about the concept of evidence and realized that 99% of cases where a verdict is agreed is due to rather weak links between the evidence that infers that something occurred and the evidence, usually lacking, that a particular person or group committed the act that resulted in a trial.

The old adage of Beyond The Shadow Of a Doubt does not apply in the real world...
The Columbo, or CSI, effect has influenced people to believe that there must be solid evidence to convince a jury or jurist.
This is, in reality not the legal threshold.
The threshold is Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
93+% of law suits are settled out of court because no one wants to spend the money, even when the claimant will eventually win because the expense is not worth the time and money.

If you watch real life criminal shows that drag you through the actual cases that result in life imprisonment or the death penalty, 99+% of them do not have solid evidence to back up the penalty...
The Jury and Jurist decide upon the outcome via the legal mechanism of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

The events and results of Election night go way beyond the threshold of Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
Except that no one ever shows any solid proof. What y'all waiting for to present some?

Back to the "no evidence", after mountains of evidence presented.
Then why has everything been thrown out of court, even by judges that Trump appointed.
Number 1...These judges, unlike the SCOTUS, do not have lifetime jobs.
Number 2...They are scared shitless. I personally would not want to need Secret Service agent surrounding me for the rest of my life.
Judges, by the way, are part of the political machine and attend Party meetings.
They are told how to judge cases and which cases to put at the bottom of the docket.
Keep in mind that judges also need to pay bills and can't afford to lose their jobs.

I've seen shit you wouldn't believe and it's depressing, regardless of party affiliation.

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