We need global tax laws!

I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.
You have demonstrated that you do not even understand the English language.

You could correctly call me an "educationist", but not a "racist".


Bull puckey. You couldn't educate yourself much less anyone else, and yes, you are a classic racist.
That would have as much chance as passing a law forcing everyone in America to speak French.
I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.


I think you should only be allowed to vote if you own property. How's that for a nice biased law. And how about this, the more property you own, the more you get to vote!

Yeah, that's the ticket...

My!! What a gathering of illiterates on this thread !!!

I suppose that explains their venom.

Or maybe they are enraged by my new signature line.

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Your thinking is not very elastic. Extra levels of government are not on my agenda. What we need to do is eliminate national governments, or greatly attenuate their powers. In the 21st century, the nation-state has outlived its usefulness and has become mainly evil in its effects.

If we are to survive, we must move to a world with global organizations of power and influence, and below them very little government except local governments and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Our present nations should be little more than postal addresses.

Nation states are johnny-come-lately gimmicks. Before they arose, Western society consisted of supra-national powers (the Church, the Hansa, international banking, etc.) and local, feudal domains. The "nations" were weak, or virtually non-existent.

I certainly would not like to go back to the feudal society of the Middle Ages -- but that type of society worked, after a fashion, and we could create a much better version of it in the 21st century.
Why anyone would support the most fascist entity on the planet, is beyond me?
I wonder why you appear to think that I am supporting the U.N.?

There is nothing in my posting that would indicate that.


My!! What a gathering of illiterates on this thread !!!

I suppose that explains their venom.


Keep dreaming clown. We're just tired of idiot asshats like you telling everyone how smart you are then running and hiding when whatever idiotic statement you made gets blown out of the water. You have proven yourself to be no intellectual. Pseudo-intellectual for sure, but those don't count.
Let's turn the planet into Detroit?

Now there is a brilliant idea.

Taxing something gives you less of it. It ain't rocket science.

"Detroit ranked first among the 50 largest U.S. cities in taxes and last among property values in a 2011 study by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Mass. Detroit taxes on a $150,000 house were $4,885, twice the national average of $1,983. The city’s average house price, $16,800, was nearly 10 times lower than the next lowest, Mesa, Ariz."

From The Detroit News: Orr seeks to lower Detroit's property taxes to attract residents | The Detroit News
Your thinking is not very elastic. Extra levels of government are not on my agenda. What we need to do is eliminate national governments, or greatly attenuate their powers. In the 21st century, the nation-state has outlived its usefulness and has become mainly evil in its effects.

If we are to survive, we must move to a world with global organizations of power and influence, and below them very little government except local governments and non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Our present nations should be little more than postal addresses.

Nation states are johnny-come-lately gimmicks. Before they arose, Western society consisted of supra-national powers (the Church, the Hansa, international banking, etc.) and local, feudal domains. The "nations" were weak, or virtually non-existent.

I certainly would not like to go back to the feudal society of the Middle Ages -- but that type of society worked, after a fashion, and we could create a much better version of it in the 21st century.
Why anyone would support the most fascist entity on the planet, is beyond me?
I wonder why you appear to think that I am supporting the U.N.?

There is nothing in my posting that would indicate that.


Why anyone would advocate for a collectivist world government is beyond me. Government has been shown to be grossly incompetent at best when scaled up to the size of the US and malicious at worst. A one world government is great so long as you have a benevolent tyrant at the helm.....the problem of course is there are very few of those.
Few, name even one!
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

As frucked up as the UN and all the other international organizations have everything else, we sure as hell don't need yet another world organization to screw up taxes for anybody.
That would have as much chance as passing a law forcing everyone in America to speak French.
I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.


why not a basic test that asks about 20 questions on political issues since the Constitution bases democracy on an informed electorate.
That would have as much chance as passing a law forcing everyone in America to speak French.
I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.
why not a basic test that asks about 20 questions on political issues since the Constitution bases democracy on an informed electorate.
If voting were restricted to an informed electorate, then almost nobody in the USA would be permitted to vote.

At least with my test, some people would be able to vote.

I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.
why not a basic test that asks about 20 questions on political issues since the Constitution bases democracy on an informed electorate.
If voting were restricted to an informed electorate, then almost nobody in the USA would be permitted to vote.

At least with my test, some people would be able to vote.


of course it depends on how hard the test is and how hard people study for it. Liberals are opposed and always subversively trying to get the least qualified to vote for more welfare money in their pockets.
That would have as much chance as passing a law forcing everyone in America to speak French.
I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.


Me too. That's three languages.

They are English, English and English.

Who cares about any other language?
why not a basic test that asks about 20 questions on political issues since the Constitution bases democracy on an informed electorate.
If voting were restricted to an informed electorate, then almost nobody in the USA would be permitted to vote.

At least with my test, some people would be able to vote.
of course it depends on how hard the test is and how hard people study for it. Liberals are opposed and always subversively trying to get the least qualified to vote....
Not being a liberal, I want it to be as difficult as is practicable.

I certainly want it to be sufficiently difficult that Westwall would not pass it. He is a Denialist who won't even accept the science of Global Heating!!

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I am in favor of a law that would forbid people to vote unless they can pass a test in understanding at least two foreign languages.
why not a basic test that asks about 20 questions on political issues since the Constitution bases democracy on an informed electorate.
If voting were restricted to an informed electorate, then almost nobody in the USA would be permitted to vote.

At least with my test, some people would be able to vote.


Me too.

My test would have two questions. They would be

1.) Do you believe Bush was in any way connected to 9/11?
2.) Do you believe Obama was born in Kenya?

If you answered Yes to either of those questions, not only would you be banned from voting for life, you'd be sterilized because you're too stupid to procreate.
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

With all respect, it appears you have zero knowledge on global taxation or tax agreements.
We need a global organization like the United Nations to administer a global tax on corporations that try to off-shore their profits to other country's. Just like the UN Charter, we need a global charter on taxation of corporate profits. So no matter where they go, they will still get taxed for that money. And it should be an international rate that they can't loophole down into a negative tax refund.

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
--Luke 2:1

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