We need campaign money to be fully transparent!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
"The leader of a white supremacist group that appears to have influenced accused Charleston church killer Dylann Roof made thousands of dollars of campaign contributions to various Republican campaigns, according to federal records and news reports. There is no evidence that the campaigns, including those of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum, were aware of the group’s background and they were moving quickly yesterday to disassociate themselves from it, with Cruz’s campaign the first to announce that it would return money it had received."

Campaigns distance themselves from white supremacist leader s donations - The Washington Post

The current and oft repeated meme by the conservative echo chamber is that the Democratic Party is the party of racism, and yet where did this racist leader send their campaign 'donations'?

There is no slam intended against Cruz, Paul or Santorum, no doubt Clinton and others seeking their parties nomination are not to keen on who, only on how much. The point of this tread is to once again remind the readers that donated money is far less about free speech than the other meme kicking about the conservative echo chamber. What we don't know, is if Sect. Clinton also received said 'donations' - I'd be surprised if she did.

I do question why Cruz would return the money to a white supremacist group, better to donate it to a group which does good, not evil.
Why bother with transparent campaign finance when all Hillary needs is to trade Commodity futures to make a few billion
"The leader of a white supremacist group that appears to have influenced accused Charleston church killer Dylann Roof made thousands of dollars of campaign contributions to various Republican campaigns, according to federal records and news reports. There is no evidence that the campaigns, including those of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum, were aware of the group’s background and they were moving quickly yesterday to disassociate themselves from it, with Cruz’s campaign the first to announce that it would return money it had received."

Campaigns distance themselves from white supremacist leader s donations - The Washington Post

The current and oft repeated meme by the conservative echo chamber is that the Democratic Party is the party of racism, and yet where did this racist leader send their campaign 'donations'?

There is no slam intended against Cruz, Paul or Santorum, no doubt Clinton and others seeking their parties nomination are not to keen on who, only on how much. The point of this tread is to once again remind the readers that donated money is far less about free speech than the other meme kicking about the conservative echo chamber. What we don't know, is if Sect. Clinton also received said 'donations' - I'd be surprised if she did.

I do question why Cruz would return the money to a white supremacist group, better to donate it to a group which does good, not evil.
Campaign Finance Transparency ????? .......... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .................ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......................... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..............wooooooooooooooooooooooooo yea ........... yea .... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .......... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .............. for real ????
You think Hillary will return the money she got from Saudi Arabia, a country (a Kingdom) that oppresses Women?

You think Liberals will even care?

Foreign donations to foundation raise major ethical questions for Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post

Is that your only defense for being in bed with the racist white supremacist organization that was behind the domestic terrorist murder of 9 innocent Americans?

You can't stop screeching about Benghazi but somehow you refuse to accept responsibility for Charlston, SC.
You think Hillary will return the money she got from Saudi Arabia, a country (a Kingdom) that oppresses Women?

You think Liberals will even care?

Foreign donations to foundation raise major ethical questions for Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post

Is she the only one running who has received money from the Saudi's? How about Israel, how many of the candidates have taken foreign money from them? Oh, and BTW, would you like to comment on how G. W. Bush treated Saudi's stranded in the US immediately after the 911 attack?

Do you, personally, make sure the oil and gas you consume hasn't originated in Saudi Arabia, or other misogynist Arab nations? Or is that somehow different?
Liberals are all concerned about "misogyny", THEY are the ones who should be concerned about where their oil comes from.

You wanna have Bush arrested for War Crimes? Me too.

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bush I, Eric Holder and Obama need to added to that list as well as most of their Cabinet members over the years.

Or you can be typical uninformed and ignorant American and just wave the political flag of your choice. Just like the Sports Zombies do with "their teams".

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