We need global tax laws!

Your thinking is not very elastic. Extra levels of government are not on my agenda. What we need to do is eliminate national governments, or greatly attenuate their powers. In the 21st century, the nation-state has outlived its usefulness and has become mainly evil in its effects.

If we are to survive, we must move to a world with global organizations of power and influence, and below them very little government except local governments and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Our present nations should be little more than postal addresses.

Nation states are johnny-come-lately gimmicks. Before they arose, Western society consisted of supra-national powers (the Church, the Hansa, international banking, etc.) and local, feudal domains. The "nations" were weak, or virtually non-existent.

I certainly would not like to go back to the feudal society of the Middle Ages -- but that type of society worked, after a fashion, and we could create a much better version of it in the 21st century.
I think I'll stick with the government of my nation-state. At least its their job to provide for my general welfare. A corporation looks at me in only 1 of 3 category's:
  1. consumer
  2. warrior
  3. criminal
I agree with you about corporations. Unfortunately, the same is true about your national government.

Both Corporate Monopollies and Totalitarian Government are vast concentrations of power, and it is almost impossible to prevent either of them from becoming satanic.

Power should always be too diffuse to be a threat, or broken up into many streams which do not have the force to flood into your life and overwhelm it.
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

You want the freaking bar scene from Star Wars to apply tax laws on US corporations? You gotta be nuts or French.
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

Go fuck yourself
You want the freaking bar scene from Star Wars to apply tax laws on US corporations? You gotta be nuts or French.
Uh...I hate to break it to you, but the freaking bar scene from Star Wars is the United States of America.

when countries compete to offer low taxes, like corporations compete to offer low prices there is a huge incentive to keep the cost of government and the cost of goods and services low. This is ideal and perfect. Too bad a liberal lacks the IQ to understand it.
when countries compete to offer low taxes, like corporations compete to offer low prices there is a huge incentive to keep the cost of government and the cost of goods and services low. This is ideal and perfect. Too bad a liberal lacks the IQ to understand it.
There's just one problem with your economic model, Eddie, ever since we stopped enforcing anti-trust laws, there's not a whole lot of competition out there. What we have now, is "Totalitarian capitalism".

And I'm not talking about tax incentives, I'm talking about forcing these fuckers to be paying taxes on profits they make in this country. We need to end corporate welfare. And we need to raise the tax on capitol gains and dividends to 35%.

And if international treaty's end their safe haven in the Cayman Islands, so be it.
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

It's not just about the corporations. The global tax is a special tax that is proposed to be imposed on the American people to help impoverished third world country nations.

So in other words, you believe and support the ideology of the Progressives and Socialism for re-distributation of wealth. :cuckoo:
there's not a whole lot of competition out there.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to present your best 3 examples. What does your fear tell us??

I'm talking about forcing these fuckers to be paying taxes on profits they make in this country. .

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that a tax is a cost like any other that is passed on to consumers in the price so it doesn't matter how high or low the tax is. Either way you pay, not the corporations. Corporations are tax collectors, not tax payers. Got it now?
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.


the goofy Marxist thinks corporations are evil because of all the jobs and products they provide to make us the richest people in the history of the world.
there's not a whole lot of competition out there.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to present your best 3 examples. What does your fear tell us??

These took about 90 seconds of internet scanning. How many would we find with an honest research program?


U.S. regulators propose 5-year ban for Apple e-book price fixing - Business - CBC News

Nation & World | Alaska state board files antitrust suit against BP, Exxon Mobil | Seattle Times Newspaper

I'm talking about forcing these fuckers to be paying taxes on profits they make in this country. .

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that a tax is a cost like any other that is passed on to consumers in the price so it doesn't matter how high or low the tax is. Either way you pay, not the corporations. Corporations are tax collectors, not tax payers. Got it now?

Not necessarily. Taxes may push corporations to greater efficiencies (such as, for example, CEO salaries that are below the stratosphere), depending on demand for their products.

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