We need Crossfire back on TV, a real debate, not just endless talking points and propaganda. (Poll)

Would you like to see a nightly debate between Rs & Ds with real time fact checking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
1. If the debate is taped there would be time for fact-checking, including "alternate facts".
2. The viewers, partisan as they are will probably agree with their party's advocate.
3. My recommendation is to see a real lively debate instead of unchallenged partisan talking points.
plz, no more fact-checking BS. If Trump says the earth is round, fact-checkers will say it is BS because the earth is elliptical, OTOH, if DEMS say the earth is flat, fact-checkers will only say this is somewhat misleading. Anyway, we will never see it because DNC wants an echo chamber.
plz, no more fact-checking BS. If Trump says the earth is round, fact-checkers will say it is BS because the earth is elliptical, OTOH, if DEMS say the earth is flat, fact-checkers will only say this is somewhat misleading. Anyway, we will never see it because DNC wants an echo chamber.
True. But if democrats don't participate it becomes a WWE one-sided baby seal beating.
True. But if democrats don't participate it becomes a WWE one-sided baby seal beating.
Why do Dems want to participate in it so that GOP can debunk their talking points? THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM.
I also said that the show would be "fact-checked" before airing. The Kellyanne Conway's claim about the crowd size at Trump's inauguration would be fact checked. No "alternative facts" that were not confirmed would be allowed. IMHO alternative facts were needed to combat the many "fake news" articles aimed at Trump.

Okay, it's a fact that there was no sizable fraud found in the 2020 election. No credible evidence of massive fraud has ever been brought forward much less submitted to the courts. There have been no arrests made for a massive conspiracy to change the outcome of the 2020 election in any state. In fact, the inverse is actually true. Republicans gained seats in the US House.

All of the above are facts. Few if any Trump supporters will accept it because Gatewaypundshit has a source who has an affidavit that swears blah blah blah. which may also be a fact. The thing is an affidavit is useless until it can be challenged. Since no court has found that the election deniers have crossed the threshold into having a viable case, the affidavit is just a witness statement. It isn't proof of anything.

So the "fact checking" will never be accepted either by the right wing loons when it doesn't favor an outcome championed by right wing loons. And more and more it seems that the terms "right wing" and "loons" are becoming increasingly redundant.
Okay, it's a fact that there was no sizable fraud found in the 2020 election. No credible evidence of massive fraud has ever been brought forward much less submitted to the courts. There have been no arrests made for a massive conspiracy to change the outcome of the 2020 election in any state. In fact, the inverse is actually true. Republicans gained seats in the US House.

All of the above are facts. Few if any Trump supporters will accept it because Gatewaypundshit has a source who has an affidavit that swears blah blah blah. which may also be a fact. The thing is an affidavit is useless until it can be challenged. Since no court has found that the election deniers have crossed the threshold into having a viable case, the affidavit is just a witness statement. It isn't proof of anything.

So the "fact checking" will never be accepted either by the right wing loons when it doesn't favor an outcome championed by right wing loons. And more and more it seems that the terms "right wing" and "loons" are becoming increasingly redundant.
Facts are facts. They are NOT partisan. If FNC presents any lies they could be sued. If any "loons" don't accept them, tough shit.

As for the 2020 election, there was voter fraud, but it may not have been the ballot stuffing kind. When democrats send out mail-in ballots to everyone, who knows how they are handled after "harvesting". Similarly, look at the cozy relationship between the FBI and MSM, Twitter & FB were told what to censor. The Hunter Biden laptop story was buried as "Russian Disinformation". Zuckerbucks bought WI, etc. Trump lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. The FBI illegally swung the 2020 election to Biden.

I'm not sure you ever ever saw the old Crossfire, but it was a real debate with real facts.
Facts are facts. They are NOT partisan. If FNC presents any lies they could be sued. If any "loons" don't accept them, tough shit.
That is fine as far as it goes...then you proceed to illustrate my point that it is a fools errand to talk to a MAGA moron like yourself.
As for the 2020 election, there was voter fraud, but it may not have been the ballot stuffing kind. When democrats send out mail-in ballots to everyone, who knows how they are handled after "harvesting".
Gee, the brick red state of Utah did the same thing. But somehow only the democrats are at fault?
Similarly, look at the cozy relationship between the FBI and MSM, Twitter & FB were told what to censor. The Hunter Biden laptop story was buried as "Russian Disinformation". Zuckerbucks bought WI, etc. Trump lost by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. The FBI illegally swung the 2020 election to Biden.
Ahh, the conspiracy theories. I read somewhere where Bongingo was a former Secret Service agent and he was on FOX. So can we now call the SS "compromised"?

This would be a good time for you to present credible facts so I can fact check them.

I'm not sure you ever ever saw the old Crossfire, but it was a real debate with real facts.
I'm not sure you are sober but perhaps it will get through this time between your bong rips.... THAT WAS BEFORE YOU GUYS INVENTED "ALTERNATIVE FACTS".
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________
Why was Crossfire canceled? Two words... Jon Stewart.

Start at 6:58 mark.
That is fine as far as it goes...then you proceed to illustrate my point that it is a fools errand to talk to a MAGA moron like yourself.
Gee, the brick red state of Utah did the same thing. But somehow only the democrats are at fault?
Ahh, the conspiracy theories. I read somewhere where Bongingo was a former Secret Service agent and he was on FOX. So can we now call the SS "compromised"?
This would be a good time for you to present credible facts so I can fact check them.
I'm not sure you are sober but perhaps it will get through this time between your bong rips.... THAT WAS BEFORE YOU GUYS INVENTED "ALTERNATIVE FACTS".
1. Illustrate how? Illustrate what? Don't type nonsense, type proven facts. I'm not MAGA, I'm voting for Ron in the primary.

2. So what if Utah sent out mail-in ballots to all registered voters? Did Republicans do "vote harvesting" there?
  • California (permanent)
  • Colorado (permanent)
  • Hawaii (permanent)
  • Nevada (permanent)
  • New Jersey (temporary)
  • Oregon (permanent)
  • Utah (permanent)
  • Vermont (permanent)
  • Washington state (permanent)
  • Washington, D.C. (temporary)

3. Please keep current. Elon Musk PROVED by releasing Twitter records that the FBI coordinated the MSM's blocking of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election.

4. Bongino was a Secret Service agent, so what?

5. I am always sober. I never used illegal drugs. I asked a simple question. Did you ever see the old Crossfire? Why is that so tough to answer?
the show will end with the first question to a dem,,,

what is a women??
Biological sex is the definition based on genetics (6 basic karyotypes, which are classified under two main categories: XX for Female and XY for Male as the scientific definitions used for legal and governmental policy in general.

Gender Identity is the internal affiliation that people use for themselves, similar to spiritual, religious or political affiliation.

These can be the traditional Man/Woman, Boy/Girl categories.

Or the 50-60 labels including Cisgender and Transgender, as well as nonbinary or unisex labels.

These definitions can vary, depending on a person's beliefs. That is where this question is best answered by each person addressing that specific context.
1. Illustrate how? Illustrate what? Don't type nonsense, type proven facts. I'm not MAGA, I'm voting for Ron in the primary.

2. So what if Utah sent out mail-in ballots to all registered voters? Did Republicans do "vote harvesting" there?
  • California (permanent)
  • Colorado (permanent)
  • Hawaii (permanent)
  • Nevada (permanent)
  • New Jersey (temporary)
  • Oregon (permanent)
  • Utah (permanent)
  • Vermont (permanent)
  • Washington state (permanent)
  • Washington, D.C. (temporary)

3. Please keep current. Elon Musk PROVED by releasing Twitter records that the FBI coordinated the MSM's blocking of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election.

4. Bongino was a Secret Service agent, so what?

5. I am always sober. I never used illegal drugs. I asked a simple question. Did you ever see the old Crossfire? Why is that so tough to answer?
Yes, I would definitely like to reintroduce the media that used to be open to all sources. And discuss openly such censored topics as:
1A. The contested changes to election rules that states didn't all vote on consistently through legislatures, as well as 1B. the millions of unmotorized mailing ballots that remain faith based and can never be proven or disproven valid or invalid because of this lack of court standardized notarizations sworn under penalty of perjury. Just because half the states' and nation's voters consent to such rule changes doesn't make them legally assumed to be valid. 1C The courts never addressed these legal objections due to issues of standing and jurisdiction between state and national laws, thus requiring a Constitutional Convention to address both state/federal policy at the same time.

2. Censored medical treatments including
2A: Pandemic related:
HCQ and Ivermectin later proven to work effectively "under doctor discretion" in conjunction with other supplements since Covid infections involved several different areas all requiring medical attention (early diagnosis and treatment, monitoring oxygen levels, and reducing "viral load exposure" by segregating severe infections and using hazmat or 95-97% filtration, to reduce respiratory, heart and organ inflammation and prevent escalation/intubation, blood clotting, myocarditis, blood cell issues affecting lungs, brain, heart and other organs that could go into failure, "sudden relapses" occurring at 7-10 days even if patients appeared to recover, and sudden deaths during sleep due to heart failures)

While the media blamed Conservatives especially Trump for one-sided biases, there was not equal exposure of the massive deaths caused by negligent denial of medical treatment, information and procedures in NY/NJ that killed more people who could have been saved had the successful medical doctors and advisors, such as Dr.Joseph Varron been headed and included instead of censored.

2B. Spiritual Healing (using deliverance, exorcism, forgiveness/recovery counseling to break generational/addictive/abusive patterns) instead of censoring and banning effective methods that are voluntary, natural, free and have been demonstrated using medical science.
This would resolve not only the issues of 2B1. LGBT and which cases of "grooming" are caused by unnatural sexual abuse including "pedophilia and exploiting minors", but
2B2. can also resolve issues of which criminal disorders or cases can be rehabilitated and which are terminal/chronic and "pose continuing danger to society."

3. Addressing the various political parties and beliefs as equal to "religious organizations and beliefs" to keep these from being imposed unconstitutionally through govt (ie without consent of or against the beliefs of opposing citizens and groups, which disparages or discriminates on the basis of Creed) instead of equal "public accommodations" for all persons regardless of Creed, religious or political beliefs.

this would lead to separating subjective policies by party that not all the public or states agree to due to religious and political differences in beliefs, thus affecting tax policies as well as requiring tax credits, breaks and reimbursement of tax money spent on unauthorized policies and programs considered unconstitutional by these standards.

1. Illustrate how? Illustrate what? Don't type nonsense, type proven facts. I'm not MAGA, I'm voting for Ron in the primary.
2. So what if Utah sent out mail-in ballots to all registered voters? Did Republicans do "vote harvesting" there?
  • California (permanent)
  • Colorado (permanent)
  • Hawaii (permanent)
  • Nevada (permanent)
  • New Jersey (temporary)
  • Oregon (permanent)
  • Utah (permanent)
  • Vermont (permanent)
  • Washington state (permanent)
  • Washington, D.C. (temporary)
You were complaining that democrats mail ballots to everyone...as if that somehow prevents republicans from voting. Your stance is moronic.
3. Please keep current. Elon Musk PROVED by releasing Twitter records that the FBI coordinated the MSM's blocking of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election.
No such thing happened.
4. Bongino was a Secret Service agent, so what?
You're complaining about the "cozy" relationship between government and media. I demonstrated it. Suddenly your stance is "so what".
5. I am always sober. I never used illegal drugs. I asked a simple question. Did you ever see the old Crossfire? Why is that so tough to answer?
Probably saw it once or twice.

What makes me think you're either high or drunk is that you seem to not notice that MAGA morons like yourself now rely on "alternative facts" to prop up any lame ass policy you want to field. A great example of this is the detention centers that Obama built (he built a great many of them). You say that to try to ignore that your cult leader filled them with kids.
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________

The Pat Buchanan - Michael Kinsley Crossfire was a really great TV debate show. There has not been anything like it on TV since...
Biological sex is the definition based on genetics (6 basic karyotypes, which are classified under two main categories: XX for Female and XY for Male as the scientific definitions used for legal and governmental policy in general.
Gender Identity is the internal affiliation that people use for themselves, similar to spiritual, religious or political affiliation.
These can be the traditional Man/Woman, Boy/Girl categories.
Or the 50-60 labels including Cisgender and Transgender, as well as nonbinary or unisex labels.
These definitions can vary, depending on a person's beliefs. That is where this question is best answered by each person addressing that specific context.
Biological sex is the norm. If freaks/deviates want to identify as a freak/deviate don't expect us to play along.
The Pat Buchanan - Michael Kinsley Crossfire was a really great TV debate show. There has not been anything like it on TV since...
Totally agree. I also liked Newt v S.E. Cupp.
  • Thanks
Reactions: EMH
Totally agree. I also liked Newt v S.E. Cupp.

even Sununu and Lyn (not Liz) Cheney (before 911) were good

Braden sucked. Kinsley was a major upgrade. So was Cupp.
Biological sex is the norm. If freaks/deviates want to identify as a freak/deviate don't expect us to play along.
It's an objective difference between govt/public policy "definitions" for legal reasons that are based on neutral science versus internal subjective beliefs and preferences about identity/affiliation or social orientations that are NOT govt jurisdiction.

It isnt an issue of whether the beliefs are freakish, respected or not respected as valid or not.

Even if the categories in question were respected/recognized beliefs (such as whether someone identifies as Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Atheist etc), the govt STILL does not have jurisdiction to recognize one set of these as protected over another, but all such designations would be equally included under Creed, and freedom of religion and expression.

Regardless of the contents of those beliefs, people have their individual rights to believe and express them for themselves. (Just not impose them on others through govt which is Unconstitutional unless the people consent to that as public policy for everyone)
It's an objective difference between govt/public policy "definitions" for legal reasons that are based on neutral science versus internal subjective beliefs and preferences about identity/affiliation or social orientations that are NOT govt jurisdiction.

It isn't an issue of whether the beliefs are freakish, respected or not respected as valid or not.

Even if the categories in question were respected/recognized beliefs (such as whether someone identifies as Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Atheist etc), the govt STILL does not have jurisdiction to recognize one set of these as protected over another, but all such designations would be equally included under Creed, and freedom of religion and expression.

Regardless of the contents of those beliefs, people have their individual rights to believe and express them for themselves. (Just not impose them on others through govt which is Unconstitutional unless the people consent to that as public policy for everyone)
Let's start where we normally were with "traditional family values".
Which may or may not be based on religious beliefs.

The government can impose and does impose them on others, such as
no polygamy allowed
no sex with kids
no drag shows in schools
no LGBTQ books in schools
no looking at naked kids online
Last edited:
I miss Crossfire. It was on CNN every night. Why was it cancelled? Probably CNN preferred propaganda and talking points to an honest debate.

I wouldn't expect CNN to run it again, I hope FNC would put "Crossfire-II" in Tucker's 7 PM slot.

Crossfire is an American nightly current events debate television program that aired on CNN from June 25, 1982 to September 12, 2005 and again from September 9, 2013 to August 6, 2014. The format was designed to present and challenge the opinions of a politically liberal pundit and a conservative pundit.
In 2013, after eight years off the air, a revival of Crossfire launched on September 9. The panelists for the new edition of Crossfire were former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and political commentator S. E. Cupp representing the right with political consultant Stephanie Cutter and advocate Van Jones representing the left. The program was last broadcast in July 2014 and officially cancelled later that year.

1. I'd like to see fact checking to keep the facts straight.
2. The moderators can be debated, for starters here are my recommendations:

Republicans: Chaffetz, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley (must have in-depth knowledge of current facts, FNC gals typically don't)

Democrats: Geraldo, Juan Williams, ____________
Republicans - Levin, Wilkow

Dems - Todd, Lemon


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