We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America

By Joshua Gauntt | February 27, 2020 at 10:47 PM CST - Updated February 28 at 4:09 PM
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) - The drug Remdesivir is now being used to treat certain coronavirus patients in China. Researchers developed the investigational drug at UAB’s Antiviral Drug Discovery and Development Center.
"Those studies are what we call placebo controlled. So some patients get drugged and then other patients just get an inactive medication,” Dr. Whitley, a distinguished professor at UAB and principal investigator of the U19 grant said.
UAB was recently awarded a nearly $40 million, five-year-grant to study and develop treatment for emerging infections like coronaviruses that can cause SARS, MERS and the COVID-19 which is the new strain that caused the outbreak in China.
Dr. Whitley tells us studies are also beginning in the U.S. Early results from the drug being used in China should be back sometime in April. Whitley says if it’s successful and safe for people to take then full production could begin.
"If it is, then we’ll have a theoretical solution to disease in the United States. It will be a question of producing enough drug so if Americans have disease at the frequency that they did in China or now south Korea or Italy, we’ll have enough drug for all Americans,” Whitley added.

Remdesivir is bit of a Hail Mary shot... Worth a go and there is more than that drug been tried... There also the Malaria and the German one...

Even if they found the vaccine tomorrow, production would take months to give the drug at the levels needed... We have problems right now adn in the next few months..

Of course.......but they say 90 days not 18 months.........

The other study has been going on for the other diseases of this class........there is another company in Texas that think they have the vaccine..another in Washington State.....

Whoever makes this vaccine is gonna be RICH AS HELL......Never underestimate that..............EVER.

Your last line has a sort of feeding frenzy... Actually the grants for seeming like you have a cure could be huge...

There are other technologies which CureVac (Germany) and Moderna(Boston) are using. It is leveraging RNA and I think trying to build a vaccine. Let's give a head up, NO vaccine has been ever deployed using this tech before. It could work but it would also be breaking new ground very quickly..

There is a loads of drugs FDA approved (or almost approved) which they are testing as well. These guys are going for the Viagra payout (Viagra was a heart drug with a side effect)..

can't make it up.
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

How very Third Reich of you.

This is not a serious enough disease to merit such action

Well, every other country in the world disagrees with you, including the United States, both Republicans and Democrats.

1. Coronavirus 44 more times deadly than seasonal flu
2. No Vaccine unlike vaccine ever year for season flu
3. New York City is running out of Ventilators and other supplies and patients at hospitals there may start to die because the hospitals no longer have the capacity to treat everyone!

If that does not tell you how serious this is, probably nothing out there will.
how many ventilators is that and why didn't the hospitals order more during the last year to have enough in supply? that's on them and their governor for not having contingency plans. shame huh?

Cause they were told by the White House it wouldn't be that bad while reports were coming from Intelligence Reports that it would be.

So you see the WH told US (including Governors) there was no need to be ready and the hype was on Media and Dems... Want to goto all the quotes the GOP was saying while members were dumping stock...
The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

oh shut the fk up! more nonsense from the nonsense king U2.
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

How very Third Reich of you.

This is not a serious enough disease to merit such action

Well, every other country in the world disagrees with you, including the United States, both Republicans and Democrats.

1. Coronavirus 44 more times deadly than seasonal flu
2. No Vaccine unlike vaccine ever year for season flu
3. New York City is running out of Ventilators and other supplies and patients at hospitals there may start to die because the hospitals no longer have the capacity to treat everyone!

If that does not tell you how serious this is, probably nothing out there will.
how many ventilators is that and why didn't the hospitals order more during the last year to have enough in supply? that's on them and their governor for not having contingency plans. shame huh?

Cause they were told by the White House it wouldn't be that bad while reports were coming from Intelligence Reports that it would be.

So you see the WH told US (including Governors) there was no need to be ready and the hype was on Media and Dems... Want to goto all the quotes the GOP was saying while members were dumping stock...
not half the h1n1 yet in the same time frame. why? are you rooting for it to take it over? I thought so. you hate americans. and humans in general.
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
What I said is true....Schmucks like you have been going on and on about what a wannabe dictator (LITERALLY HITLER!) Trump is for three years.....Now you're bitching that he and the bureaucracy haven't bossed us all around and transgressed enough peoples' rights and/or done so swiftly enough.

Unlike you, I don't worship at the altar of The State....This virus hysteria is only slightly less tiresome and banal that you career snivelers, who'd bellyache if you were hanged with a new rope.

Nope I didn't say that...

I said he was a shit leader who spreads false information... He was said there was no need to prepare while the US Intelligence was telling him the exact opposite...
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
What I said is true....Schmucks like you have been going on and on about what a wannabe dictator (LITERALLY HITLER!) Trump is for three years.....Now you're bitching that he and the bureaucracy haven't bossed us all around and transgressed enough peoples' rights and/or done so swiftly enough.

Unlike you, I don't worship at the altar of The State....This virus hysteria is only slightly less tiresome and banal that you career snivelers, who'd bellyache if you were hanged with a new rope.
completely removing blame on the local professionals and governors/ mayors for not having contingency plans, that's why they use to run mock drills. shame our local teams failed us.
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
What I said is true....Schmucks like you have been going on and on about what a wannabe dictator (LITERALLY HITLER!) Trump is for three years.....Now you're bitching that he and the bureaucracy haven't bossed us all around and transgressed enough peoples' rights and/or done so swiftly enough.

Unlike you, I don't worship at the altar of The State....This virus hysteria is only slightly less tiresome and banal that you career snivelers, who'd bellyache if you were hanged with a new rope.

Nope I didn't say that...

I said he was a shit leader who spreads false information... He was said there was no need to prepare while the US Intelligence was telling him the exact opposite...
why are the governors repeating it then?
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

How very Third Reich of you.

This is not a serious enough disease to merit such action

Well, every other country in the world disagrees with you, including the United States, both Republicans and Democrats.

1. Coronavirus 44 more times deadly than seasonal flu
2. No Vaccine unlike vaccine ever year for season flu
3. New York City is running out of Ventilators and other supplies and patients at hospitals there may start to die because the hospitals no longer have the capacity to treat everyone!

If that does not tell you how serious this is, probably nothing out there will.
how many ventilators is that and why didn't the hospitals order more during the last year to have enough in supply? that's on them and their governor for not having contingency plans. shame huh?

Cause they were told by the White House it wouldn't be that bad while reports were coming from Intelligence Reports that it would be.

So you see the WH told US (including Governors) there was no need to be ready and the hype was on Media and Dems... Want to goto all the quotes the GOP was saying while members were dumping stock...
not half the h1n1 yet in the same time frame. why? are you rooting for it to take it over? I thought so. you hate americans. and humans in general.

You fucking idiot... Look at the graph and the how quick this grows...

When it takes over the whole of the US are you going to say, how could we have known...

Well we are fucking telling you right now.
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
how many died with H1N1? if trump keeps numbers under that, then this blows up your face right?

H1N1 killed about 12,500 Americans in 2009.
COVID-19 could be much worse if we ignore it and do business as usual.
Normal flu kills 40,000 to 60,000 a year, and COVID-19 is 5x to 10x deadlier.
So this is why we need to shelter in-place for a few weeks to get past the peak.
The question is how long is needed, we can't sit too long or its kills the economy, then we can all starve.
5-weeks is too long, 2-weeks may not be enough. Pence and his CDC team will do the math.
Do you want to defeat the 60%+ that dont know they have it because it’s so mild
Oh...that’s the 60% that will sure fire Worst Case Scenario infect every person they come in contact with and the outcomes will be Worst Case Scenario
Kill the US economy and spirit over “maybe ...might be...could be....if...Worst Case Scenario “
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
how many died with H1N1? if trump keeps numbers under that, then this blows up your face right?

H1N1 killed about 12,500 Americans in 2009.
COVID-19 could be much worse if we ignore it and do business as usual.
Normal flu kills 40,000 to 60,000 a year, and COVID-19 is 5x to 10x deadlier.
So this is why we need to shelter in-place for a few weeks to get past the peak.
The question is how long is needed, we can't sit too long or its kills the economy, then we can all starve.
5-weeks is too long, 2-weeks may not be enough. Pence and his CDC team will do the math.
There are no stats to support the 5-10x deadlier
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
how many died with H1N1? if trump keeps numbers under that, then this blows up your face right?

H1N1 killed about 12,500 Americans in 2009.
COVID-19 could be much worse if we ignore it and do business as usual.
Normal flu kills 40,000 to 60,LITERALLY HITLER!000 a year, and COVID-19 is 5x to 10x deadlier.
So this is why we need to shelter in-place for a few weeks to get past the peak.
The question is how long is needed, we can't sit too long or its kills the economy, then we can all starve.
5-weeks is too long, 2-weeks may not be enough. Pence and his CDC team will do the math.
I'm not buying those 5-10X deadlier numbers, or the hysteria generated by them.
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

How very Third Reich of you.

This is not a serious enough disease to merit such action

Well, every other country in the world disagrees with you, including the United States, both Republicans and Democrats.

1. Coronavirus 44 more times deadly than seasonal flu
2. No Vaccine unlike vaccine ever year for season flu
3. New York City is running out of Ventilators and other supplies and patients at hospitals there may start to die because the hospitals no longer have the capacity to treat everyone!

If that does not tell you how serious this is, probably nothing out there will.
how many ventilators is that and why didn't the hospitals order more during the last year to have enough in supply? that's on them and their governor for not having contingency plans. shame huh?

Cause they were told by the White House it wouldn't be that bad while reports were coming from Intelligence Reports that it would be.

So you see the WH told US (including Governors) there was no need to be ready and the hype was on Media and Dems... Want to goto all the quotes the GOP was saying while members were dumping stock...
not half the h1n1 yet in the same time frame. why? are you rooting for it to take it over? I thought so. you hate americans. and humans in general.

You fucking idiot... Look at the graph and the how quick this grows...

When it takes over the whole of the US are you going to say, how could we have known...

Well we are fucking telling you right now.
then isolation isn't working? right? if that's what you conclude. not me. I don't believe it. sorry, I'm not jim jonesing the koolaid.

someone wants to drive a next phase, doctor the numbers like global warming numbers and the sky continues to fall. fk you!! take your fake numbers and go away.
BTW, why are the demofks trying to change social security with this recovery package? how is that anything related to this thing.
Moonbats a month ago: TRUMP IS LITERALLY A DICTATOR!


And yet all you can do is talk about what other people think...

I said he was a shit leader a month ago and I am saying the same today.

He has handled this so badly we are now looking at Governors to lead...
how many died with H1N1? if trump keeps numbers under that, then this blows up your face right?

H1N1 killed about 12,500 Americans in 2009.
COVID-19 could be much worse if we ignore it and do business as usual.
Normal flu kills 40,000 to 60,000 a year, and COVID-19 is 5x to 10x deadlier.
So this is why we need to shelter in-place for a few weeks to get past the peak.
The question is how long is needed, we can't sit too long or its kills the economy, then we can all starve.
5-weeks is too long, 2-weeks may not be enough. Pence and his CDC team will do the math.
There are no stats to support the 5-10x deadlier
Here is my source. Normal flu has an 0.1% fatality rate, COVID-19 has less, maybe much less because of unreported cases
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, wrote that because of the high number of unreported cases, “the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1% . . . ultimately more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).” (This is from Fauci, Lane, and Redfield, “Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted,” NEJM (2020 February 28): 1–2.) Yet at other times, Dr. Fauci has suggested that the fatality rate could be higher. Only time will tell.
It has been my experience locally that there is an inverse relationship between a person's support for a complete shutdown and the degree to which doing so would affect them personally.

Teachers, for instance, are all for an utter lock down. They are at home right now getting paid to not work. They have nice pers for when they retire and they have free medical benefits. Small business owners are not quite as enthusiastic, as they have none of these things.

It is always easy to demand that others make the sacrifice so you don't have to, and right now it is the public sector doing that to the private.

Nice pers? Did you mean "perks"?

Where the hell did you morons come up with this "free medical benefits" bullshit? You have been told by others and myself that is simply not true. Everywhere I worked in 21 years as a teacher, I paid for my medical in part for myself and 100% for my family.

What's next? Retirement benefits? The same benefits that we provided at 100%.

I wish you dumbasses could come up with another reason to bash teachers because you are jealous and did not have an opportunity to actually get an education.
if people aren't around other people, how can it spread? I'll wait for the leftist scholars to share that logical problem.
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

The country is at war with a deadly pathogen. You should be on the side of the United States and not the pathogen which is killing people. The ideas you express will allow the pathogen to spread more and kill more Americans.

This virus is going to infect at least half the population regardless of any measures taken. We shouldn’t willfully destroy the entire economy on the untenable goal of preventing most people from being exposed to the virus. Those who can social distance and self quarantine should, those who can’t should carry on. There are usually 40,000 deaths a year just the flu, yet we don’t stop the nation to prevent it. Even if COVID19 is two or three times worse it’s still not worth shutting everything down.

1. Coronavirus is 44 times worse than seasonal flu in terms of risk of death if infected.
2. If you allow half of the population to be exposed, you will KILL 2 MILLION AMERICANS AT MINIMUM WITHIN A YEAR!
3. IF YOU ALLOW HALF OF THE POPULATION TO BE EXPOSED, you will destroy the health care system in this country. Then, millions won't get treatment for whatever condition they have.

You obviously don't understand how serious this is. New York State only has 3,000 Ventilators and will need 37,000 to meet the number of patients they will see in the coming weeks. This is a disaster. It will overwhelm every hospital in the country if you allow it to spread to half of the population.
The people most at risk can isolate themselves. Destroying the economy will lead to a decade of depression and millions will still die. History shows that those conditions will also lead the world into war.
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

The country is at war with a deadly pathogen. You should be on the side of the United States and not the pathogen which is killing people. The ideas you express will allow the pathogen to spread more and kill more Americans.

This virus is going to infect at least half the population regardless of any measures taken. We shouldn’t willfully destroy the entire economy on the untenable goal of preventing most people from being exposed to the virus. Those who can social distance and self quarantine should, those who can’t should carry on. There are usually 40,000 deaths a year just the flu, yet we don’t stop the nation to prevent it. Even if COVID19 is two or three times worse it’s still not worth shutting everything down.

1. Coronavirus is 44 times worse than seasonal flu in terms of risk of death if infected.
2. If you allow half of the population to be exposed, you will KILL 2 MILLION AMERICANS AT MINIMUM WITHIN A YEAR!
3. IF YOU ALLOW HALF OF THE POPULATION TO BE EXPOSED, you will destroy the health care system in this country. Then, millions won't get treatment for whatever condition they have.

You obviously don't understand how serious this is. New York State only has 3,000 Ventilators and will need 37,000 to meet the number of patients they will see in the coming weeks. This is a disaster. It will overwhelm every hospital in the country if you allow it to spread to half of the population.
The people most at risk can isolate themselves. Destroying the economy will lead to a decade of depression and millions will still die. History shows that those conditions will also lead the world into war.

I don't disagree with the op in principle. Staggering shutdowns across the nation is not effective because we all travel. So KC is shut down now but residents later travel to an area that wasn't shut down and bring the virus back to KC after the lockdown. Patchwork bandaids will just prolong this.
Having said that until Congress passes laws preventing utilities and landlords from punishing the lower classes who work paycheck to paycheck a national shutdown could be devastating on them. They need to get this legislation done and have the aid prepared to go stat.

Totally agree that a 5-week shutdown would devastate the economy and the people. Who can survive w/o working for 5-weeks? Not many
A middle of the road approach (2 or 3 week shutdown) would reduce infections to an acceptable level and keep the economy afloat.

Humans need food, water, shelter, and clothing to survive. The economy can be redirected to supplying just those needs until the pandemic is defeated. This is a war and you have to do what is necessary to win!

I agree with you to the extent that it is a war, but while COVID-19 is extremely contagious, it is not very deadly.
COVID-19 is not as deadly as the normal flu we see every year, and ignore without even noticing?!
The normal flu season kills 40,000 to 60,000 Americans every year. Burden of Influenza

COVID-19 won't even be as deadly as the swine flu was in 2009, that killed 12,500, under Obama's admin.

Today there are 458 deaths attributed to COVID-19, and that is without any therapies like:

I'm hoping that your pushing for a 5-week economic shutdown isn't politically motivated just to help Sleazy Joe?

I'd like to clarify that it is a shutdown of non-essential services, not and economic shutdown. There are lots of business's that a making tons of money with this situation like Amazon, Giant, Publix, UPS, etc. Plus car companies are now being converted to making medical supplies for hospitals. Its a War economy like in World War II, where lots of things shut down in order to support the war effort.

A "partial shutdown" makes a lot more sense than the OP title of a "5-week national lock-down".
IMHO after the 2 or 3 week current "partial shutdown" most people should be allowed to return to work except:
1. Movies, cruise lines, sports venues, eat in restaurants, church services, all entertainment, social and recreational gatherings
2. I'm torn if schools should be allowed to open, kids need to keep their studies up, but maybe not in classrooms, maybe more online or via mail or email or FB?
3. I'm not thinking of any more?!

That would allow about 90% - 95% of the US economy to get back to work.

My wife works for an internet service provider. All of these people working from home, streaming lessons for homeschooling, etc. is killing the internet because it was not built to handle that load.

The dumbass OP wants to make it worse!
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

Go to the park. Get infected from someone you come into contact with. You get sick with a mild case. Go to visit grandma and she dies.

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