We should listen to the “experts”

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.
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America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.

China has the second largest economy because they are over three times our size. Our faults and diet do not make us primitive. Primitive is eating animals many other animals won't even eat, and doing so with such a frequency that their labs need to do research on the deadly viruses those animals carry.

Coyotes began entering our area in the suburbs. We have a stray cat problem here too. From what I can see, those damn coyotes don't even want the stupid cats. There are just as many around today as there were before the coyotes got here.

I remember one time when we were fishing in Lake Erie years ago. A Chinese couple stopped by us and watched us fish. Of course, when we pulled up a carp, we threw it back in. Carp will eat any kind of shit, even cigarette butts, and you certainly don't want to eat those things. The Chinese couple asked us if they could keep the filthy carp. We had no problem with that. They even took them off the hook for us, and they brought four buckets. There are a ton of carp in Lake Erie, and we filled those buckets in less than a half hour. They acted like we were giving them gold.
Yes it is. It's called disorderly conduct.

Disorderly conduct, in your own home?

This is what you are going with?

That's exactly what I'm going with because disorderly conduct is against the law. This extremely low class professor only had to show his ID and answer any questions the officer had. That's it. Something most people do every day. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

Most human beings would have not only cooperated, but thanked the officer for his service and coming out so quickly, appreciating the police protecting him and his home. But oh, not this fat bastard. The first thing he did was imply the officer was racist by simply by showing up.

Bottom line is this idiot was looking for trouble and found what he was looking for.
America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.

China has the second largest economy because they are over three times our size. Our faults and diet do not make us primitive. Primitive is eating animals many other animals won't even eat, and doing so with such a frequency that their labs need to do research on the deadly viruses those animals carry.

Coyotes began entering our area in the suburbs. We have a stray cat problem here too. From what I can see, those damn coyotes don't even want the stupid cats. There are just as many around today as there were before the coyotes got here.

I remember one time when we were fishing in Lake Erie years ago. A Chinese couple stopped by us and watched us fish. Of course, when we pulled up a carp, we threw it back in. Carp will eat any kind of shit, even cigarette butts, and you certainly don't want to eat those things. The Chinese couple asked us if they could keep the filthy carp. We had no problem with that. They even took them off the hook for us, and they brought four buckets. There are a ton of carp in Lake Erie, and we filled those buckets in less than a half hour. They acted like we were giving them gold.
That's dumb. Carp are safe to eat and a staple in countries around world including the US and China, a lot safer than raw oysters which are eaten by millions of Americans and considered a delicacy. And coyotes are one of the greatest dangers to feral cats. In my area, you let your cat out to wander and chances are very good that your kitty will end up a meal for a coyote.

Deciding how primitive a society is by the what food they eat is as silly a thing as I have every heard. Grasshoppers and ants are eaten all over the world and considered a delicacy. An that great southern dish Chitterlings is made from hog intestines after cleaning all out all the shit. The most primitive of all cultures and most advance are often vegetarians.

Anyone that considers China primitive is about 75 years behind the times. Simply because a culture is very different does not make it primitive, uncivilized, or backward. It just makes it different. Unfortunately many American see anything different than American cultures as you do.
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America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.

China has the second largest economy because they are over three times our size. Our faults and diet do not make us primitive. Primitive is eating animals many other animals won't even eat, and doing so with such a frequency that their labs need to do research on the deadly viruses those animals carry.

Coyotes began entering our area in the suburbs. We have a stray cat problem here too. From what I can see, those damn coyotes don't even want the stupid cats. There are just as many around today as there were before the coyotes got here.

I remember one time when we were fishing in Lake Erie years ago. A Chinese couple stopped by us and watched us fish. Of course, when we pulled up a carp, we threw it back in. Carp will eat any kind of shit, even cigarette butts, and you certainly don't want to eat those things. The Chinese couple asked us if they could keep the filthy carp. We had no problem with that. They even took them off the hook for us, and they brought four buckets. There are a ton of carp in Lake Erie, and we filled those buckets in less than a half hour. They acted like we were giving them gold.
That's dumb. Carp are safe to eat and a staple in countries around world including the US and China, a lot safer than raw oysters which are eaten by millions of Americans and considered a delicacy. And coyotes are one of the greatest dangers to feral cats. In my area, you let your cat out to wander and chances are very good that your kitty will end up a meal for a coyote.

Deciding how primitive a society is by the what food they eat is as silly a thing as I have every heard. Grasshoppers and ants are eaten all over the world and considered a delicacy. An that great southern dish Chitterlings is made from hog intestines after cleaning all out all the shit. The most primitive of all cultures and most advance are often vegetarians.

Anyone that considers China primitive is about 75 years behind the times. Simply because a culture is very different does not make it primitive, uncivilized, or backward. It just makes it different. Unfortunately many American see anything different than American cultures as you do.

The Chinese eat roaches too. We hire people to remove them from our home if spotted. What started this debate is when I used the word "neanderthal." I feel that (from what I've seen) it describes citizens of China perfectly.

I never said that carp were unsafe to eat. What I said is that they eat anything they spot, and that makes them a garbage eating fish. What any animal eats is what contributes to their quality in regards to food. Garbage in--garbage out. If you buy a sirloin stake from cows that are given low quality feed, it's a very noticeable taste and texture from a cow that was fed good quality feed. The price between the two is very noticeable as well. You get what you pay for.

Eating intestines of a hog is extremely different than eating bats with diseases. While I have no desire to eat either, I would gladly eat chitterlings over the remains of a German Shepard.
That's exactly what I'm going with because disorderly conduct is against the law. This extremely low class professor only had to show his ID and answer any questions the officer had. That's it. Something most people do every day. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

I agree. If a cop treated me like a crook in my own home, that is certainly not the way I'd want to be treated.

Most human beings would have not only cooperated, but thanked the officer for his service and coming out so quickly, appreciating the police protecting him and his home. But oh, not this fat bastard. The first thing he did was imply the officer was racist by simply by showing up.

By most human beings, you mean "White People". White people don't get treated as perps until proven otherwise when dealing with the cops... this is the whole thing you guys don't get. This cop didn't see a middle aged, articulate professor, he saw an uppity black man who had to be put in his place.
The Chinese eat roaches too. We hire people to remove them from our home if spotted. What started this debate is when I used the word "neanderthal." I feel that (from what I've seen) it describes citizens of China perfectly.

ACtually, that just tells me how racist you are.

Oh, by the way, the only people on this planet who have any "Neaderthal" in their lineage are - WHITE PEOPLE. Neanderthals lived in Europe and were absorbed into the European population. African and Asian populations were more of a pure Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

China had civilization when White People were still living in Mud Huts.
America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.

China has the second largest economy because they are over three times our size. Our faults and diet do not make us primitive. Primitive is eating animals many other animals won't even eat, and doing so with such a frequency that their labs need to do research on the deadly viruses those animals carry.

Coyotes began entering our area in the suburbs. We have a stray cat problem here too. From what I can see, those damn coyotes don't even want the stupid cats. There are just as many around today as there were before the coyotes got here.

I remember one time when we were fishing in Lake Erie years ago. A Chinese couple stopped by us and watched us fish. Of course, when we pulled up a carp, we threw it back in. Carp will eat any kind of shit, even cigarette butts, and you certainly don't want to eat those things. The Chinese couple asked us if they could keep the filthy carp. We had no problem with that. They even took them off the hook for us, and they brought four buckets. There are a ton of carp in Lake Erie, and we filled those buckets in less than a half hour. They acted like we were giving them gold.
That's dumb. Carp are safe to eat and a staple in countries around world including the US and China, a lot safer than raw oysters which are eaten by millions of Americans and considered a delicacy. And coyotes are one of the greatest dangers to feral cats. In my area, you let your cat out to wander and chances are very good that your kitty will end up a meal for a coyote.

Deciding how primitive a society is by the what food they eat is as silly a thing as I have every heard. Grasshoppers and ants are eaten all over the world and considered a delicacy. An that great southern dish Chitterlings is made from hog intestines after cleaning all out all the shit. The most primitive of all cultures and most advance are often vegetarians.

Anyone that considers China primitive is about 75 years behind the times. Simply because a culture is very different does not make it primitive, uncivilized, or backward. It just makes it different. Unfortunately many American see anything different than American cultures as you do.

The Chinese eat roaches too. We hire people to remove them from our home if spotted. What started this debate is when I used the word "neanderthal." I feel that (from what I've seen) it describes citizens of China perfectly.

I never said that carp were unsafe to eat. What I said is that they eat anything they spot, and that makes them a garbage eating fish. What any animal eats is what contributes to their quality in regards to food. Garbage in--garbage out. If you buy a sirloin stake from cows that are given low quality feed, it's a very noticeable taste and texture from a cow that was fed good quality feed. The price between the two is very noticeable as well. You get what you pay for.

Eating intestines of a hog is extremely different than eating bats with diseases. While I have no desire to eat either, I would gladly eat chitterlings over the remains of a German Shepard.
So you judge the advancement of a country based on what some of the people eat. Most Chinese living in China don't eat a meat-centered diet. The traditional Chinese diet is primarily vegetarian featuring lots of vegetables, rice, and soybeans and containing only shavings of meat for flavoring. Unlike the meat-heavy plates featured in many Chinese restaurants in the U.S., the traditional Chinese diet consists mainly of plant foods, small amounts of fish and poultry, and only occasionally red meat, making it a far healthier diet than most Americans eat. Most of the exotic food such a grasshoppers, ants, bats, cats, dogs, pigeons , and exotic animals are not commonly served except on special occasion. The younger generations tend to avoid them all together.

Actually, editable insects can be very high in protein. In fact, you can live a lot longer on insects than can French Fries.
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America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.

China has the second largest economy because they are over three times our size. Our faults and diet do not make us primitive. Primitive is eating animals many other animals won't even eat, and doing so with such a frequency that their labs need to do research on the deadly viruses those animals carry.

Coyotes began entering our area in the suburbs. We have a stray cat problem here too. From what I can see, those damn coyotes don't even want the stupid cats. There are just as many around today as there were before the coyotes got here.

I remember one time when we were fishing in Lake Erie years ago. A Chinese couple stopped by us and watched us fish. Of course, when we pulled up a carp, we threw it back in. Carp will eat any kind of shit, even cigarette butts, and you certainly don't want to eat those things. The Chinese couple asked us if they could keep the filthy carp. We had no problem with that. They even took them off the hook for us, and they brought four buckets. There are a ton of carp in Lake Erie, and we filled those buckets in less than a half hour. They acted like we were giving them gold.
That's dumb. Carp are safe to eat and a staple in countries around world including the US and China, a lot safer than raw oysters which are eaten by millions of Americans and considered a delicacy. And coyotes are one of the greatest dangers to feral cats. In my area, you let your cat out to wander and chances are very good that your kitty will end up a meal for a coyote.

Deciding how primitive a society is by the what food they eat is as silly a thing as I have every heard. Grasshoppers and ants are eaten all over the world and considered a delicacy. An that great southern dish Chitterlings is made from hog intestines after cleaning all out all the shit. The most primitive of all cultures and most advance are often vegetarians.

Anyone that considers China primitive is about 75 years behind the times. Simply because a culture is very different does not make it primitive, uncivilized, or backward. It just makes it different. Unfortunately many American see anything different than American cultures as you do.

The Chinese eat roaches too. We hire people to remove them from our home if spotted. What started this debate is when I used the word "neanderthal." I feel that (from what I've seen) it describes citizens of China perfectly.

I never said that carp were unsafe to eat. What I said is that they eat anything they spot, and that makes them a garbage eating fish. What any animal eats is what contributes to their quality in regards to food. Garbage in--garbage out. If you buy a sirloin stake from cows that are given low quality feed, it's a very noticeable taste and texture from a cow that was fed good quality feed. The price between the two is very noticeable as well. You get what you pay for.

Eating intestines of a hog is extremely different than eating bats with diseases. While I have no desire to eat either, I would gladly eat chitterlings over the remains of a German Shepard.
So you judge the advancement of a country based on what some of the people eat. Most Chinese living in China don't eat a meat-centered diet. The traditional Chinese diet is primarily vegetarian featuring lots of vegetables, rice, and soybeans and containing only shavings of meat for flavoring. Unlike the meat-heavy plates featured in many Chinese restaurants in the U.S., the traditional Chinese diet consists mainly of plant foods, small amounts of fish and poultry, and only occasionally red meat, making it a far healthier diet than most Americans eat. Most of the exotic food such a grasshoppers, ants, bats, cats, dogs, pigeons , and exotic animals are not commonly served except on special occasion. The younger generations tend to avoid them all together.

Actually, editable insects can be very high in protein. In fact, you can live a lot longer on insects than can French Fries.

Vegetarians are fine with me. Never had a problem with them unless they try to cram their views down my throat. That's why I said those people (in China) who eat that stuff are neanderthals. I go to Chinese restaurants from time to time when I get the taste for it.
The Chinese eat roaches too. We hire people to remove them from our home if spotted. What started this debate is when I used the word "neanderthal." I feel that (from what I've seen) it describes citizens of China perfectly.

ACtually, that just tells me how racist you are.

Oh, by the way, the only people on this planet who have any "Neaderthal" in their lineage are - WHITE PEOPLE. Neanderthals lived in Europe and were absorbed into the European population. African and Asian populations were more of a pure Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

China had civilization when White People were still living in Mud Huts.

You are not only a self-hating white, you are a super self-hating white.
I agree. If a cop treated me like a crook in my own home, that is certainly not the way I'd want to be treated.

How did he treat him like a crook, by asking for is ID?

By most human beings, you mean "White People". White people don't get treated as perps until proven otherwise when dealing with the cops... this is the whole thing you guys don't get. This cop didn't see a middle aged, articulate professor, he saw an uppity black man who had to be put in his place.

If it was a white or black, the officer would have done the same. Let's look at it this way: An officer gets a call to check on a possible break in. Because it's a black guy he doesn't' want to offend, he doesn't ask for any identification; he just takes the guys word for it that's his house. Now they get a call the next day or two from the owner of the house for a burglary report. Tens of thousands of dollars of jewelry, cash and electronics were stolen.

What do you think would happen to that officer once questioned by his superiors when they find out he didn't even get any identification from the burglar that said it was his home?

You people on the left are so ignorant of police work. You laugh at me because I listen to my police scanner in my city, but I suggest perhaps you should do the same. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself on matters you know little about.
America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.
I suspect your definition of primitive would not be shared by many other cultures.
Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.

Actually, he CLAIMS this, no one actually believes it. Eric and Don Jr. are pretty capable guys, right?

The problem is, Trump hasn't walked away from his business interests like every other president has done (and not managed to lose money). In fact, he's doing quite the oppossite, he's using his position as President to enrich himself, or at least try to.

How did he enrich himself by losing a billion dollars? You shouldn't drink so early in the morning.

You just described Chinese people as "Neanderthals". Now, here's the thing. China has had civilization since the fifth century BCE, while America was still primitive and Europe was still pretty backwards.

America is not primitive, we are one of the newest and most modernized countries on the planet. The Chinese are primitive. You couldn't get me to eat a cat or bat if I were starving to death. Yes, they are neanderthals; not because of their race, but because of how they live.
If the food we eat was a measure of our cultural development, the US with it's propensity for junk food that sends us to early graves and cost our healthcare system billions of dollar a year would surely rank us as a primitive culture.

China is certainly not primitive. They have the 2nd largest economy in the world and will probably surpass the US in this decade. Their middle class has grown from 4% to over 35% in 20 years while the US middle class has shrunk. In China, parents teach their kids that working is a privilege as well as obligation and honoring the family is a mark of success. In America, most parents through their actions teach their kids nothing of value. We rely on an a broken education system that can not succeed without parental involvement which they don't get.

The US needs to get off of it's high horse pretending to be the greatest thing on the face of the Earth and start learning from other cultures what works just as we have done for hundreds years.

The United States is skimping on the investments like education, science and infrastructure that helped make it the world’s great power while the Chinese are expanding their investment.

China has the second largest economy because they are over three times our size. Our faults and diet do not make us primitive. Primitive is eating animals many other animals won't even eat, and doing so with such a frequency that their labs need to do research on the deadly viruses those animals carry.

Coyotes began entering our area in the suburbs. We have a stray cat problem here too. From what I can see, those damn coyotes don't even want the stupid cats. There are just as many around today as there were before the coyotes got here.

I remember one time when we were fishing in Lake Erie years ago. A Chinese couple stopped by us and watched us fish. Of course, when we pulled up a carp, we threw it back in. Carp will eat any kind of shit, even cigarette butts, and you certainly don't want to eat those things. The Chinese couple asked us if they could keep the filthy carp. We had no problem with that. They even took them off the hook for us, and they brought four buckets. There are a ton of carp in Lake Erie, and we filled those buckets in less than a half hour. They acted like we were giving them gold.
That's dumb. Carp are safe to eat and a staple in countries around world including the US and China, a lot safer than raw oysters which are eaten by millions of Americans and considered a delicacy. And coyotes are one of the greatest dangers to feral cats. In my area, you let your cat out to wander and chances are very good that your kitty will end up a meal for a coyote.

Deciding how primitive a society is by the what food they eat is as silly a thing as I have every heard. Grasshoppers and ants are eaten all over the world and considered a delicacy. An that great southern dish Chitterlings is made from hog intestines after cleaning all out all the shit. The most primitive of all cultures and most advance are often vegetarians.

Anyone that considers China primitive is about 75 years behind the times. Simply because a culture is very different does not make it primitive, uncivilized, or backward. It just makes it different. Unfortunately many American see anything different than American cultures as you do.

The Chinese eat roaches too. We hire people to remove them from our home if spotted. What started this debate is when I used the word "neanderthal." I feel that (from what I've seen) it describes citizens of China perfectly.

I never said that carp were unsafe to eat. What I said is that they eat anything they spot, and that makes them a garbage eating fish. What any animal eats is what contributes to their quality in regards to food. Garbage in--garbage out. If you buy a sirloin stake from cows that are given low quality feed, it's a very noticeable taste and texture from a cow that was fed good quality feed. The price between the two is very noticeable as well. You get what you pay for.

Eating intestines of a hog is extremely different than eating bats with diseases. While I have no desire to eat either, I would gladly eat chitterlings over the remains of a German Shepard.
So you judge the advancement of a country based on what some of the people eat. Most Chinese living in China don't eat a meat-centered diet. The traditional Chinese diet is primarily vegetarian featuring lots of vegetables, rice, and soybeans and containing only shavings of meat for flavoring. Unlike the meat-heavy plates featured in many Chinese restaurants in the U.S., the traditional Chinese diet consists mainly of plant foods, small amounts of fish and poultry, and only occasionally red meat, making it a far healthier diet than most Americans eat. Most of the exotic food such a grasshoppers, ants, bats, cats, dogs, pigeons , and exotic animals are not commonly served except on special occasion. The younger generations tend to avoid them all together.

Actually, editable insects can be very high in protein. In fact, you can live a lot longer on insects than can French Fries.

Vegetarians are fine with me. Never had a problem with them unless they try to cram their views down my throat. That's why I said those people (in China) who eat that stuff are neanderthals. I go to Chinese restaurants from time to time when I get the taste for it.
Chinese restaurants in China are nothing like those in the US. All the ones I remember were very crowded and once served you were expected to eat and leave. If you want leisurely dining, you eat at home. In large cities there are lots of ethnic restaurants like you find in all big cities. The Hilton where I stayed was the only place I found any decent America food. If you like McDonalds you would hate it in China.

The Chinese culture is so different from ours. Like strangers never greet each other in public. It's a fascinating place and there much to be admired in the Chinese people, however it is not a place I would want to live.

BTW Neanderthals were mostly meat eaters
You are not only a self-hating white, you are a super self-hating white.

Yes, Anthropology is now racist.

He was not inside his home. You lib emoters never have it right or just lie

Hey, buddy, check it out. He's being arrested on the porch of his own house.

If it was a white or black, the officer would have done the same. Let's look at it this way: An officer gets a call to check on a possible break in. Because it's a black guy he doesn't' want to offend, he doesn't ask for any identification; he just takes the guys word for it that's his house. Now they get a call the next day or two from the owner of the house for a burglary report. Tens of thousands of dollars of jewelry, cash and electronics were stolen.

IF you can't tell a well-spoken middle aged man is probably not a burglar, you shouldn't be a cop.

You people on the left are so ignorant of police work. You laugh at me because I listen to my police scanner in my city, but I suggest perhaps you should do the same. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself on matters you know little about.

The problem is, we look at how police work, and we understand it perfectly well. Someone really thought arresting a man in his own home was acceptable because he didn't respect them. THEY ESCALATED the situation. This is the problem with all these tragedies. The Cops Escalated.
IF you can't tell a well-spoken middle aged man is probably not a burglar, you shouldn't be a cop.

Dodge noted.

The problem is, we look at how police work, and we understand it perfectly well. Someone really thought arresting a man in his own home was acceptable because he didn't respect them. THEY ESCALATED the situation. This is the problem with all these tragedies. The Cops Escalated.

You can't arrest somebody for disorderly conduct if they are not disorderly. The uncivilized professor escalated it, not the officer.
Dodge noted.

Not a dodge at all. Any sensible person would be able to tell a middle-aged, well spoken man is probably not a criminal.

You can't arrest somebody for disorderly conduct if they are not disorderly. The uncivilized professor escalated it, not the officer.

Wow, you mean a cop couldn't POSSIBLY make up a bullshit charge to justify his abuse of power. Why, that would be just unheard of.

I want you to sit down... and actually think about the epic level of stupid you just posted.
Not a dodge at all. Any sensible person would be able to tell a middle-aged, well spoken man is probably not a criminal.

Unless you have an ID, you don't know for sure. It's called procedure.

Wow, you mean a cop couldn't POSSIBLY make up a bullshit charge to justify his abuse of power. Why, that would be just unheard of.

I want you to sit down... and actually think about the epic level of stupid you just posted.

It was on video.

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