We Leavers are not racists, bigots, or hooligans – no matter what the bitter broadcasters say

my way of thinking is that Poles belong in Poland . And it looks like the BRexit LEAVE supporters agree with me C.C..

So again, you SAYING its not about racism or bigotry was bullshit once you explained yourself. Got it
--------------------------------------------------------- voters didn't support the 'eu' . I call the LEAVE supporters reasons for leaving to be that they are 'lovers of British sovereignty' and lovers of a homogeneous British population . You though , can label the BRexit leavers and me anything you like C.C..

Yes just like the KKK splinter groups call themselves white nationalists
I just hope that leaving the 'eu' catches on with the rest of the member states native population C.C.. Bigots , racists or just Patriots and Patriotic lovers of their countries Sovereignty are good reasons to get the heck out of the 'eu' in my opinion C.C..
my way of thinking is that Poles belong in Poland . And it looks like the BRexit LEAVE supporters agree with me C.C..

So again, you SAYING its not about racism or bigotry was bullshit once you explained yourself. Got it
--------------------------------------------------------- voters didn't support the 'eu' . I call the LEAVE supporters reasons for leaving to be that they are 'lovers of British sovereignty' and lovers of a homogeneous British population . You though , can label the BRexit leavers and me anything you like C.C..

Yes just like the KKK splinter groups call themselves white nationalists
----------------------- its easy to just call names . Example , American Nationalists are a good thing no matter their race or color C.C..
I didnt call names you are trying to hide your bigotry behind funny labels like "lovers of British Sover.....blah blah" like the KKK hides behind white nationalism.

You think if you keep insisting its not what it is then you'll win
I didnt call names you are trying to hide your bigotry behind funny labels like "lovers of British Sover.....blah blah" like the KKK hides behind white nationalism.

You think if you keep insisting its not what it is then you'll win
------------------------------------------not trying to hide anything , I give my views freely and name callers can label my views as anything that they like . Nationalism is a good thing and may be returning to England and hopefully to the rest of the WESTERN World C.C..
I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
And Theo Van Gogh, hacked Dow in the street for making a film about the misogyny etc in Islam.
and they went after the 'ayn hirsi ali' because she was the actress I think , wasn't she ?? Then , years later the brits went after Geert because he wanted to show the film FIRNA to a closed showing in the British Parliament [I think] . Might be wrong as this was years ago.
I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
And Theo Van Gogh, hacked Dow in the street for making a film about the misogyny etc in Islam.

There seems to be the makings of a pattern, here, don't you think?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is not only a revolutionary act, but puts a person's life in danger.
I seem to remember a Dutch politician named Pim Fortuyn who was very gay and very concerned about the way Islam was making it difficult to be very gay in the Netherlands.

An Islamist killed him.

Damn -- regressives who can't even learn from very recent history can be hell bent on repeating it some times.
And Theo Van Gogh, hacked Dow in the street for making a film about the misogyny etc in Islam.

There seems to be the makings of a pattern, here, don't you think?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is not only a revolutionary act, but puts a person's life in danger.
Absolutely. There are also the European cartoonists who've managed to escape being killed but are still fatwa'd and need protection. Of course, the libtards labelling such people 'islamophobes' plays right into Islamists hands as they see this as further justification - and from the West no less.
GeeRt Wilders cannot sleep in the same place more than one or two nights at a time - for the crime of expressing his opinion.
and it is legal governments bringing in the muslims that would do murder of people like Geert , PIM , Hirsi Ali and Van Gogh,
Absolutely. There are also the European cartoonists who've managed to escape being killed but are still fatwa'd and need protection. Of course, the libtards labelling such people 'islamophobes' plays right into Islamists hands as they see this as further justification - and from the West no less.
GeeRt Wilders cannot sleep in the same place more than one or two nights at a time - for the crime of expressing his opinion.


I am a little over 60, and if you would have told me back then that legions of leftist idiots would be in league with this sort of barbarity, I wouldn't have believed you. It has been a dismaying experience watching the left sink to the level that it now runs interference for some of the worst filth the gene pool can vomit forth.
and it is legal governments bringing in the muslims that would do murder of people like Geert , PIM , Hirsi Ali and Van Gogh,

.....and not to mention the Close Minded , er, "captioned" who call you names if you object.
Polish people and businesses are now under violent attacks in Britain.
-------------------------------- they oughta walk out the door and head home ALife . Although , I don't really believe the alk of random attacks because they are POLES . Verbal or being flashed the finger I accept as happening . And of course , if there are physical attacks then I disapprove , so let the POLES call the coppers ALife .
Remember: Elections Have Consequences!

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No matter how you slice it, "open borders" is cultural and political suicide. It is analogous to smoking three packs of cigs a day. The fact that it takes a while does not change what it is: suicide.

The issue here was not Poles, but rather Muslim Turks. People whose whole ethos runs contrary to British views on freedom and tolerance. Open the border to them? I don't think so.
No matter how you slice it, "open borders" is cultural and political suicide. It is analogous to smoking three packs of cigs a day. The fact that it takes a while does not change what it is: suicide.

The issue here was not Poles, but rather Muslim Turks. People whose whole ethos runs contrary to British views on freedom and tolerance. Open the border to them? I don't think so.

It strikes me as being as entirely sensible as introducing piranhas into your goldfish tank and just expecting them all to play nice.

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