We should discourage students from attending college, not make it free, my friends!

I wouldn’t say discourage, but encourage them to follow the way of their abilities. If they are mind smart, go that way, if not go into trades. Or become an entrepreneur.
I don’t care about anyone’s student debt. I just don’t. You went to college you are supposedly smarter than me. Figure the shit out yourself, genius
This is typical right wing anti intellectual propaganda from a biased source:

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Remember that it is the conservatives who have railed against teaching "critical thinking and have gutted the Department of Education. They take these positions because they know that educated people tend to vote against them. They want to keep you dumb, uninformed, and unsophisticated like they are.

The Democrats are not saying that everyone should go to college and that it should be free to everyone. We are saying that everyone who wants to go, and is qualified to go, should be able to go without incurring crippling debt.

I went to college and graduate school and as a result, had a well paying career in public administration. In addition, it provided me with a framework to better understand the world around me and how things work

However, the job was stressful and not always satisfying . If I had it to do over, I would have opted for a vocation such as architecture .I recognise the value of going into a trade, but people should have a choice and not just shut of of the option of college
This is typical right wing anti intellectual propaganda from a biased source:

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Remember that it is the conservatives who have railed against teaching "critical thinking and have gutted the Department of Education

The Democrats are not saying that everyone should go to college and that it should be free to everyone. We are saying that everyone who wants to go, and is qualified to go, should be able to go without incurring crippling debt.

I went to college and graduate school and as a result, had a well paying career in public administration. In addition, it provided me with a framework to better understand the world around me and how things work

However, the job was stressful and not always satisfying . If I had it to do over, I would have opted for a vocation such as architecture .I recognise the value of going into a trade, but people should have a choice and not just shut of of the option of college

Nice article. He's right. But the left would NEVER go along with such an idea. The left supports college faculties and administrators getting wealthy on the backs of students and the American taxpayer. Faculty and administrators then support Democrats financially and also advocate for them on campuses and, obviously vote Democrat. The Democratic Party is certainly NOT going to do the right thing in this or any other instance.
I don’t care about anyone’s student debt. I just don’t. You went to college you are supposedly smarter than me. Figure the shit out yourself, genius

Leftists like rightwinger disagree with you. He believes that the state owns you and that the purpose of your existence is to work on the behalf others.
The Democrats are not saying that everyone should go to college...

That's not really the issue. The author is simply stating that too many people go to college and get burdened with debt for a worthless degree. The author believes that people should be dissuaded from doing that.

One difference between you and me is that I don't believe that we need a federal education department. States can educate their own residents just fine, just as they did before 1979.

Another difference is that you support making me fund and pay for another adult's college education. I believe that is unjust as well as being bad policy.
hat's not really the issue. The author is simply stating that too many people go to college and get burdened with debt for a worthless degree. The author believes that people should be dissuaded from doing that.
Bullshit. The author is stating that people should be discouraged from going to college . These people want to ensure that there are is a quorum of ignoramuses making up the electorate
One difference between you and me is that I don't believe that we need a federal education department. States can educate their own residents just fine, just as they did before 1979.
We do need a federal education department in order to ensure that educational standards are consistent across the country. Otherwise, a kid in Mississippi who moves north, either as a child or an adult, will be functionally retarded .
Another difference is that you support making me fund and pay for another adult's college education. I believe that is unjust as well as being bad policy.
Yes it socialism! Except that YOU benefit when OTHERS are educated and more productive as a result. YOU pay, one way or another when people lack the skills and knowledge to navigate life. It's the same stupid argument that you people use when you say that you don't want to pay for another's health care. You still pay but you're not bright enough to know it.
I don’t care about anyone’s student debt. I just don’t. You went to college you are supposedly smarter than me. Figure the shit out yourself, genius
Ya we are smarter than you and we are taking care of it. Mean while you dumb fucking ignoramis go call a plumber when you need open heart surgery. We will have one less dumb fuck around. Use the computer you built from scratrch on your own and we wil not have to listen to your obsurdity.
College is not free! Dumb fuck!
but the NYT and WaPost and CNN and MSNBC are fair and balanced!
Yes actually they are
yeah. just like a progressive can be a "patriot"?
Oh Krist!! Not that lame and well worn stupid shit again. Do you think that I haven't heard that before? Are you capable of any original thought?
i'm the king of original content. i'm gonna have to watch my butt around you

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