We only have a billion years to find a new home.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Or so they say. By some estimates, it could be as little as a billion years before the sun’s radiation becomes too much for life on Earth to handle.

In roughly 5 billion years, the sun will run out of energy and drastically alter the solar system. Oceans will be baked dry. Entire planets will be consumed. And long-icy worlds will finally enjoy their day in the sun.

Our star is powered by nuclear fusion, and it turns hydrogen into helium in a process that converts mass into energy. Once the fuel supply is gone, the sun will start growing dramatically. Its outer layers will expand until they engulf much of the solar system, as it becomes what astronomers call a red giant.

And, when the sun does turn into a red giant, the Earth will also be vaporized — perhaps just a few million years after Mercury and Venus have been consumed. All the rocks and fossils and remains of the creatures that have lived here will be gobbled up by the sun’s growing orb, wiping out any lingering trace of humanity’s existence on Earth.

“When the sun becomes a red giant, the temperatures on Pluto’s surface will be about the same as the average temperatures on Earth’s surface now,” Stern says. In research published in the journal Astrobiology in 2003, he looked at the prospects of life in the outer solar system after the sun enters its red giant phase.
Considering the fact that I won't live to be a billion years old,.. not really my problem. No offense.
I don't get offended by anonymous news board posters.
Angry at them at times when they deserve it but mostly I'm here to get people thinking outside the box.

btw, you don't know if you'll be here in a billion milliseconds* either.
None of us do.
*277 hours
You know I always wonder what happens to Jupiter when the Sun finally burns itself out…

Humanity will be long gone by then because our minds are primitive and will fail to find a new home out in space, so I am not worried about the end of Gaia…
We'll design a spacecraft that will film it all for future records.
I would say humanity has been enlightened for about ten thousand years and as I look at the advancement in technology and science it make me wonder why we are still so primitive?

By now we should be on Pluto and yet we stay here focus on our own destruction, so one billion years from now I doubt we will advance enough and I believe humanity will regress and will be like so many species that have come and gone.

I don’t know but it amazes me how humanity believe it is evolving but all I see is regressing…
I would say humanity has been enlightened for about ten thousand years and as I look at the advancement in technology and science it make me wonder why we are still so primitive?

By now we should be on Pluto and yet we stay here focus on our own destruction, so one billion years from now I doubt we will advance enough and I believe humanity will regress and will be like so many species that have come and gone.

I don’t know but it amazes me how humanity believe it is evolving but all I see is regressing…
Agreed, but I'm slightly more optimistic about our short-term future....meaning hopefully cooler heads will prevail and set us onto the right course forward.

The big bang, took and shook the world
Shot down the rising sun
The hopeful depend on a world without end

Whatever the hopeless may say
Or so they say. By some estimates, it could be as little as a billion years before the sun’s radiation becomes too much for life on Earth to handle.

In roughly 5 billion years, the sun will run out of energy and drastically alter the solar system. Oceans will be baked dry. Entire planets will be consumed. And long-icy worlds will finally enjoy their day in the sun.

Our star is powered by nuclear fusion, and it turns hydrogen into helium in a process that converts mass into energy. Once the fuel supply is gone, the sun will start growing dramatically. Its outer layers will expand until they engulf much of the solar system, as it becomes what astronomers call a red giant.

And, when the sun does turn into a red giant, the Earth will also be vaporized — perhaps just a few million years after Mercury and Venus have been consumed. All the rocks and fossils and remains of the creatures that have lived here will be gobbled up by the sun’s growing orb, wiping out any lingering trace of humanity’s existence on Earth.

Write a letter so your senator. You'll get a response in 900 million years. Cool ?

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