we need a book & movie about Zimmerman

May 21, 2015
I bet the scene of him shooting that pos would get a standing ovation in any theater. :) If you don't want to get shot, keep your hands off of other people. Simple concept, really, and anyone who can't learn it, by age 12 or so, is not only no loss, but a big hiphiphooray if they get removed from the gene pool, white, black or purple polka-dotted. A pos is a pos.
I bet the scene of him shooting that pos would get a standing ovation in any theater. :) If you don't want to get shot, keep your hands off of other people. Simple concept, really, and anyone who can't learn it, by age 12 or so, is not only no loss, but a big hiphiphooray if they get removed from the gene pool, white, black or purple polka-dotted. A pos is a pos.
You are an idiot

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