We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines

Absolute lying bullshit. Research!!!!! You idiots lie to each other and believe all of your group lies. Idiots
Clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines in people were established in what seemed like record time. But in reality, more than 50 years of public and private laboratory research laid the groundwork for the rapid development of these life-saving vaccines.

Come on, Elmer! You know as well as I do that those "vaccines" were rushed through production without the normal amount of testing. It's the reason that ALL of the Big Pharma companies that produced them demanded that they have a clause that they couldn't be sued if there was an issue down the road!

That's something I have no issue with. Those companies were tasked with fast tracking something to combat Covid. They didn't have the time to do the testing that they normally would have had. My issue is with mandates that FORCED Americans to get the shot or lose their jobs! That was wrong. Nobody should ever be forced to put something in their body that there are serious questions about! That's just common sense...something that was sorely lacking during that pandemic!
The point being that the COVID vax is no different from the regular flu vax at this point
The only similarity between them is that you have to get them over and over. Outside of that they are nothing alike.

And not for the same reason.

If you got a flu vaccine twenty or thirty years ago, you're still protected by it from those strains that it was crafted to protect you against.

If you got a dose of the dangerous experimental mRNA shit a year ago, it is no longer protecting you from anything.
And not for the same reason.

If you got a flu vaccine twenty or thirty years ago, you're still protected by it from those strains that it was crafted to protect you against.

If you got a dose of the dangerous experimental mRNA shit a year ago, it is no longer protecting you from anything.
I don’t know that any of that is true. And since it came from a freak like you I have serious doubts about it.

You don’t want to get vaxxed. That’s fine.

I will continue to.

I’m still surprised that even though the COVID vax was rushed into production by Trump under Operation Warp Speed and Trump himself got it as soon as possible,

Trumpers claim its a danger.
I don’t know that any of that is true. And since it came from a freak like you I have serious doubts about it.

You don’t want to get vaxxed. That’s fine.

I will continue to.

I’m still surprised that even though the COVID vax was rushed into production by Trump under Operation Warp Speed and Trump himself got it as soon as possible,

Trumpers claim its a danger.
To be blunt, Lesh...I think any healthy person that got a Covid "vaccine" was absolutely out of their minds! There is a reason why we do long term testing on things like vaccines...sometimes there are side effects that take awhile to surface and are bad. If YOU or anyone else wants to roll the dice and take something that's experimental then fine...knock yourself out. But don't force people in the military, First Responders or even sports teams to take that "vaccine" or lose their job! That's just wrong.
And not for the same reason.

If you got a flu vaccine twenty or thirty years ago, you're still protected by it from those strains that it was crafted to protect you against.

If you got a dose of the dangerous experimental mRNA shit a year ago, it is no longer protecting you from anything.
It’s the right’s war on facts and the truth, to keep Americans ignorant and uninformed for some perceived partisan gain – conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to vaccines and rejecting the fact of human-caused climate change being examples.
To be blunt, Lesh...I think any healthy person that got a Covid "vaccine" was absolutely out of their minds! There is a reason why we do long term testing on things like vaccines...sometimes there are side effects that take awhile to surface and are bad. If YOU or anyone else wants to roll the dice and take something that's experimental then fine...knock yourself out. But don't force people in the military, First Responders or even sports teams to take that "vaccine" or lose their job! That's just wrong.
If the COVID vax is as dangerous as you say… there ought to be piles of dead bodies since 70% of the nation was vaxxed . That’s x well over 200 million people.

But there aren’t.

You’re full of shit.
If the COVID vax is as dangerous as you say… there ought to be piles of dead bodies since 70% of the nation was vaxxed . That’s x well over 200 million people.

But there aren’t.

You’re full of shit.
What part of "long term" didn't you comprehend, Lesh? I didn't say that the Covid "vaccines" were dangerous! I said that the long term effects of those "vaccines" are unknown and that it was wrong to force people to either take them or lose their jobs! Duh?
It’s the right’s war on facts and the truth, to keep Americans ignorant and uninformed for some perceived partisan gain – conservatives’ unwarranted opposition to vaccines and rejecting the fact of human-caused climate change being examples.

There's no COVID vaccine. That fact keeps eluding you
Risk matrix? What are you referring to?
Everything you do has some amount of associated risk. You do the risk matrix anytime you do anything likely without even knowing it. X action has Y risk and Z reward/need. If Z is greater than Y then likely you proceed with the activity whatever that is and if Y is greater likely you don't. Somethings you can do without thinking, Others you cant. That said any decision you make certainly a medical one if you aren't sitting down and working that out you didn't think long enough about that decision.
I don’t know that any of that is true. And since it came from a freak like you I have serious doubts about it.

You don’t want to get vaxxed. That’s fine.

I will continue to.

I’m still surprised that even though the COVID vax was rushed into production by Trump under Operation Warp Speed and Trump himself got it as soon as possible,

Trumpers claim its a danger.

So basically you have no idea how any of it works, but you're sure about what everyone should be doing.
Everything you do has some amount of associated risk. You do the risk matrix anytime you do anything likely without even knowing it. X action has Y risk and Z reward/need. If Z is greater than Y then likely you proceed with the activity whatever that is and if Y is greater likely you don't. Somethings you can do without thinking, Others you cant. That said any decision you make certainly a medical one if you aren't sitting down and working that out you didn't think long enough about that decision.
My point exactly. I'm sorry but it was just WRONG to force fire fighters or nurses to take a "vaccine" that they don't feel comfortable with or lose their jobs! That was an overreach by government. They forced healthy people to risk their health or risk their livelyhood. We literally lost thousands of good people from our military at a time when we were struggling to recruit because they didn't want to risk that shot. That's not only unfair...it's stupid!
My point exactly. I'm sorry but it was just WRONG to force fire fighters or nurses to take a "vaccine" that they don't feel comfortable with or lose their jobs! That was an overreach by government. They forced healthy people to risk their health or risk their livelyhood. We literally lost thousands of good people from our military at a time when we were struggling to recruit because they didn't want to risk that shot. That's not only unfair...it's stupid!
The military has been forcing its members to take all sorts of vaccines for well over a century, actually all the way back to Washington.

We’re you bitching about that?
Everything you do has some amount of associated risk. You do the risk matrix anytime you do anything likely without even knowing it. X action has Y risk and Z reward/need. If Z is greater than Y then likely you proceed with the activity whatever that is and if Y is greater likely you don't. Somethings you can do without thinking, Others you cant. That said any decision you make certainly a medical one if you aren't sitting down and working that out you didn't think long enough about that decision.
That assumes a greater knowledge than is being exhibited here
It's not a vaccine then

I really don't have time for your arm flapping
All those flu vaccines aren’t actually vaccines at all if they are not 100% effective?

Thanks for that information StupidIrishBitch

We’re all a bit dumber for having read it

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