We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines

"Who the fuck knows"? I assume YOU would know! You're here claiming that these "vaccines" are safe because they've been tested but you don't really know if that's the case! To be blunt? I'm glad you're not my doctor! Who the fuck knows is not what you want to hear when you'd like to be reassured that what you're doing is smart!
There are limits to what the average person can know first hand.

It comes down to trust and then experience.

I and hundreds of millions trusted that the virus was safe and effective.

Experience showed that to be correct
Inoculation is not the same thing as vaccination. The difference has been repeatedly explained to you, but you're too damn stupid and stubborn to understand it.
They don’t feel there is a difference or distiction
That’s all their hearts and wishes need.
Bottom line? Your position on this seems to be "I don't have a clue about whether or not these Covid "vaccines" are safe" but if you're told that you have to take them...then shut up and roll up your sleeve because we know what's best for you!
There are limits to what the average person can know first hand.

It comes down to trust and then experience.

I and hundreds of millions trusted that the virus was safe and effective.

Experience showed that to be correct
There are "limits" to what we can know? Why? As far as I'm concerned there are "limits" to what you can demand that another person do and one of those is forcing them to put something in their body that may or may not be bad for them!
Inoculation is not the same thing as vaccination. The difference has been repeatedly explained to you, but you're too damn stupid and stubborn to understand it.
They don’t feel there is a difference or distiction
That’s all their hearts and wishes need.

I guess to left wrong-wing loons like Lesh, the distinction between inoculation and vaccination is no more meaningful than the distinction between male and female. Once again, we see the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
I guess to left wrong-wing loons like Lesh, the distinction between inoculation and vaccination is no more meaningful than the distinction between male and female. Once again, we see the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
How things have changed, Bob! When I was young our mantra was "Question Authority!" Now for the progressive left the mantra is "Do What You're Told...We Know Better Than You!"
I gave you the link jackass.

In terms of humans there is no difference between vaccination and inoculation.

If you go by the strict definition of inoculation it has nothing to do with humans and preventing disease
What ElmerMudd wrote is true about the Revolution. If you actually knew anything about history, you would know that too.
Well obviously some are truth challenged that is why they believe they are true patriots and that Trump is one of them.

Well if Trump ever goes to jail , then he can show some solidarity with his fellow patriots.

he is already crying that he is being persecuted because like Roger Dangerfield

As an Ex- president I don't get no respect
Your heart and other vital organs on are borrowed time vax boy.
I did it to it because I felt it would make our country safer from COVID and save lives. I believe the science.
If I am wrong, I would not do it any other way. I would not chicken out because of self-serving lies or because saying the government cannot tell me what to do and that makes me a man.
I did it to it because I felt it would make our country safer from COVID and save lives. I believe the science.
If I am wrong, I would not do it any other way. I would not chicken out because of self-serving lies or because saying the government cannot tell me what to do and that makes me a man.
Get in your Time Machine and go back and see what actually happened. It’s more effective than heel clicking

How many people got smallpox after they'd been vaccinated?
A lot. Do you educate yourself on anything?

By late 1777, the procedure had been established in the Continental Army, and prevalence of the disease substantially reduced. While smallpox cases did still appear from time to time, the mandated inoculation of soldiers reduced the chance of large-scale outbreaks.
Get in your Time Machine and go back and see what actually happened. It’s more effective than heel clicking
I do not know what you are saying? Another way of denying you did not get the COVID vaccine because of self-serving lies or because saying the government cannot tell me what to do and that makes me a man.
You are no patriot.
Go get every one of them and their boosters! Unashamed non compliant, non vaxxed here!
You are not vaxxed because of self-serving lies or because saying the government cannot tell me what to do and that makes you a man.
Ask former Military who had to take the Anthrax vaccine if it was safe. I lucked out and got out of taking it but I know a lot of soldiers it fucked up.
It was given for the same reasons the small pox innoculations were given durring the revolution.
The anthrax vaccine was much safer than the small pox innoculation in 1777.

Thanks to all that served and put their life on the line, including you. Thanks to those who took the antrax vaccine to make sure an anthrax exposure would not have crippled the fighting forces.
The COVID poison isn't even a vaccine.

Keep paddling up stream on that one
Keep believing the crazy lies of MAGA and QAnon.
Watch out, the government is coming to take your guns away and then take you away. Go into hiding. t is the only safe thing to do.
Come on, Elmer! You know as well as I do that those "vaccines" were rushed through production without the normal amount of testing. It's the reason that ALL of the Big Pharma companies that produced them demanded that they have a clause that they couldn't be sued if there was an issue down the road!

That's something I have no issue with. Those companies were tasked with fast tracking something to combat Covid. They didn't have the time to do the testing that they normally would have had. My issue is with mandates that FORCED Americans to get the shot or lose their jobs! That was wrong. Nobody should ever be forced to put something in their body that there are serious questions about! That's just common sense...something that was sorely lacking during that pandemic!
You are dealing in an alternative universe.
Do you believe the earth is flat and there is a real Santa.
Wow This one was a spectacular failure. In 1796 British physician Edward Jenner showed that inoculating with the milder cow pox could offer an immunity to small pox. The American Revolution ended in 1783. Critical thinking and the education system have turned to complete shit. Oh and the link you posted is down. I wonder if the host of the site realized what fucking idiots they are.

I find it hilarious when a Liberal loon tries to use patriotism to shame people into a certain direction but you morons call anyone else doing the same Nazi's.
In 1777 an innoculation of live small pox virus was used successfully to stop the small pox epedemic.
Do some research.
I do not know what you are saying? Another way of denying you did not get the COVID vaccine because of self-serving lies or because saying the government cannot tell me what to do and that makes me a man.
You are no patriot.
You suffer from the “don’t know what saying” a lot yet always chime in
How is that?
The VAX was a great computer platform in its day, and as obsolete as it now is, it does not merit the insult of being slurred in this manner by association with filth such as ElmerMudd.
Thank you, I take that as a compliment that a person like you does not approve of me.

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