We Leavers are not racists, bigots, or hooligans – no matter what the bitter broadcasters say


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
On Saturday, as the referendum result sank in, ITV evening news ran a feature on the Pride parade in London. The presenter’s concluding words were extraordinary. Despite the Orlando murders, she said, and despite the Leave vote, the marchers’ message was one of tolerance and unity.

Never mind the implication that gay people couldn’t have voted against Brussels. (In fact, there was a brilliantly effective LGBT Brexit group called “Out and Proud”.) Never mind the unthinking elision of “tolerance” with the EU racket. The truly shocking thing was to link the vote to the Orlando atrocity. The implication was that if you were one of the 52 per cent who voted to take power back, you were different only in degree from a mass-murderer. Sure, you might not be a crazed gunman yourself; but he represented the extreme form of your position.

At the time, I dismissed it as a clumsy slip by one reporter. How wrong I was.

We Leavers are not racists, bigots, or hooligans – no matter what the bitter broadcasters say
Barry, you need to understand one fundamental point about Leftists.

IN ALL THINGS, their "argument" goes like this: "I am a kind, compassionate person, and this is the way I feel: [for example, England should have a policy of free immigration]. If you disagree with me you are EVIL!"

The definition of "EVIL" varies from issue to issue but it is always manifested in an ad hominem slander, which is usually shortened into an insulting name (or a made-up insulting name). Examples are: Racist, Misogynist, Homo-phobe (made-up slur), Xenophobe, Denier, Trans-phobe, and so on.

So on the Right, we try to marshal convincing arguments based on facts and logic, and on the Left, they simply call you a name - a name that they consider insulting.

You want to take our (U.S.) immigration laws seriously? You are a RACIST! Logical arguments against open borders carry no weight with Leftists.

You want to end mass migration into England of people whose culture is antithetical to traditional English values? You are a xenophobe, racist, bigot!

You want to stop the infinitely-costly campaign to "stop global warming"? You are a DENIER!

Once you understand this basic principle you won't get too upset at how the public dialog goes. It is all bullshit, and no one on the Left can be swayed by facts or logic.
I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
I never knew he was a poo pusher.
thanks for the reminder on 'PIM FORTUYN' as many of the lefty knuckleheads probably don't remember him . ------------------------- wasn't one of 'PIMS' allies a Gent named Geert Wilders' Dogmaphobe ??
Barry, you need to understand one fundamental point about Leftists.

IN ALL THINGS, their "argument" goes like this: "I am a kind, compassionate person, and this is the way I feel: [for example, England should have a policy of free immigration]. If you disagree with me you are EVIL!"

The definition of "EVIL" varies from issue to issue but it is always manifested in an ad hominem slander, which is usually shortened into an insulting name (or a made-up insulting name). Examples are: Racist, Misogynist, Homo-phobe (made-up slur), Xenophobe, Denier, Trans-phobe, and so on.

So on the Right, we try to marshal convincing arguments based on facts and logic, and on the Left, they simply call you a name - a name that they consider insulting.

You want to take our (U.S.) immigration laws seriously? You are a RACIST! Logical arguments against open borders carry no weight with Leftists.

You want to end mass migration into England of people whose culture is antithetical to traditional English values? You are a xenophobe, racist, bigot!

You want to stop the infinitely-costly campaign to "stop global warming"? You are a DENIER!

Once you understand this basic principle you won't get too upset at how the public dialog goes. It is all bullshit, and no one on the Left can be swayed by facts or logic.
The article implies that all gays are pro-EU. It's only the gay females who have the default setting of progressive leftist.
I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
I never knew he was a poo pusher.

Pushing poo?

Well, I've certainly heard of selecting the lesser of two weevils, but never this.

I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
I never knew he was a poo pusher.

Pushing poo?

Well, I've certainly heard of selecting the lesser of two weevils, but never this.

That happens a lot in Australia.
thanks for the reminder on 'PIM FORTUYN' as many of the lefty knuckleheads probably don't remember him . ------------------------- wasn't one of 'PIMS' allies a Gent named Geert Wilders' Dogmaphobe ??

I'm not sure how close they were, but I do know that just a couple of years after Islamists killed Fortuyn, they tried again with Wilders (and the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
Barry, you need to understand one fundamental point about Leftists.

IN ALL THINGS, their "argument" goes like this: "I am a kind, compassionate person, and this is the way I feel: [for example, England should have a policy of free immigration]. If you disagree with me you are EVIL!"

The definition of "EVIL" varies from issue to issue but it is always manifested in an ad hominem slander, which is usually shortened into an insulting name (or a made-up insulting name). Examples are: Racist, Misogynist, Homo-phobe (made-up slur), Xenophobe, Denier, Trans-phobe, and so on.

So on the Right, we try to marshal convincing arguments based on facts and logic, and on the Left, they simply call you a name - a name that they consider insulting.

You want to take our (U.S.) immigration laws seriously? You are a RACIST! Logical arguments against open borders carry no weight with Leftists.

You want to end mass migration into England of people whose culture is antithetical to traditional English values? You are a xenophobe, racist, bigot!

You want to stop the infinitely-costly campaign to "stop global warming"? You are a DENIER!

Once you understand this basic principle you won't get too upset at how the public dialog goes. It is all bullshit, and no one on the Left can be swayed by facts or logic.

And how do you know how many leftwingers voted "stay"?
thanks for the reminder on 'PIM FORTUYN' as many of the lefty knuckleheads probably don't remember him . ------------------------- wasn't one of 'PIMS' allies a Gent named Geert Wilders' Dogmaphobe ??

I'm not sure how close they were, but I do know that just a couple of years after Islamists killed Fortuyn, they tried again with Wilders (and the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
The guy was a mater to his cause and yet that didn't cause Holland to act.

Every time something like this occurs(an insult to the people), our politicians respond with passivity, but if the interests of the Elite are threatened, then God help millions of arab children from being bombed in their homes.
thanks for the reminder on 'PIM FORTUYN' as many of the lefty knuckleheads probably don't remember him . ------------------------- wasn't one of 'PIMS' allies a Gent named Geert Wilders' Dogmaphobe ??

I'm not sure how close they were, but I do know that just a couple of years after Islamists killed Fortuyn, they tried again with Wilders (and the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
The guy was a mater to his cause and yet that didn't cause Holland to act.

Every time something like this occurs(an insult to the people), our politicians respond with passivity, but if the interests of the Elite are threatened, then God help millions of arab children from being bombed in their homes.
-------------------------------- many 'a rabs ' need bombing in their houses , remember Dresden , Nagasaki and Hiroshima Goose . [and , I am not one of the elite]
thanks for the reminder on 'PIM FORTUYN' as many of the lefty knuckleheads probably don't remember him . ------------------------- wasn't one of 'PIMS' allies a Gent named Geert Wilders' Dogmaphobe ??

I'm not sure how close they were, but I do know that just a couple of years after Islamists killed Fortuyn, they tried again with Wilders (and the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
The guy was a mater to his cause and yet that didn't cause Holland to act.

Every time something like this occurs(an insult to the people), our politicians respond with passivity, but if the interests of the Elite are threatened, then God help millions of arab children from being bombed in their homes.
-------------------------------- many 'a rabs ' need bombing in their houses , remember Dresden , Nagasaki and Hiroshima Goose . [and , I am not one of the elite]
Well bomb them if you will, but don't import them into our countries afterwards.
Barry, you need to understand one fundamental point about Leftists.

IN ALL THINGS, their "argument" goes like this:

Right here is where you know someone is about to say something knee slappingly silly.

There has been a number of attacks on the Polish and Muslim Centers since the Brexit vote. What do you call attacks targeting certain people verbally and with property damage? A kerfuffle? Harmless verbal realities?
thanks for the reminder on 'PIM FORTUYN' as many of the lefty knuckleheads probably don't remember him . ------------------------- wasn't one of 'PIMS' allies a Gent named Geert Wilders' Dogmaphobe ??

I'm not sure how close they were, but I do know that just a couple of years after Islamists killed Fortuyn, they tried again with Wilders (and the courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali).
The guy was a mater to his cause and yet that didn't cause Holland to act.

Every time something like this occurs(an insult to the people), our politicians respond with passivity, but if the interests of the Elite are threatened, then God help millions of arab children from being bombed in their homes.
-------------------------------- many 'a rabs ' need bombing in their houses , remember Dresden , Nagasaki and Hiroshima Goose . [and , I am not one of the elite]
Well bomb them if you will, but don't import them into our countries afterwards.
------------------------- i'm one of the guys that would stop ALL importation or immigration . Proper imports would be allowed in very small numbers and they would have to match up with the rest of the country [USA as example] as regards , race , religion and all other variables Goose . There would be no mass rush by refugee invaders into Western lands / USA and if any help was given to foreigners in war zones the help would happen near the war zones Goose .
Barry, you need to understand one fundamental point about Leftists.

IN ALL THINGS, their "argument" goes like this:

Right here is where you know someone is about to say something knee slappingly silly.

There has been a number of attacks on the Polish and Muslim Centers since the Brexit vote. What do you call attacks targeting certain people verbally and with property damage? A kerfuffle? Harmless verbal realities?
----------------------------- [verbal attacks , chuckle] its called no big deal :afro:, and those Poles who I do like ought to head back to where they belong C.C. .
Barry, you need to understand one fundamental point about Leftists.

IN ALL THINGS, their "argument" goes like this:

Right here is where you know someone is about to say something knee slappingly silly.

There has been a number of attacks on the Polish and Muslim Centers since the Brexit vote. What do you call attacks targeting certain people verbally and with property damage? A kerfuffle? Harmless verbal realities?
----------------------------- [verbal attacks , chuckle] its called no big deal :afro:, and those Poles who I do like ought to head back to where they belong C.C. .

Where do they belong and why?

Just like I thought, no action against anyone is a big deal because you're not on the receiving end of it. So you can say its not about bigotry but your actions and excuses say otherwise
my way of thinking is that Poles belong in Poland . And it looks like the BRexit LEAVE supporters agree with me C.C..
my way of thinking is that Poles belong in Poland . And it looks like the BRexit LEAVE supporters agree with me C.C..

So again, you SAYING its not about racism or bigotry was bullshit once you explained yourself. Got it
my way of thinking is that Poles belong in Poland . And it looks like the BRexit LEAVE supporters agree with me C.C..

So again, you SAYING its not about racism or bigotry was bullshit once you explained yourself. Got it
--------------------------------------------------------- voters didn't support the 'eu' . I call the LEAVE supporters reasons for leaving to be that they are 'lovers of British sovereignty' and lovers of a homogeneous British population . You though , can label the BRexit leavers and me anything you like C.C..

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