We know what happened with Paul Pelosi

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Watch yourselves for falling into this trap. Your propagandists cannot survive without that shit. They depend on you not ever thinking critically or having an independent thought.

For god's sake, people.

God bless. Good night.
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Watch yourselves for falling into this trap. Your propagandists cannot survive without that shit. They depend on you not ever thinking critically or having an independent thought.

For god's sake, people.

God bless. Good night.
Did the feds contradict the local police or not?

You chose to believe Biden's Justice Dept
Maybe the cops who responded were hand-picked. Maybe they were familiar with Big Paul's freak. It could be that the IA just lost it during one of his and Paul's games, taking the 'cover up' cops by surprise.
I've never seen that site before.

You see, I have a working brain long trained in critical thinking skills as a longtime member of a skeptics society.

So I have that going for me.

Seriously. You need to read this whole topic. I've had a ton of fun blasting holes in this idiotic homoerotic hoax you all fell for.
Politically charged topic such as this one tend to make people jump to conclusions. While you and I do not share the same outlook politically I certainly cannot argue with your penchant for checking the facts and neither should anyone else be arguing with it.

I would posit that in this case the overreaction to the Pelosi drama was well nurtured by many years of having the full left-wing fact-free attack mode on display taken to levels of perfection beyond my wildest dreams. Having said that critical thinking has no politics and should always be applied.

No drunk DUI person takes a Jail Photo looking like he is ready to go out for an event.
Somehow police opening the door fits into the Democratic narrative of Paul as victim of a deranged MAGA guy
again, they can't carry the narrative though, It was reported the doors were locked? Who gave the cops the key to come in?
Imagine hating a political person so much that you take delight in their spouse being beaten nearly to death.

What a sad state the grand ol' party has sunk to.
why did depape wait until police came in?

let's just look at the body cam video huh? Let's see who's right? You know you'd lose.

Can't bullshit a bullshitter asswipe.
Politically charged topic such as this one tend to make people jump to conclusions. While you and I do not share the same outlook politically I certainly cannot argue with your penchant for checking the facts and neither should anyone else be arguing with it.

I would posit that in this case the overreaction to the Pelosi drama was well nurtured by many years of having the full left-wing fact-free attack mode on display taken to levels of perfection beyond my wildest dreams. Having said that critical thinking has no politics and should always be applied.

it's actually quite simple, the cops filed a report, they reported they were let in by peloser. Peloser wasn't injured and did not ask for help when they walked in, it was after the cops got in that supposedly hammer time occurred. NBC reported that on day one. Why would they lie? Why would local cops lie? Paul Peloser is not JFK and we don't need to seal his encounter like JFK unless......................................... there's something to see. Agree?
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Why? - It's the private life of private citizens that should remain private if they wish.

Even better to allow you conspiracy nut-jobs to implicate yourselves as such. Then have the option to smash the fact pie in your face if politically necessary later.
Then they should have said so in the beginning: "My husband was injured as a part of our private lives that we wish to remain private. We will avoid answering any questions about what happened, and we have asked police to do the same."

If the police complied, that would be some Democrat Privilege because San Fran police release body cam footage in other cases. I know if I had a gay prostitute in my house who hit me on the head with a hammer, I wouldn't want anyone to know about it. But I don't have Democrat Privilege, so it would make the news, me being a teacher who is expected to avoid contributing to the human trafficking industry.

But police would have done it for the Pelosi family if that was the plan.

Point is that Nancy did not try to keep it private, she tried to make it another anti-Trump scam, by bizarrely claiming that the Canadian illegal immigrant, nudist activist, crack-head must logically be a Trumper.

Her allies in the media altered the story on the fly to make it fit that crazy narrative, and even took adverse action against a reporter who reported the truth on the first day. That was very unfair. He did not become an NBC reporter without being willing to lie, but he reported the truth before they told him the official story.

That narrative attacks me and every other Trump supporter as people reponsible for an attack on a very innocent and very heterosexual, happily married older man. Having been dragged into a disgusting story like that, we have a right for the truth to come out.
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You tards think if enough people believe a hoax, and repeat it enough, it magically becomes truer.

Oh, man. That's priceless. :lol:
As I keep pointing out to you stupid butt fucks I dont care if Paul Pelosi is a pervert

But I do care about abuse of power in the form of a coverup

When the Deep State swamp rats and their minions in San Francisco release all the info I’m demanding then I will be satisfied one way or the other
CBS fake news will eventually confirm that Nanzi's husband suffered through a horrible Grindr date with a homeless queer.... in 2072.

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maybe if mr pelousi had been living an upright life, people would have more sympathy when something bad happens to him

but "upright life" means nothing to the morally vaccous dims

so... I'll mosey along now...
So because you hate Dems and by extension the Dem Speaker of the House… an attack on an 80 year old man in his home is justified?

You people are pure scum

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