We need to GET OUT of the UN

F*** The United Nations​

Yesterday, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, took to the floor of the United Nations to blame Israel for the murder of 1,500 of its own citizens and the kidnapping of another 200. He intoned:

Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians — or the launching of rockets against civilian targets. All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions. I respectfully note the presence among us of members of their families. Excellencies, it is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.
This is, simply put, Jew-hatred. It is an apology for terrorism. It ignores reality — the vast majority of Palestinians live under direct Palestinian rule, whether Hamas in the Gaza Strip or the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. But worse than that, it reverses reality: It lays the blame for a genocidal mass slaughter of Jews, on the Jews.

Contextualizing mass murder is par for the course for the evil organization that is the United Nations.

Guterres didn’t stop there. He blamed Hamas’ perversities on settlements — meaning Jews building homes in the heartland of biblical Israel, Judea, and Samaria. Clearly, this somehow contextualizes mass rape and burning of babies.

He then drew equivalence between Hamas’ Holocaust atrocities and Israeli military retaliation directed at terrorist targets:

Excellencies, Even war has rules. … The relentless bombardment of Gaza by Israeli forces, the level of civilian casualties, and the wholesale destruction of neighborhoods continue to mount and are deeply alarming. … Protecting civilians can never mean using them as human shields. Protecting civilians does not mean ordering more than one million people to evacuate to the south, where there is no shelter, no food, no water, no medicine and no fuel, and then continuing to bomb the south itself. I am deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza.
Yes, this is the supposed head of the international community likening military operations to terrorist ones, all in the name of international law and human rights. Disgusting.

Picked it up from Trump and the MAGA mob. You reap what you sow.
More insults….and lies.

You’re not concerned with the leftist, pro-Palestinian crowd advancing Jew-hate here in America? We just had some pro-Palestinian antisemite break into a Jewish family’s home and threaten to KILL them because they were Jewish. We just had security lock Jews into the college library to protect them from the pro-Palestinian radicals threatening their safety. We just had a pro-HAMAS light show at a university in DC.

NONE of this shit happened under Trump. And we certainly didn’t have Muslim terrorists hunt down and torture little children, babies, entire families, to death because they were Jewish.

Nope. All of this is happening under Biden, and the Jew-hating Democrats.
America can appeal to the UN as a special status SC member, or it can leave the UN and have no voice at all. Why does Trump have so much trouble understanding that?

Why do most Americans have trouble understanding that?

America will have to go elsewhere to receive blessings for it's wars. That's not the job of the UN.
Good old Rush Limbaugh used to refer to the U.N. security council as the "bar scene from Star Wars".
We spend BILLIONS every year on this feckless boys club that DOES NOTHING but give a mouthpiece to our enemies & adversaries ON OUR SOIL.

This sham organization may have served a higher purpose when it was conceived but at this point it serves as nothing more than a clearing house for OUR MONEY to be funneled around the globe on bullshit initiatives and wars we have no business being involved in.

Change my mind
Start by better defining whom you refer to when you use the word , We .
If Deep State has the UN as a front asset then you can be sure that the vast majority of delegates have been bought and /or are obligated .
How exactly are you going to kill that Giant Octopus whose suckers have ensnared possibly millions world wide to be part of that organisation, and who have no clue as to the fundamental motives and objectives ?
Just compliant low grade "Jobsworths" .
Who will be outraged at " Conspiracy" allegations
In other words, you have nothing of value to add to this thread, just trolling, showing your lack of intelligence, what you do best. 🤡
The value was pointing out how beneficial to Putin it would be to pull out of NATO while likely having bad long term effects to America and it's allies.

Why do Trump humpers always support policy that supports Putin?
We spend BILLIONS every year on this feckless boys club that DOES NOTHING but give a mouthpiece to our enemies & adversaries ON OUR SOIL.

This sham organization may have served a higher purpose when it was conceived but at this point it serves as nothing more than a clearing house for OUR MONEY to be funneled around the globe on bullshit initiatives and wars we have no business being involved in.

Change my mind
It certainly needs restructuring at the very least.
The UN is antisemitic.

The UN has passed more resolutions against Israel than any other nation on earth, not even close.

To think that Israel is the worst regime on the planet is blatantly absurd

The Left tries to sell us the notion that the US is systemically racist due to the disproportionate number of Blacks accused of various crimes, but won't make the same connection with Israel.

Jews are far more oppressed than Blacks, but you would never know it.

First of all, since the word "Semitic" is a proper noun, it always has to be capitalized.
Second is that the word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", so does not mean Jewish.
Third is that the Zionists illegally immigrating to Palestine from the 1920s on, clearly have stolen the entire country from the natives who actually have all the deeds to the land.

Check the history.
In 1920, the population of Palestine was less than 5% Jewish.
Jews in Israel never paid for almost any of the land they now illegally occupy.
The violence was started entirely by Jews.
Like the Hebron riots were caused by a Jew who murdered a strawberry vendor, over price.
Menachim Begin murdered the British high command by blowing up the King David Hotel, so they could not stop him from massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

There is no other country in the world so blatantly stollen by murdering the natives.

The problem with the UN is that they did nothing after Israel crossed the 1948 UN partition and invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The veto power of the Security Counsel members is wrong.
If you say the last sentence out loud, or in print here, the blacktivists and their leftist enablers will come out against you en masse, and chase you around the forum for months to abuse you for dare speaking the truth.

Its not true.
Jews have way higher percentage of wealth, education, land ownership, etc., than any group.
I am Jewish, and I have never felt discriminated against except by other Jews.
The UN could be saved, but it would take a constitution, blind justice, separation of powers, rule of law, and an end to the security council.
The value was pointing out how beneficial to Putin it would be to pull out of NATO while likely having bad long term effects to America and it's allies.

Why do Trump humpers always support policy that supports Putin?

No, your point was to demean and belittle by calling the op a putin lover/supporter, and anyone that disagrees with you a trump-humper. Go fuck yourself and your childish bullshit.
The General Assembly has very little power compared to the big 5 on the security council.

It has failed to stop the scourge of war, but it has, so far, stopped another World War.
No, your point was to demean and belittle by calling the op a putin lover/supporter,

I simply pointed out that Putin is a fan of disbanding NATO so it's odd that suddenly Republicans...I mean Trumpers are turning against NATO much to Putin's delight.

Do you think that is a coincidence?

I don't.

I think it is Trump humpers digesting Russian propaganda that is embedded in much of social media and far right wing media companies.

and anyone that disagrees with you a trump-humper. Go fuck yourself and your childish bullshit.
No. Anyone who still supports Trump is still a Trump humper.

Wear your badge proudly.
We should have got out of the UN decades ago. It is a waste of money and run by dictators.

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