We need to suspend accepting claims of asylum until border mess is cleared up.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
We need to stop encouraging massive numbers of invaders. Also, we need to arrest anyone who provides food, water, or shelter to any illegals.

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Refugees are savages. End of story. Stop all free shit they get that Whitey taxpayers pay for and then get reparations for non White invasion forces fromg the shit holes that Whitey taxpayers pay for. Sounds really crazy but it is the truth.
America needs to just shoot illegal border crossers then publish the videos on Fox news. Once the word gets out that real world consequences are being dealt out by fed up Americans the migrants will turn around and go to Brazil
If the holding pens are full, ship them back where they came from.

Don't let them in at all. Send a magistrate out to speak with them in Mexico. A magistrate has the power to decide on asylum or not. That way they won't be in the US and we won't have them not appearing at their scheduled hearing.

More than works for me.

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