We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

Let's see your evidence of this fraud.

Who was defrauded? Who lost money?
He almost single-handedly destroyed the economic my of the city of Atlantic City when he declared bankruptcy. He owed money to do many. Including some of my extended family members. They never recovered from that and probably led to their premature deaths. So there goes " thou shall not kill " too.
He almost single-handedly destroyed the economic my of the city of Atlantic City when he declared bankruptcy. He owed money to do many. Including some of my extended family members. They never recovered from that and probably led to their premature deaths. So there goes " thou shall not kill " too.
Idk what to tell you on that. Trump liked proper work.
Maybe some peoples' stuff was passable, but not great, but they didn't get paid.
Idk what to tell you on that. Trump liked proper work.
Maybe some peoples' stuff was passable, but not great, but they didn't get paid.
You fool , he stiffed thousands including his own dad ( so much for honor thy mother and father ) . His dad bought millions of dollars in casino chips and never cashed them in to keep the employees and vendors paid but trump ran and took that money too. He told my s cond cousins that the money was in the mail as he fled the casino. That's the last time they saw him.( Thou shall not lie goes down too ) . They survived be prisons of the Holocaust but they didn't survive trump.
Do you people actually ignore all the BS that comes out of Trump's mouth every time he talks or are you just being silent about it hoping people don't notice. They notice ! It's over !
/——/ What lies? What BS? You are long on accusations and short on evidence — as usual.
He almost single-handedly destroyed the economic my of the city of Atlantic City when he declared bankruptcy. He owed money to do many. Including some of my extended family members. They never recovered from that and probably led to their premature deaths. So there goes " thou shall not kill " too.
/——/ I’m sorry about your family members who lost money and died. But, do you think Trump is responsible for AC declining?
Were his casinos the only ones to shut down?
The new casinos in NY and PA had nothing to do with the drop off in AC gamblers?
I live on Long Island, and there are three casinos close by, where there were none before.
The daily bus tours from LI and NYC to AC stopped running decades ago. Why bother with a two hour drive plus tolls when there are three locals casinos you can go to?
/——/ What lies? What BS? You are long on accusations and short on evidence — as usual.
Constantly blaming the media and everyone else of going after him when he is the problem to begin with. Constantly offering pie-in-the-sky schemes without regards to the consequences of promising things he can't and never will be able to deliver on without further destroying the nation. Telling lies as if they were facts and endangering people's lives.The list is endless. In short being totally irresponsible and then blames others when things go south.
Telling lies as if they were facts and endangering people's lives.
You might propping up a Celery Stalk of a president for 3.5 years and telling us we were wrong when we said he was more than a few cards short of a deck ? This is the guy who had to decide to push the button.

And you, by propping him up, put as at risk. You put our families at risk. So stop being such a hypocrite.

Else why did you push him out ?
Constantly offering pie-in-the-sky schemes without regards to the consequences of promising things he can't and never will be able to deliver on without further destroying the nation.

As Biden/Harris are headed towards a 2.8 trillion dollar deficit (in a supposedly booming economy) you want to say this ?

You are beyond stupid.
Yup. There will be another uprising if he isn't stopped.

That is, of course, the intention of whoever is feeding him his lines these days.
another uprising??? When was the first one? how about 1776? That is what may happen again if the corrupt incompetent dems take power. King George thought he was secure too.
another uprising??? When was the first one? how about 1776? That is what may happen again if the corrupt incompetent dems take power. King George thought he was secure too.

Put Crepitus on ignore. He's a trolling moron. I am not even interested in what he posted to get your response.

I know I'll lose IQ points by reading it.
I am not little in any way and I'm far older and wiser than you can even begin to imagine. I really don't play these silly political games people play nowadays. I know the difference between right and wrong and there is nothing right about trump. Liar , cheat. , fraud , rapist , convicted felon and traitor. The man that's coming up with more schemes that do nothing for America but put it in greater jeopardy and make US weaker. No concept of what makes America strong or what is good for America. There is no future with trump.
LOLOLOL it is your rhetoric that is encouraging violence among the left. President Trump is the victim here...and don't think we don't know that he is the only thing standing between the left's persecution and the rest of us.

Your avatar says so much about your mental stability. JimH52 You really should change that if you wish to retain any shred of cred.
DO not want a president who is a victim.

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