We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

you are the fascists...trying to reverse the rhetoric is very transparent...it's the same thing hitler did. For those of us who see the truth of the matter...and i think you do too, the left is dangerous and one day it will come for you even if you think you are totally immune. Look at history…. Outlaw the Democrat Party
Your signature demand “Outlaw the Democratic Party!” … gives you away.

It is a classic slogan and action of fascist movements, especially those built around demagogic cult personalities.

No Democrat or Independent talks like this. Nobody says “Outlaw the Republican Party!”

Indeed most of us just want the Republicans to return to sanity. Stop “improving on” Trump’s already violent & unconstitutional suggestions, stop rotting your mind listening to his ever more bizarre megalomaniacal messages!
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Your signature demand “Outlaw the Democratic Party!” … gives you away.

It is a classic slogan and action of fascist movements, especially those built around demagogic cult personalities. No Democrat or Independent talks like this. Nobody says “Outlaw the Republican Party!” Indeed most of us just want the Republicans to return to sanity, and stop regurgitating Trump’s violent messages.
You are smarter than a red pig.
Should we worry about this too?

Is that some kinda AI stuff?

cultsmasher would love that.

I mean, she's not wrong and sure enough looks black.

Things are what they are, but racial relations in America were much better from the late 1960s until Obama.

I don't hate black people, seriously, so many good black people have made such positive influences in my life, I just can't.

I never used to really see much racial hatred in America before Obama, seriously.

I mean, there was this little black dude at a place I was working at back in the day, and he was kinda trying to bully me,

and I was kinda trying to not kick his ass and go to jail, and he kept messin' with me but uh..I used to move heavier things for

these big black women that worked at this one station at the place, because they're women and I'm a man, and it's

kinda unrealistic to expect women to move things that heavy. So they'd save them for me for when I inevitably came around,

and I'd do it, no problem, like every day. And one day they

caught that boy doin' that to me. They surrounded him, like 5 of 'em. He was about 5'7", 5"8", and they were all over 6 foot, easy.

Big Zulu Florida women. all over 6'3". all over 200lbs; They got onto him and he never messed with me again. :auiqs.jpg:

Actually he did 1 time after that , and I said "Aye, you want me to tell my girls how you're doin' me, hmm?"

And after that he walked away and never messed with me again.

Just one of them could squash him like a bug, and they all had my back.

Also, just because women are that big, does not mean they're as strong as a man of my size.

They are still women, and feminine, and all that. Even if one does have a couple chin hairs every now and then. :aargh:

I learned that back then.

Yes, I would pull a certain big black woman's chin hairs every so often. "Lemme get that, you don't need that."


:auiqs.jpg: Yeah! That's sometimes what life's really like.
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you are the fascists...trying to reverse the rhetoric is very transparent...it's the same thing hitler did. For those of us who see the truth of the matter...and i think you do too, the left is dangerous and one day it will come for you even if you think you are totally immune. Look at history.
Trump’s rhetoric of violence and intimidation is classic, traditional fascism – fundamentally illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian.
Trump’s rhetoric of violence and intimidation is classic, traditional fascism – fundamentally illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian.

Whereas your use of terror, and violence is even more in line with fascism.

Trump didn't murder 30, and cause 2 billion in damages.

I find it humorous that you think any law enforcement (even if they supported your riotous bullshit, which they don't) and leftist

shitlords stand a chance against millions of armed and thoroughly pissed off Americans.

When the law-abiding lose faith in the law, you're fucked. You're done like a shoeleather steak.

I hate to say it, but it's looking possible things may go that way.

If the consent of the governed in America is no longer given, there will be none of that until things are righted.

I bet you've never heard of that "government by the consent of the governed" before, huh, fascist?


Every Thomas Jefferson quote ever.


If the powers are unjust, it's a whole new ballgame, baby.
As if on cue – an example of the fascist right’s advocacy of lawlessness and violence.
That you don’t like the fact that Trump’s rhetoric of violence and intimidation is fundamentally fascist does nothing to change that fact.

Trump does what Schumer does. Don't like it. Tell Schumer to stop you hypocritical ass.
Which is what the criminals in your party should have done in 2020. Instead, by stealing an American Election, you have quite possibly created a Monster that will eat us all.
That would be way too liberal of a thing to do for modern day Democrats.

They can't win arguments on the merits.

Liberalism means winning in the arena of ideas. Democrats don't care about that, all they care about is power and

their agenda to get back to Feudalism or something like it.

Well, they may not think that's the agenda, but it's pretty much what the end result of what they're trying to do will up as.
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trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.
What incitement has he done? Please, tell us. You all keep saying he incited this or that. What you REALLY mean is “trump said something I don’t like so I’m going to try to stifle his free speech by saying he incited violence”.

Why is it you people can never understand or see that trump uses the very same language that you lefty’s use, but you only see it as bad when it’s him doing it.

So, tell us, why is trumps use of rhetoric any different that bidens? Hell, “maga extremists (every Republican according to the left) are a threat to the country” is among the WORST incitement and rhetoric that a president could ever use, and you lefty’s DEFENDED him supported him for using it.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.
Born in Kenya Barack: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'
That you don’t like the fact that Trump’s rhetoric of violence and intimidation is fundamentally fascist does nothing to change that fact.

STFU, tard. Seriously. Biden demonized over half of Americans who are a majority.

Do you not believe in Democracy?

Play silly games, win silly prizes. There were no 81 million voters to go along with the votes that were counted in 2020.

Try some bullshit and it will be proven.

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