We should listen to the “experts”

All of those republicants in Cristobal's path...ignore the weather reports from the experts. It's going to be a sunny day with no chance of rain when it makes landfall.

The same goes for your doctor when he tells you to quit smoking. You should actually increase your smoking (if possible).
Um, yeah, democrat governors are stupid and send sick people in to old folks homes instead of to a purpose built hospital BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING MORONS, like you.

Uh, the sick people were already in the Nursing homes, dummy... and we didn't have enough "purpose built hosptials" to put them in that was the problem.

Look, buddy, Trump Plague happened because Trump ignored warnings for three months. Period.
Trump was merely repeating what his agencies and medical experts told him. Isn't that what a President is supposed to do? This failed attempt to blame Trump for a worldwide pandemic isn't going to fly with smart people. No Democrat took it seriously ether, and that includes the ones trying to pass a bill to stop Trump's single handed travel bans, led by Piglosi in the House during the first two weeks of March. Watch the debates and see how Biden is going to try to avoid questions about the virus.

Trump isn't going to look good in the debates, buddy. Everyone has realized the Emperor has no clothes.

His disapproval rating is at 56% right now.
Kitty thinks Donald Trump causes Covid19. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

Naw, Trump didn't cause Covid-19. He just made it worse than it needed to be.
Trump didn't cause police brutality or racism. He just made it worse than he needed to be.

The guy has an ability to turn anything he touches into shit, and convince stupid people like you he's turned it into Gold.
Trump was merely repeating what his agencies and medical experts told him. Isn't that what a President is supposed to do? This failed attempt to blame Trump for a worldwide pandemic isn't going to fly with smart people. No Democrat took it seriously ether, and that includes the ones trying to pass a bill to stop Trump's single handed travel bans, led by Piglosi in the House during the first two weeks of March. Watch the debates and see how Biden is going to try to avoid questions about the virus.

Trump isn't going to look good in the debates, buddy. Everyone has realized the Emperor has no clothes.

His disapproval rating is at 56% right now.

And what happened the last time you leftists placed your bet on polls?

Well now, it's a good thing the election is not today if you believe in polls so much. On the other hand, it's only the beginning of June, and already the jobs report is looking very promising. 2.5 million jobs created, unemployment already heading down, consumer confidence up, so is the stock market, and you people nominated a bumbling idiot to represent your party.

The one good thing about leftists is that you never learn from your mistakes. You also haven't leaned that you people are horrible at making predictions. You told me the economy would continue to plunge until election day. I told you the opposite would happen. So who's prediction was accurate? That's right, the conservative, as always.
Um, yeah, democrat governors are stupid and send sick people in to old folks homes instead of to a purpose built hospital BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING MORONS, like you.

Uh, the sick people were already in the Nursing homes, dummy... and we didn't have enough "purpose built hosptials" to put them in that was the problem.

Look, buddy, Trump Plague happened because Trump ignored warnings for three months. Period.

Why do you leftists continue to lie even when I proved you to be a complete liar? Do I need to repost the actions of what the Trump White House did with this virus?
Remember folks...this jack-ass is literally considered an “expert” in every sense of the word.
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He actually advocated for the least restrictive measures to “safeguard”. Thank goodness that day in and day out, President Trump illustrates real leadership by making the common sense decisions while ignoring the left-wing lunatics looking to burn the U.S. to the ground.

For several years now, graduate scientists have no longer been interested in science, but in the consensus of their profession. This was already the case in the 17th century, when the astronomers of the time joined forces against Galileo. As they had no way to silence him, they turned to the Church, which condemned him to life imprisonment. But in doing so, Rome was merely aligning itself with the “scientific" consensus.

It doesn't matter what evidence shows, it will not be accepted by the consensus if it doesn't fit the their narrative, or the narrative of political elites. Only reason there was a "global cooling" and mini ice age, than "global warming", because of "scientific consensus" regardless of the conflicting data. They shut off any debate, and charging in full force pushing their agenda.

Similarly, the medical press is no longer scientific at all, because more than a three quarters of articles published today are not verifiable. Almost unanimously, the mainstream media have been involved in an intoxication campaign in favor of a study that is condemning the Raoult protocol and paving the way for Gilead Science’s drug Remdesivir.

And last, you take a look at the media, who is no longer in business of informing people and keeping government honest, but is in business of informing each other on how to proceed to push their own agenda, and be in sync with one political side, or the other. Therefore lies, spins, and propaganda. At some point, it will all break lose, because the truth is not an opinion, but a process. It cannot be voted on, but must always be questioned.

The MSM promotes whatever makes them money. They are responsible for this third riot in six years. They promote it, they convince the weak minded, and it works. Those evil one-percenters are not concerned about what's good for the country, they are concerned about what's good for their pocketbook.

The more they scare people with this global warming nonsense, the more paranoid people chime into their internet sites, turn on their programs, buy their newspapers. I'm sure they are hoping for another round of riots this weekend. The more people tuning in, the more viewers they have. The more viewers they have, the more they can charge for advertising.
Sounds like you got problems and can't find anyone but the left to accuse. A democracy of the people, for the people, by the people. People supposed to keep check on what the government is doing, created that way.
Sounds like you got problems and can't find anyone but the left to accuse. A democracy of the people, for the people, by the people. People supposed to keep check on what the government is doing, created that way.

So why do leftists, like you, want to give government unbridled power?
And what happened the last time you leftists placed your bet on polls?

Well now, it's a good thing the election is not today if you believe in polls so much. On the other hand, it's only the beginning of June, and already the jobs report is looking very promising. 2.5 million jobs created, unemployment already heading down, consumer confidence up, so is the stock market, and you people nominated a bumbling idiot to represent your party.

Not sure how you can think that getting 2.5 million jobs back after losing 20 million of them is a "good" thing, exactly.

We pumped 4 TRILLION into the economy to get this "Dead Cat Bounce". Even assuming we don't have another outbreak of TRUMP PLAGUE in the fall, we still haven't seen the worst of this yet. All these companies that didn't lay people off because the government bribed them not to will have to look at reduced revenue and make decisions to cut people...

Of course, Biden was leading Trump before TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP RIOTS broke out.
Why do you leftists continue to lie even when I proved you to be a complete liar? Do I need to repost the actions of what the Trump White House did with this virus?

He played golf and went to rallies calling it a hoax. Anything else he did is meaningless.

111,398 dead as of this morning from TRUMP PLAGUE. What kind of world is it that TRUMP RIOTS have distracted us from TRUMP PLAGUE.
The one good thing about leftists is that you never learn from your mistakes. You also haven't leaned that you people are horrible at making predictions. You told me the economy would continue to plunge until election day. I told you the opposite would happen. So who's prediction was accurate? That's right, the conservative, as always.

Actually, the economy really still sucks... and it will continue to do so for some time.
So why do leftists, like you, want to give government unbridled power?

Government by the people vs. Government by the Corporations. I'll take government by the people, thanks.

No, you just want government. The people are in the way. So you want to kill everyone.

That is obvious.
The MSM promotes whatever makes them money. They are responsible for this third riot in six years. They promote it, they convince the weak minded, and it works. Those evil one-percenters are not concerned about what's good for the country, they are concerned about what's good for their pocketbook.

Yup, I'm sure all those darkies would be happy eating their watermelon if they didn't have those meanies in the media riling them up all the time. No, really. I know you need to believe that.

The reality- this has been building for some time. Incident after incident of some thug cop murdering a black person, and not being held to account or only getting a slap on the wrist, and the anger kept building.

This time, the combination of anxiety over TRUMP PLAGUE and TRUMP RECESSION caused it to blow up.
No, you just want government. The people are in the way. So you want to kill everyone.

That is obvious.

That's right, man. Last night I went on a total murder spree.

Imagine this...the virus hit the wealthiest most industrialized nation in the world that has currently far and away the hardest working generation of young workers in the world. We also have the best medical service in the world. Yet we lead the world in virus cases.

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