We should immediately send 5000 troops to Panama to shut off of the immigrant expressway to America.

How about put appropriate staffing at the border to accurately process them, give them a green card, and let then come in and find employment?

Or better yet, just stop them from coming in at all.

The US should not consider itself obligated to allow itself to be used as a dumping ground for other countries' criminals and rejects.
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That is insane. We have to stop the flow of illegal traffic BEFORE it arrives at the border. This is not just for our country's security. Currently there are 85,000 unaccounted for migrant women and children who were known to start the journey. They are most likely either dead or taken by sex traffickers. This has to stop and Panama is the logical place for us to put our foot down. The Panamanian government wants it to stop so let's help them stop it.

Let other countries deal with what happens in them.

If for example, we did an adequate job of defending our own border, then Mexico would find itself stuck dealing with all the foreigners that crossed into Mexico hoping to invade the US. Perhaps, then, Mexico might be motivated to do something about defending its southern border.

And if that happened, then the same would apply to Guatemala and Belize. Those countries would then have a good motive to defend their borders, since they would no longer be allowed to pass their invader problem along to Mexico.

Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and so on. None of those countries will want to be stuck with invaders from south of them, that they cannot pass along to their north.

Panama, at least has the Darién Gap to help provide a natural defense for its southern border. Probably more would-be invaders die trying to cross that gap from Columbia, than make it alive into Panama.
as soon as you figure out how to do that, why don’t you give Washington a call and let them now

It'd be very easy, if, as a nation, we had the will to do it.

Just put plenty of troops along our border and have them shoot at any invaders that try to cross. That is how to defend a country from invasion, and that is what we should be doing.

It would be much easier, much less costly, and much more effective than what the OP proposes.
That is the obvious place we should have our troops to help the Panamanian government stop the flow of illegals from Central America. There is too much territory to cover, but Panama is a choke point that should be manageble by a sizeable US force.

Trump had the border sealed and the very first thing that shithead moron Biden did was open up the flood gates. How fucking stupid was that?

There are many things to impeach him for but that traitorous act should be the first.
Trump had the border sealed and the very first thing that shithead moron Biden did was open up the flood gates. How fucking stupid was that?
There are many things to impeach him for but that traitorous act should be the first.

Treason is a crime that can carry the death penalty.

I very much doubt if it would be at all difficult to prove that American lives have been lost as a direct result of Biden's traitorous behavior regarding our southern border. For this, along, he needs to be removed from office, criminally prosecuted, and if convicted, be put to death.
Treason is a crime that can carry the death penalty.

I very much doubt if it would be at all difficult to prove that American lives have been lost as a direct result of Biden's traitorous behavior regarding our southern border. For this, along, he needs to be removed from office, criminally prosecuted, and if convicted, be put to death.
I would take him being removed from office, all his policies rescinded and he be tarred and feathered and run out of DC on a rail. Afterwards sent to prison the rest of his life along with his whole family except for the daughter he sexually abused. Oh yea, and his Corvette sold at auction and the proceeds go to reimburse Trump for his legal fees.
Because we're not going to line soldiers up on the border line to shoot people. Better if they were documented workers than foreign criminals.
I agree, we should send our soldiers to Panama and Mexico's Southern border. We don't to shoot them if we intercept them early enough.
Let other countries deal with what happens in them.

If for example, we did an adequate job of defending our own border, then Mexico would find itself stuck dealing with all the foreigners that crossed into Mexico hoping to invade the US. Perhaps, then, Mexico might be motivated to do something about defending its southern border.

And if that happened, then the same would apply to Guatemala and Belize. Those countries would then have a good motive to defend their borders, since they would no longer be allowed to pass their invader problem along to Mexico.

Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and so on. None of those countries will want to be stuck with invaders from south of them, that they cannot pass along to their north.

Panama, at least has the Darién Gap to help provide a natural defense for its southern border. Probably more would-be invaders die trying to cross that gap from Columbia, than make it alive into Panama.
Look at the map. Millions of illegals have come through Panama. That is the choke point where we can strategically stem the tide with the cooperation of the Panamanians. By the time they are at our border, it's game over, they are in.
Look at the map. Millions of illegals have come through Panama. That is the choke point where we can strategically stem the tide with the cooperation of the Panamanians. By the time they are at our border, it's game over, they are in.

The Darién Gap probably takes care of more of these invaders, than we could by doing anything there.
Exactly, so we put the resources in place to legally process them and address it. We are a nation built on immigration
We are nation built on LEGAL immigration. No major nation on Earth would be doing what we are doing right now at our border. It's akin to national suicide, we are literally being atttacked with 100,000 people per month, which is already overwhelming our resources and taking resources AWAY from poor American citizens. It is also terribly dangerous for the illegals and their children as I have already posted about.
The Darién Gap probably takes care of more of these invaders, than we could by doing anything there.
I am familiar with the Darien Gap and you are incorrect. Panama is the strategic point where, if we had leadership who gave a shit about our country would be putting military assets right now.
It'd be very easy, if, as a nation, we had the will to do it.
Just put plenty of troops along our border and have them shoot at any invaders that try to cross. That is how to defend a country from invasion, and that is what we should be doing.
We're not going to do that, so stop wasting time.

Then we will never solve the problem of our nation being overrun by invading foreign criminals.
We're not going to do that, so stop wasting time.
I agree that executing those desperate people at our border will not and should not happen. That is why we need to military thousands of miles South of our border where we can intercept and send them back.

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