We need about 500,00 troops to stabilize Iraq - Who's up for a Draft?


Senior Member
May 29, 2007
The relatively successful stabilization effort in Bosnia and in Kosovo taught us that we need a ratio of 23 troops for every 1000 civilians, to bring security to a war-torn country.

That would mean we need about half a million troops to stabilize Iraq. This obviously can't be done with our volunteer army.

If you really want to "win" in Iraq, are you willing to have a military draft to achieve your goals?

After success in Bosnia, why failure in Iraq?

International Herald Tribune

WASHINGTON, D.C.: More than eight years after the initial deployment of troops, NATO recently decided that it has accomplished the goals of the mission in Bosnia, and that it will turn over operations to a small EU force later this year.

Though ethnic tension remains, and many administrative issues must be resolved, Bosnians now focus on living their daily lives. Major General James Darden, the officer responsible for drawing down the U.S. mission in Bosnia, recently said, "If we could do it over again, I don't know how we could do it better. It could be considered a model or a template for future international peacekeeping missions."

The contrast with the evolving turmoil in Iraq could not be much starker. Since President George W. Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" shortly after U.S. troops reached Baghdad, more than 1,000 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have died in Iraq. Fifteen months after the international force arrived in Bosnia, not a single soldier had been killed. How, then, has America managed to do so well in Bosnia, and so badly in Iraq?

I'd support a draft and I'll go you one better, I believe that compulsory service should be considered.
The relatively successful stabilization effort in Bosnia and in Kosovo taught us that we need a ratio of 23 troops for every 1000 civilians, to bring security to a war-torn country.

That would mean we need about half a million troops to stabilize Iraq. This obviously can't be done with our volunteer army.

If you really want to "win" in Iraq, are you willing to have a military draft to achieve your goals?

If I remember correctly, General Eric Shinseki did recommend that the invasion and occupation of Iraq would require upwards of 450,000 troops on the ground. But since that didn't jive with Bush administration policy, he got fired for his trouble. ANd if America is going to be an imperial power, how about mandatory military service for anyone old enough fire a gun without being knocked on their ass by the recoil? How about it? Man or woman...eight to eighty...blind crippled or crawling?
If I remember correctly, General Eric Shinseki did recommend that the invasion and occupation of Iraq would require upwards of 450,000 troops on the ground. But since that didn't jive with Bush administration policy, he got fired for his trouble. ANd if America is going to be an imperial power, how about mandatory military service for anyone old enough fire a gun without being knocked on their ass by the recoil? How about it? Man or woman...eight to eighty...blind crippled or crawling?

OK--you guys convinced me--go ahead with your draft.
You bet--send their silly asses over there. EVERYONE is going.

I am fine with that. The first Bush twin that gets exploded into little pieces by an IED and the troops would be coming home in a new york minute.
The first Bush twin that gets exploded into little pieces by an IED and the troops would be coming home in a new york minute.

I do not believe that is how that would happen. George Bush would stay the course... he has more integrity than you are giving him credit for.
I am fine with that. The first Bush twin that gets exploded into little pieces by an IED and the troops would be coming home in a new york minute.

You got a REAL hate on for President Bush's daughters..

What did they ever do to you????

You got a REAL hate on for President Bush's daughters..

What did they ever do to you????


I don't hate them at all. I merely made an observation, that if his daughters were to be in harm's way, his view of the war would change.
I do not believe that is how that would happen. George Bush would stay the course... he has more integrity than you are giving him credit for.

"stay the course" is last year's catch phrase..... this year it is "new way forward"

DO try to keep up.
I don't hate them at all. I merely made an observation, that if his daughters were to be in harm's way, his view of the war would change.

Oh Really?
Did you also request Chelsie Clinton go over to Kosovo, or fly one of the fighter jet's when Clinton bombed Iraq???

I sure hope you did..
One would hope... you are an equal child hater of a President who sent our troops off for missions...

Oh Really?
Did you also request Chelsie Clinton go over to Kosovo, or fly one of the fighter jet's when Clinton bombed Iraq???

I sure hope you did..
One would hope... you are an equal child hater of a President who sent our troops off for missions...


knock if off....what part of "I do not hate them at all" did you not understand the first fucking time I typed it?

and in any case, you are talking apples and oranges. we had no problems handling the manning requirements of Kosovo ...we are talking about a draft. If there had been a draft during Clinton's term, and his daughter had been of draft age at the time, of course I would have hoped she would serve
knock if off....what part of "I do not hate them at all" did you not understand the first fucking time I typed it?

and in any case, you are talking apples and oranges. we had no problems handling the manning requirements of Kosovo ...we are talking about a draft. If there had been a draft during Clinton's term, and his daughter had been of draft age at the time, of course I would have hoped she would serve

No shit we were talking about a draft...

You're the one who brought up the Bush twins...

I was only parroting how silly and so Du-ish you sound...
Are you a member of Duunderground????

Time to grow UP, eh...:D
No shit we were talking about a draft...

You're the one who brought up the Bush twins...

I was only parroting how silly and so Du-ish you sound...
Are you a member of Duunderground????

Time to grow UP, eh...:D

and I answered your question about Chelsea. I do believe that if the children of privilege were dying en masse in this war of choice, it would end more rapidly.
and I answered your question about Chelsea. I do believe that if the children of privilege were dying en masse in this war of choice, it would end more rapidly.

so this was a war of choice...

So.....what was Kosovo....???
What was Clinton bombing Iraq??

Oh wait....I know your anwser.....

Apples and Oranges...:eusa_doh:
I don't hate them at all. I merely made an observation, that if his daughters were to be in harm's way, his view of the war would change.

No it really wouldnt. You guys dont understand this do you?
Oh and if there is a need for a draft, im all for it.

But if Politicians are going to play draft just to play politics with soldiers lives then im not going to support it.

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