We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines

That assumes a greater
All those flu vaccines aren’t actually vaccines at all if they are not 100% effective?

Thanks for that information StupidIrishBitch

We’re all a bit dumber for having read it

Learn the definition of vaccine you wimpy old man. You're fuckin annoying.
Wow This one was a spectacular failure. In 1796 British physician Edward Jenner showed that inoculating with the milder cow pox could offer an immunity to small pox. The American Revolution ended in 1783. Critical thinking and the education system have turned to complete shit. Oh and the link you posted is down. I wonder if the host of the site realized what fucking idiots they are.

I find it hilarious when a Liberal loon tries to use patriotism to shame people into a certain direction but you morons call anyone else doing the same Nazi's.
So stellar and so right on.
We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.

Go get every one of them and their boosters! Unashamed non compliant, non vaxxed here!
A vaccine prevents contracting a disease.
My flu vax doesn’t always
It's not a vaccine then

Each year, they have to guess which strains of flu are going to be going around, and craft a vaccine targeting those strains.

If you're exposed to a strain for which the vaccine that you got was targeted, then it will protect you. If you're exposed to a strain that is sufficiently different from those that went into the vaccine, then the vaccine won't protect you against that.
The military has been forcing its members to take all sorts of vaccines for well over a century, actually all the way back to Washington.

We’re you bitching about that?
What vaccine has the military forced it's members to take that didn't have years of testing, Lesh? My question for you is why was it that was deemed mandatory? Was it because the people who were making that determination were in bed with Big Pharma? Those "vaccine" mandates made Big Pharm BILLIONS of dollars. How much of that do you think will end up in the pockets of people like Anthony Fauci?
We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.


How many people got smallpox after they'd been vaccinated?
What vaccine has the military forced it's members to take that didn't have years of testing, Lesh? My question for you is why was it that was deemed mandatory? Was it because the people who were making that determination were in bed with Big Pharma? Those "vaccine" mandates made Big Pharm BILLIONS of dollars. How much of that do you think will end up in the pockets of people like Anthony Fauci?
Who the fuck knows. I signed up in 76. I got stuck with so many needles I could barely move my arms for a week.
That assumes a greater knowledge than is being exhibited here
All those flu vaccines aren’t actually vaccines at all if they are not 100% effective?

how would you know? You’ve admitted you have no idea how they produce or even decide which strains they target. How can you say anyone is uninformed from such an uninformed position?
Thanks for that information StupidIrishBitch

We’re all a bit dumber for having read it
Who the fuck knows. I signed up in 76. I got stuck with so many needles I could barely move my arms for a week.
"Who the fuck knows"? I assume YOU would know! You're here claiming that these "vaccines" are safe because they've been tested but you don't really know if that's the case! To be blunt? I'm glad you're not my doctor! Who the fuck knows is not what you want to hear when you'd like to be reassured that what you're doing is smart!
Inoculation is not the same thing as vaccination. The difference has been repeatedly explained to you, but you're too damn stupid and stubborn to understand it.

I’m terms of this discussion vaccination and inoculation are interchangeable.

If you’re trying to be exact then inoculation is not part of this discussion because it is not used on humans in its strictest sense

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