We need to pay reparations

Reparations aren't need, nor do they do any good.

What is NEEDED, is the extermination of greed-mongering businesses, psychotically deranged/money loving politicians, genocidal lunatics, and war-loving douchbags.......and ALL of their evil, vile, and despicable cohorts.

If you want to clean this planet up, then start where it begins..............with the greedy sacks of shit in power.
To the tune of 80 trillion to save the planet. Follow the kook science, forget about economic science

The proposed compensation, which amounts to almost $6tn annually, would be paid to historically low-polluting developing countries that must transition away from fossil fuels despite not having yet used their “fair share” of the global carbon budget,

Meh. I say let them use their fair share.
It all started with FUDGING the atmospheric temp data.

The satellites showed no warming. The balloons showed no warming.

Doesn't matter.

Fork over $trillions for "damages."

And, of course, minorities are getting the "worst" of the global "warming" so they get all the $$$$ as damages...

All because W fired 7 US attorneys and picked Schumer left wing Zionist Fascist Mike Mukasey, and then in came homO, who went "silent" for two years...

It is against the law, Ace. Read the 14th amendment signed in 1868. There will be no "reparations" to people never wronged from people who did not wrong them.
Case ya havent noticed stuff like that matters less and less just inconvenient and gets in the way of being green righteous

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