We need a plan on this how to combat gun shootings in America...

The fact that it's a cultural issue means that it will be much more difficult to fix, and far more complicated than shallow, simplistic, binary partisan politics.
Which means you can safely ignore it as too hard instead of doing something about it like all the other developed nations.
Maybe in your mind. You don't know mine.
I know the FBI and DCF definitely dropped the ball on this latest shooter. What exactly are we paying them for?

Federal and Florida law already forbids mentally ill people from purchasing guns. The failure was enforcement and incompetence. We can pass even more gun control laws that won't solve this problem, it will only restrict the rights of the 99.9% who are law abiding sane gun owners.
My opinion:

The answer only partly lies in gun control. Actually, what we should call it is, "Gun Safety". The goal of which is to take dangerous weapons and limit their exposure to dangerous individuals. That means monitoring weapons and individuals. No one is saying you can't have your gun, but why should they not be well-regulated?

More importantly is the changes that need to be made in society. The shooters are almost all male. All young. All floundering in life. Almost all with bad home lives. Schools need to step up. Give these boys a reason to come to school and excel. With girls, they are doing fine; girls are generally better at just sitting and absorbing information, which is how schools are currently set up. Boys need more than that. They need competition, encouragement, and to be told that even if they didn't do so hot right away, their true opponent, the one they need to strive to defeat, is the person they were yesterday, not really the kid sitting next to them. We also need more male teachers and male role models in general. I also think gender segregation during academic lessons is generally superior. Boys and girls both perform better when separated from the other, but boys are particularly negatively affected/distracted by female students being present in their courses (not as though the girls should be blamed, but that's the way it is).

There are so many common sense things that need to change ... but won't. Because change is hard, we're lazy, and politicians are ruled by special interests and money, not by common sense.
Me and a friend were kicking it around yesterday, maybe raise the age to 21 for gun ownership, unless in the military.

Maybe. Idk, I've had guns since I was 11, before that I always had toy ones.

Why? What makes some 11B retard so much more qualified of an 18 year old then any other? Guy who shot up that church was ex military. Not 18, but a veteran for sure. That Fort Hood Guy was ex military. And so then what? Are we sending feds to put you in a list for every crossways remark on social media? That would take care of all the members here. Banning a thought or word is cowardly. And all the typical talking points are stupid and useless. No law or rule changes this at all. Government was supposed to have fixed this years ago when Paducah happened.
image: http://dcwhispers.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/aaa301.jpg

We have immigration laws, yet, millions of illegal immigrants
Being here illegally is a crime, yet, they are being sheltered,
fed, housed, schooled, financially supported and given healthcare
And putting up a WALL...to restrict their easy access is equivalent to taking or restricting their rapid fire assault weapon access...is it not? :rolleyes:

We have immigration laws, yet, millions of illegal immigrants
Being here illegally is a crime, yet, they are being sheltered,
fed, housed, schooled, financially supported and given healthcare
And putting up a WALL...to restrict their easy access is equivalent to taking or restricting their rapid fire assault weapon access...is it not? :rolleyes:
Equivalent... sure, since both are just
'band aid' attempts, to curb a problem.

But, what is your point?

Where there is a will, there is a way.

It makes no sense to me to blame guns
People use guns to kill people... people kill people

Millions of babies are sucked out or forcibly removed
every year...regardless of birth control

Illegal immigrants cost tax payers billions,
yet, we reward their criminal actions

Women want to dress seductively,
tolerate disrespectful behavior to get what they want,
use sex to get what they want, use sex and seduction
to sell records, books and box office tickets, for money,...

then cry about being harassed,....get the fuck outta here!

Women will say how strong they are,
even though they were too weak to stand up for themselves

This is a culture of selective blame instead of accountability
Assault weapons ban would be the step to take....it will not stop the killing altogether, but it will kill fewer people when these crazies are shooting down people.... and it will give police and others that conceal carry, a fighting chance to stop them, without being killed themselves.

it's just common sense to take this most effective approach to having less people mowed down with bullets and killed....

The supreme court has already decided that weapons of war, weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass killings, ARE NOT a constitutional right....so the second Amendment is still in tact.

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