We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

Do not restrain him, and he will sink himself.
These violent thugs you mention haven't taken an oath to serve and protect and to follow the constitution. Trump did. It meant nothing to him/. If this character gets another term in office you will be sorely surprised, being thee ignorant know nothing you are.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.
Why just last week there was fifty billion dollars' worth of destruction from Trump inspired violence. Oh yesiree. All added up it is over five hundred quadrillion dollars over the last few years alone.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.

I was violent LONG before political Trump came on the scene.

If you believe you are going to shit your pants in fear, please be considerate and wear your adult diapers...tia.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
What is so appalling is the justice system seems to be making allowances for his rants of violence and intimidation.

This is the second time I have witnesses the blatant demonstration of a fractured justice system, where there is one rule of law for the wealthy and elite...and another rule of law for the rest of us.

If the attackers on J6 were BLM, blood would have poured down the Capitol steps. But they were nearly all white, wearing MAGA hats. They were allowed to go home.

Now trump is getting away with witness intimidation, threats against prosecutors, and attempting to influence potential jurors. You or I would be in jail. He is being given a golden parachute.

No, the ones who were convicted for being at the capital and participating in a protest must have their record cleared.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.
What about all if the violent rhetoric against Trump?
???? Trump unrestrained will destroying himself with his own words.
Then why are dimocrap scum so afraid of him?

Let me say for the record: He's not my pick for POTUS. DeSantis is.

I was having a conversation with my DIL in Oct of '20 and it turned to politics. She is a Boston Liberal, College educated, intelligent, very pretty, very sure of herself. And she hangs with a mostly similar crowd.

It became clear she hated Trump so I had to ask her, what did he do that you hate him so much? Now, keep in mind, this is a well-educated, successful woman we're talking about here.

She just stared at me for a minute. A full minute, which is a long time in a conversation, until she finally blurted out, "He's just MEAN!!"

And that's all dimocraps got. The elites, the real, honest to God criminals hate him because he will put a stop to their thievery.

The everyday, run-of-the-mill, idiot dimocrap voter....?

They got nothing. It all comes back to, "He's just -- MEAN!!"

The truth is, outside of the drooling, mad-dog dimocraps in here, most people just don't have the time to delve deeply into politics.

The average voter gets up at 6:00AM. Mama makes breakfast, gets the kids and the old man ready for work and more than likely has to go to work herself.

Dad gets home at 6:00PM and, if he's lucky, can have a drink with Mama before they sit down to dinner at 7:00PM.

They watch the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media lie their fucking asses off for a half-hour to one hour, help Junior with his homework, clean up the kitchen, go to bed exhausted and wake up in the morning, rinse, lather, repeat.

So the only thing a LOT of people know about Politics in this Country is what the LYING SCUM in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Media tells them.

There's more of this coming out every day. You will see.

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.

We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric​

LefTard Logic:
”Lets not worry about the tens of millions of dirty wetbacks breaking into our nation, changing our country forever, destroying our institutions, bringing in fentanyl by the ton, raping, maiming and killing our people…NO NO….let s be “CONCERNED” about Trump’s violent rhetoric.”

Ladies and gentlemen….this is the totally fucked in the head twisted left. They have literally created their own backwards as fuck Twilight Zone.

JimH52 for the record, how many threads have you started where you clearly denounced said wetbacks?
Do you understand why NOBODY sane can take you seriously?

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