We should listen to the “experts”

Wow. They should live in their "own areas"> Tell us again how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.

Every problem has a solution. That's the perfect solution. Proclaim an area of the country as your own, let them all move there, and hire nothing but people of your own race to run your government. Everybody is happy.

Do they arrest them in their own homes? Don't think so.

Yes they do if they act like that maniac.

Yes, you wouldn't be an utter failure if it weren't for AA. And your basic laziness and unwillingness to even try.

Enjoy that welfare, buddy. You've "earned" it.

I am. Thank you very much. Now get back to work BOY.
I have no problem with them asking for ID. It's arresting the guy in his own home for "contempt of cop" that was, as a great and wise man observed, "Acting Stupidly"

They turned a routine call into a nationwide story where they looked like a bunch of racists.

No, your Gods did that--the media.

Yes, it was. The cops acting really stupidly was on video, and the last legitimate President called them on it.

No, you seen a maniac screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs giving the officer a hard time. Funny thing though, you can no longer find that video anywhere. Hmmm, I wonder why that is? It's real simple for normal people: officer asks for your ID, you simply show it to him and keep your mouth shut, and you'll never have a problem.

In my career I've been pulled over for truck inspections over a dozen times, and not once ever had an issue with police. Most were nice, some were pricks, but I always kept in mind they had a job to do, just like I did. The biggest prick I've dealt with in recent years was a black state trooper.
I think one of the most effective ways to avoid police violence is for parents, Black or White to teach their kids, you don't get into an argument with the police if you are stopped and never show disrespect. If police behavior is improper, you should speak up, but not on the side of the road at midnight on Saturday night. Cops are human, some are racist, some are incompetent, and some are just plain tired and discussed, so they make mistakes and loose their temper and when they do everybody loses. This came from a close friend who is on the local police force.

I think a lot of people don't realize that the vast majority of people are respectful when stopped by the police. Those that aren't are often bad guys. So when you're disrespectful and belligerent toward a police officer. it will immediately raise a red flag and the cop will prepare for violence.


I think what all these loudmouths and jocks should do is visit schools to teach that exact message instead of disrespecting our flag in public. Some black kids grow up hating the police because of what their friends and family say about them. They tell these kids the cops are out to get you, and will look for any excuse to gun you down. It's not a wonder why some will fight and try to get away from them.

I also think if police have seminars in school to teach the kids how they are trained, what the laws are, and what they have to deal with every day, that could save a lot of lives too. They need to inform these kids that their parents, family and friends are wrong. The police (for the most part) are here to help--not hurt.

You are going to get bad apples no matter what lengths you go through to hire the best. For those cops especially, the best way to get under their skin is to do exactly what they say. Because then they will have no reason to F with you.

There are two ways to approach this: The way we're seeing now, with protests, riots, dead people, businesses closed down for good or moving out, or try to have everybody do everything a police officer asks no matter what the situation. The latter will save a hundred times more lives than the former.
I agree. A lot what we see in young black men is pride and standing up for yourself and what you believe is right. There's nothing wrong with that and I applaud if it's done at the right time and place. A cop stopping young black male is neither the right time or place.

There's a movie being streamed call the "The Hate You Give". It's about a young black boy that is shot by the police, the protests, the hate, the violence, and the forgiveness that follows. I usually don't go for these kind of movies but I thought this one was particularly good and very timely.

Well Flopper, it all starts with a bad upbringing, which is commonplace in the black community.

I used to listen to the police scanner for our suburb. I stopped when they went digital, but recently purchased a digital scanner so I can continue my hobby. You learn quite a bit just by listening to police calls because you hear things that are never reported in the media. Our suburb is predominantly black.

I would estimate that about 80% of our police calls are about kids. Neighbors calling the cops on kids, store clerks calling the cops on kids, and yes, even parents calling the cops on their kids.

Many in the black community are raised in a single-parent household. When the child gets in those difficult years, the mother eventually loses control of them. She gives up, and then the child grows up thinking he's invincible. He extrapolates the method he used on his mother to the school system. Then eventually the police. He ends up in prison or even getting killed.

Our city council had to create a policy that any more than three calls a year to the police station, the home owner is assessed a fee for each additional call. This came about as mothers were using our police as surrogate fathers. The kid got out of hand, and mom called the police for assistance or discipline. Our police didn't have time to be babysitters for many of the single mothers in our city.

Yeah, that's a pretty common scenario in a black community. A bad home life and bad parenting yield a troublemaker who in turn raises kids as he or she was raised with a similar result thus it continues generation after generation. The problem is how to break the chain of poverty, poor education, and bad parenting.

It is difficult because it's hard to control individual decisions. But at least we can agree on the genesis of the problem.

My favorite economist, Professor Walter E Williams, did an article on this subject, if you have about two minutes of time to kill. While many on the left call him derogatory names like Uncle Tom, nobody has ever challenged his statistics or sources. His claim is that blacks were not always like they are today. Years ago, blacks were pretty much the opposite. Then he goes on to describe what he believes are the responsible parties for the changes that took place. I'm sure you will disagree with some of what he writes here, but agree with most of it.

I have to agree that blacks years ago, in 1950's were pretty much the opposite as today.
  • More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with less than half of that in the 1950s.
  • Black voter turnout in elections in the South has increased from 5% to 65%
  • Household income adjusted for inflation has risen by 42%
  • Typical black family net worth adjusted for inflation has increase by 600%
  • Homeowner-ship has increased 41%
  • Infant mortality has fallen from 34.9 to 11.5

However, with the progress Blacks have made, there are centuries of racial hatred that have been passed down from generation to generation. of Blacks.

In the 1951, I was in the 5th grade and it was nearing the end of the school year. The principal asked for volunteers for a work detail. Knowing I would be released from class, I volunteered. The job was to look at all the text books and remove all books with missing pages, broken spines, and marked up pages. These books were to go to poor black schools. I told may dad about this work assignment at school and he said, " That's great kid, those blacks need some books. They are all dumb as a rock,"

A few years later, I was riding a bus home with a friend. An elderly black man wearing a suit and tie which was unusually in those days, sat in the very front of the bus. The driver turned to him and said, "boy get to the back bus". The old man just sat there. The bus driver stopped the bus, open the front door, and threw old man in the street. I don't know if he was hurt but he just laid there as the bus pulled away with the driver saying, "Those damn N.... just don't know their place.

In high school, I remember riding around with some friends, and the guy driving said, "Let's have some fun", and he passed a bottle around and asked everybody to piss in it. He drove thru a black neighborhood, stopped and called two young black girls over to the car to ask directions. When they approached, the kid ridding shotgun threw the bottle of piss in their face and the driver drove off with the kid screaming and laughing, "You stupid N******. You can bet that these Blacks, told these stories and thousand of other stories of degradation and humiliation at the hands of whites to their kids and grand kids to be passed on to future generations. And white people today wonder why there is so much racial hatred.

So yes, there has been huge progress but along with that progress has been generations of racial hate that has been passed down from generation to generation and still persist today.

It doesn't excuse their actions of today. Look.......I'm not nearly as old as you are, and I can remember discrimination taking place in the 60's when I was a child. But I'm 60 years old now, and there is nothing a 30 year old black today experienced in his or her lifetime that came anywhere close to what happened back then.

It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times. Go to the library, and ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. There are none. If you are going to use what happened to your grandparents, or great grandparents as a crutch for your failures today, then you are actually abrogating your mistakes in life which we all make.

By the 70's, much what you listed were remedied. Discrimination is not owned by blacks. White people used to discriminate against each other over ethnic background. My father went to the bricklayers union as a youngster to get into that field of work. They refused his application because of his Polish ethnicity. He reminded them that he is an American born and bred. He told them he fought in Korea for a year to preserve their freedom in this country. As my father explained, if not for his service to this country as a war veteran, he probably wouldn't' have ever been accepted at the time.

I can't use my fathers pitfalls in his life as a reason for me not to succeed, even though I did just fine. If you read Dr. Williams article, he clearly points out that the illegitimacy rate in the black communities today are well over 70%, and their illiteracy rate higher than that. This has noting to do with what their great grandparents went through. It has nothing to do with racism or discrimination.

Dr. Williams concluded that the problems black America faces today can only be solved by themselves. As long as the Democrat party keeps promoting that their plight is not of their own doing, they will continue to fail.

Racism and the accompanying hatred is passed down from generation to generation. It's not a crutch. It's a fact of life. Many black parents by word or deed teach their children to hate white people, to give up without trying, and rob them of their self-confidence. They grow to adults to teach their children the same destructive behavior.

The idea that a race of people that have lived in slavery, exploitation, and social injustice for hundreds of years are going pull themselves up by their bootstraps with no intervention is just plain stupid. There will always be individuals that can escape their environment and change but cultural change depends on the change in the environment.

I disagree. Not for most of my lifetime.

I attended grade and high school. What black was denied the same opportunity?

When I got out of school, I worked several different minimum wage jobs, gaining references and doing various different kinds of work. What black was denied that opportunity?

I could have lived with my parents for a few years, saved all the money I worked for, and attended college. What black was denied that opportunity?

I took precautions to not have any children so I wouldn't be burdened with decades of expenses. What black was denied that opportunity?

I stayed away from illegal activities that could have landed me in jail or prison. Outside of pot, I didn't mess with illegal narcotics. I slowly obtained and maintained credit, building my credit rating higher and higher. What black didn't have that same opportunity?

When I decided the field of work I was in didn't pay enough, I switched to a new field of work that paid better and put me in demand. After a few years, I enhanced that position to make even better money and put me more in demand. What black was denied that opportunity?

Afterwards, I made an investment in real estate. My father and I both worked to make it successful, and to provide for when I retired. Speaking of which, I had an employer that provided us with an IRA account, which he contributed to as did I. What black was denied that opportunity?

Bottom line is the failure in the black community is their own doing, just like Professor Williams wrote about. Government or white people in general can't force them into creating two parent homes. Government or white people can't stop them from getting involved in crime. Government or white people can't stop them from having children they could barely afford, or not afford at all, keeping them from financial advancement and even lifelong poverty. Only they can do that--not us.
I have no problem with them asking for ID. It's arresting the guy in his own home for "contempt of cop" that was, as a great and wise man observed, "Acting Stupidly"

They turned a routine call into a nationwide story where they looked like a bunch of racists.

No, your Gods did that--the media.

Yes, it was. The cops acting really stupidly was on video, and the last legitimate President called them on it.

No, you seen a maniac screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs giving the officer a hard time. Funny thing though, you can no longer find that video anywhere. Hmmm, I wonder why that is? It's real simple for normal people: officer asks for your ID, you simply show it to him and keep your mouth shut, and you'll never have a problem.

In my career I've been pulled over for truck inspections over a dozen times, and not once ever had an issue with police. Most were nice, some were pricks, but I always kept in mind they had a job to do, just like I did. The biggest prick I've dealt with in recent years was a black state trooper.
I think one of the most effective ways to avoid police violence is for parents, Black or White to teach their kids, you don't get into an argument with the police if you are stopped and never show disrespect. If police behavior is improper, you should speak up, but not on the side of the road at midnight on Saturday night. Cops are human, some are racist, some are incompetent, and some are just plain tired and discussed, so they make mistakes and loose their temper and when they do everybody loses. This came from a close friend who is on the local police force.

I think a lot of people don't realize that the vast majority of people are respectful when stopped by the police. Those that aren't are often bad guys. So when you're disrespectful and belligerent toward a police officer. it will immediately raise a red flag and the cop will prepare for violence.


I think what all these loudmouths and jocks should do is visit schools to teach that exact message instead of disrespecting our flag in public. Some black kids grow up hating the police because of what their friends and family say about them. They tell these kids the cops are out to get you, and will look for any excuse to gun you down. It's not a wonder why some will fight and try to get away from them.

I also think if police have seminars in school to teach the kids how they are trained, what the laws are, and what they have to deal with every day, that could save a lot of lives too. They need to inform these kids that their parents, family and friends are wrong. The police (for the most part) are here to help--not hurt.

You are going to get bad apples no matter what lengths you go through to hire the best. For those cops especially, the best way to get under their skin is to do exactly what they say. Because then they will have no reason to F with you.

There are two ways to approach this: The way we're seeing now, with protests, riots, dead people, businesses closed down for good or moving out, or try to have everybody do everything a police officer asks no matter what the situation. The latter will save a hundred times more lives than the former.
I agree. A lot what we see in young black men is pride and standing up for yourself and what you believe is right. There's nothing wrong with that and I applaud if it's done at the right time and place. A cop stopping young black male is neither the right time or place.

There's a movie being streamed call the "The Hate You Give". It's about a young black boy that is shot by the police, the protests, the hate, the violence, and the forgiveness that follows. I usually don't go for these kind of movies but I thought this one was particularly good and very timely.

Well Flopper, it all starts with a bad upbringing, which is commonplace in the black community.

I used to listen to the police scanner for our suburb. I stopped when they went digital, but recently purchased a digital scanner so I can continue my hobby. You learn quite a bit just by listening to police calls because you hear things that are never reported in the media. Our suburb is predominantly black.

I would estimate that about 80% of our police calls are about kids. Neighbors calling the cops on kids, store clerks calling the cops on kids, and yes, even parents calling the cops on their kids.

Many in the black community are raised in a single-parent household. When the child gets in those difficult years, the mother eventually loses control of them. She gives up, and then the child grows up thinking he's invincible. He extrapolates the method he used on his mother to the school system. Then eventually the police. He ends up in prison or even getting killed.

Our city council had to create a policy that any more than three calls a year to the police station, the home owner is assessed a fee for each additional call. This came about as mothers were using our police as surrogate fathers. The kid got out of hand, and mom called the police for assistance or discipline. Our police didn't have time to be babysitters for many of the single mothers in our city.

Yeah, that's a pretty common scenario in a black community. A bad home life and bad parenting yield a troublemaker who in turn raises kids as he or she was raised with a similar result thus it continues generation after generation. The problem is how to break the chain of poverty, poor education, and bad parenting.

It is difficult because it's hard to control individual decisions. But at least we can agree on the genesis of the problem.

My favorite economist, Professor Walter E Williams, did an article on this subject, if you have about two minutes of time to kill. While many on the left call him derogatory names like Uncle Tom, nobody has ever challenged his statistics or sources. His claim is that blacks were not always like they are today. Years ago, blacks were pretty much the opposite. Then he goes on to describe what he believes are the responsible parties for the changes that took place. I'm sure you will disagree with some of what he writes here, but agree with most of it.

I have to agree that blacks years ago, in 1950's were pretty much the opposite as today.
  • More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with less than half of that in the 1950s.
  • Black voter turnout in elections in the South has increased from 5% to 65%
  • Household income adjusted for inflation has risen by 42%
  • Typical black family net worth adjusted for inflation has increase by 600%
  • Homeowner-ship has increased 41%
  • Infant mortality has fallen from 34.9 to 11.5

However, with the progress Blacks have made, there are centuries of racial hatred that have been passed down from generation to generation. of Blacks.

In the 1951, I was in the 5th grade and it was nearing the end of the school year. The principal asked for volunteers for a work detail. Knowing I would be released from class, I volunteered. The job was to look at all the text books and remove all books with missing pages, broken spines, and marked up pages. These books were to go to poor black schools. I told may dad about this work assignment at school and he said, " That's great kid, those blacks need some books. They are all dumb as a rock,"

A few years later, I was riding a bus home with a friend. An elderly black man wearing a suit and tie which was unusually in those days, sat in the very front of the bus. The driver turned to him and said, "boy get to the back bus". The old man just sat there. The bus driver stopped the bus, open the front door, and threw old man in the street. I don't know if he was hurt but he just laid there as the bus pulled away with the driver saying, "Those damn N.... just don't know their place.

In high school, I remember riding around with some friends, and the guy driving said, "Let's have some fun", and he passed a bottle around and asked everybody to piss in it. He drove thru a black neighborhood, stopped and called two young black girls over to the car to ask directions. When they approached, the kid ridding shotgun threw the bottle of piss in their face and the driver drove off with the kid screaming and laughing, "You stupid N******. You can bet that these Blacks, told these stories and thousand of other stories of degradation and humiliation at the hands of whites to their kids and grand kids to be passed on to future generations. And white people today wonder why there is so much racial hatred.

So yes, there has been huge progress but along with that progress has been generations of racial hate that has been passed down from generation to generation and still persist today.

It doesn't excuse their actions of today. Look.......I'm not nearly as old as you are, and I can remember discrimination taking place in the 60's when I was a child. But I'm 60 years old now, and there is nothing a 30 year old black today experienced in his or her lifetime that came anywhere close to what happened back then.

It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times. Go to the library, and ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. There are none. If you are going to use what happened to your grandparents, or great grandparents as a crutch for your failures today, then you are actually abrogating your mistakes in life which we all make.

By the 70's, much what you listed were remedied. Discrimination is not owned by blacks. White people used to discriminate against each other over ethnic background. My father went to the bricklayers union as a youngster to get into that field of work. They refused his application because of his Polish ethnicity. He reminded them that he is an American born and bred. He told them he fought in Korea for a year to preserve their freedom in this country. As my father explained, if not for his service to this country as a war veteran, he probably wouldn't' have ever been accepted at the time.

I can't use my fathers pitfalls in his life as a reason for me not to succeed, even though I did just fine. If you read Dr. Williams article, he clearly points out that the illegitimacy rate in the black communities today are well over 70%, and their illiteracy rate higher than that. This has noting to do with what their great grandparents went through. It has nothing to do with racism or discrimination.

Dr. Williams concluded that the problems black America faces today can only be solved by themselves. As long as the Democrat party keeps promoting that their plight is not of their own doing, they will continue to fail.

Racism and the accompanying hatred is passed down from generation to generation. It's not a crutch. It's a fact of life. Many black parents by word or deed teach their children to hate white people, to give up without trying, and rob them of their self-confidence. They grow to adults to teach their children the same destructive behavior.

The idea that a race of people that have lived in slavery, exploitation, and social injustice for hundreds of years are going pull themselves up by their bootstraps with no intervention is just plain stupid. There will always be individuals that can escape their environment and change but cultural change depends on the change in the environment.

I disagree. Not for most of my lifetime.

I attended grade and high school. What black was denied the same opportunity?

When I got out of school, I worked several different minimum wage jobs, gaining references and doing various different kinds of work. What black was denied that opportunity?

I could have lived with my parents for a few years, saved all the money I worked for, and attended college. What black was denied that opportunity?

I took precautions to not have any children so I wouldn't be burdened with decades of expenses. What black was denied that opportunity?

I stayed away from illegal activities that could have landed me in jail or prison. Outside of pot, I didn't mess with illegal narcotics. I slowly obtained and maintained credit, building my credit rating higher and higher. What black didn't have that same opportunity?

When I decided the field of work I was in didn't pay enough, I switched to a new field of work that paid better and put me in demand. After a few years, I enhanced that position to make even better money and put me more in demand. What black was denied that opportunity?

Afterwards, I made an investment in real estate. My father and I both worked to make it successful, and to provide for when I retired. Speaking of which, I had an employer that provided us with an IRA account, which he contributed to as did I. What black was denied that opportunity?

Bottom line is the failure in the black community is their own doing, just like Professor Williams wrote about. Government or white people in general can't force them into creating two parent homes. Government or white people can't stop them from getting involved in crime. Government or white people can't stop them from having children they could barely afford, or not afford at all, keeping them from financial advancement and even lifelong poverty. Only they can do that--not us.

I agree that the failure in the black community is of their own doing; that is they are born into poverty, crime, and racism and by word, deed, or just neglect they pass their own feelings of hopelessness, hatred, and fear to their children. The child attends school and as you say is not denied opportunity. However, what good is an opportunity to a child who can't take advantage of that opportunity. The problem today is not denied opportunity but rather providing the child what is needed to take advantage of the opportunity and that has to come from the home. Just focusing on equal opportunity with never change the culture.
The Covid craze is loosing its grip so libbies have to throw out fake fear. It’s looks ominous to math tards but let me explain again.
1,000 positives in 10,000 tests and 10,000 positives in 100,000 tests is NOT a SURGE nor SPIKE but rather the Same percentage metric with the higher gross number of positives stemming Solely from the higher number of tests and Nothing else.
Let the spittle flinging name calling begin.
The Covid craze is loosing its grip so libbies have to throw out fake fear. It’s looks ominous to math tards but let me explain again.
1,000 positives in 10,000 tests and 10,000 positives in 100,000 tests is NOT a SURGE nor SPIKE but rather the Same percentage metric with the higher gross number of positives stemming Solely from the higher number of tests and Nothing else.
Let the spittle flinging name calling begin.
Arizona, Florida, California and Nevada report record-high single-day increases in coronavirus cases. However, what is most important is the increase in Covid 19 hospitalizations. They are on the rise in 17 states. Positive tests include asymptomatic cases and those with few symptoms which are not likely to enter a hospital but are capable of spreading the virus.

There is battle going on today. On one side we have more people coming into closer contact which helps spread the virus. On the other side we are finding more positive cases and quarantining which slows the spread of the virus. Whether we will have a 2nd wave as bad or worse than we had in the Spring depends on two factors. First bring how well we practice social distancing, mask wearing, and isolation. Second being how seasonal the virus is. Studies are showing this virus will prove to be seasonal just as other viruses in the family are. This means more infection in colder months and less in warmer months.
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Every problem has a solution. That's the perfect solution. Proclaim an area of the country as your own, let them all move there, and hire nothing but people of your own race to run your government. Everybody is happy.

Uh, no. Here's the solution... Everyone learns to get along and everyone gets treated fairly and equally.

the fact that your shitty suburb was picked for HUD people is because you live in a shithole. The people who live in the NICE suburbs decided to fob them off on you.

Yes they do if they act like that maniac.

Actually, he had every reason to be upset.

I am. Thank you very much. Now get back to work BOY.

Hey, I'm sorry you have no ambition or pride in yourself. Go over, introduce yourself to the HUD Neighbors, they might even invite you to one of their parties.
Uh, no. Here's the solution... Everyone learns to get along and everyone gets treated fairly and equally.

the fact that your shitty suburb was picked for HUD people is because you live in a shithole. The people who live in the NICE suburbs decided to fob them off on you.

Yes, but if they moved out, my property value would triple overnight. That's why I promote dividing this country in half. Nothing would be greater than living with my own people. You see, you liberals can't say that. You can't stand living with your own kind, that's why you're always trying to move next door to us.

Actually, he had every reason to be upset.

Yes, he was asked for his ID. How awful. Civilized people are asked that from police all the time with zero problems.

Hey, I'm sorry you have no ambition or pride in yourself. Go over, introduce yourself to the HUD Neighbors, they might even invite you to one of their parties.

I'll think about that. Now back to work BOY! I'm expecting a cost of living raise next year.
Arizona, Florida, California and Nevada report record-high single-day increases in coronavirus cases. However, what is most important is the increase in Covid 19 hospitalizations. They are on the rise in 17 states. Positive tests include asymptomatic cases and those with few symptoms which are not likely to enter a hospital but are capable of spreading the virus.

There is battle going on today. On one side we have more people coming into closer contact which helps spread the virus. On the other side we are finding more positive cases and quarantining which slows the spread of the virus. Whether we will have a 2nd wave as bad or worse than we had in the Spring depends on two factors. First bring how well we practice social distancing, mask wearing, and isolation. Second being how seasonal the virus is. Studies are showing this virus will prove to be seasonal just as other viruses in the family are. This means more infection in colder months and less in warmer months.

But you have to consider that there are more test kits available now. People that didn't know they had it are now discovering it. Not all cases are that of deathly sick people. Many symptoms are similar to bad colds to mild flu like. Point being the more people you test, the more likely you will find have this thing.
But you have to consider that there are more test kits available now. People that didn't know they had it are now discovering it. Not all cases are that of deathly sick people. Many symptoms are similar to bad colds to mild flu like. Point being the more people you test, the more likely you will find have this thing.
You can say the same thing about the Spanish Influenza. Most cases were mild and only about 2% died. Yet the death toll was 670,000 which adjusted for population growth would be equivalent to about 2.3 million deaths today.

Testing is just a means of detecting people that have the virus so they can be quarantined to prevent the spread. The real measure of how serious Covid 19 is in an area is hospitalizations. All of these states have seen a rapid increase in Covid 19 hospitalizations over the last month and some hospitals are approaching a critical situation with 90% occupancy. With summer just starting and most states only partially open, we've got a long way to go. How bad it gets depends on how well we follow the rules and how seasonal the virus is, both unknown.
You can say the same thing about the Spanish Influenza. Most cases were mild and only about 2% died. Yet the death toll was 670,000 which adjusted for population growth would be equivalent to about 2.3 million deaths today.

Testing is just a means of detecting people that have the virus so they can be quarantined to prevent the spread. The real measure of how serious Covid 19 is in an area is hospitalizations. All of these states have seen a rapid increase in Covid 19 hospitalizations over the last month and some hospitals are approaching a critical situation with 90% occupancy. With summer just starting and most states only partially open, we've got a long way to go. How bad it gets depends on how well we follow the rules and how seasonal the virus is, both unknown.

I think testing is a metric used to determine if more people have it or not. More testing means the results will be more people having it. It was not long ago where you couldn't get tested unless the symptoms were severe eoungh, or your doctor made the recommendation. Today, anybody can get tested at will, at least in my state. My elderly father had to go in for some minor treatment. The first thing they did was take blood for Covid.
Yes, but if they moved out, my property value would triple overnight. That's why I promote dividing this country in half. Nothing would be greater than living with my own people. You see, you liberals can't say that. You can't stand living with your own kind, that's why you're always trying to move next door to us.

Guy, you don't have a people. Most white folks would be kind of repulsed by you.

Yes, he was asked for his ID. How awful. Civilized people are asked that from police all the time with zero problems.

Which doesn't make it okay. Frankly, the idea that the police can demand your ID is something you do in a totalitarian country.

I'll think about that. Now back to work BOY! I'm expecting a cost of living raise next year.

I know man. Wait till you find out that Trump wants to cut what you get so rich people can get tax breaks.
Which doesn't make it okay. Frankly, the idea that the police can demand your ID is something you do in a totalitarian country.

Now showing identification is totalitarian too? Don't police do that in Europe, in Canada? When a police matter comes up, you mean to tell me they take everybody's word for who they are?

I know man. Wait till you find out that Trump wants to cut what you get so rich people can get tax breaks.

I see, so now you are not only predicting a Trump victory this year, but a Republican led House as well? Pretty telling that subconscious mind of yours Dr Joe.
Now showing identification is totalitarian too? Don't police do that in Europe, in Canada? When a police matter comes up, you mean to tell me they take everybody's word for who they are?

I see, so now you are not only predicting a Trump victory this year, but a Republican led House as well? Pretty telling that subconscious mind of yours Dr Joe.
In Canada, a police officer does not have the authority to randomly require an individual to stop and identify themselves or to answer police questions. If the officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person in question has committed an offence, the officer may arrest the person, but there is no legal requirement to show an id unless there is some type of immigration charge.

In the US, Police can only ask for the ID card in public or a place open to public and only if there is a reasonable suspicion the person committed a crime.

In the UK, police have a bit more authority in regard to ids. They can stop a driver without cause and ask for an id.

In the EU, it varies a lot by country but in general most countries require cause to stop you ask for an id.

Requiring the id is not the problem, what government does with id can be.
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I think testing is a metric used to determine if more people have it or not. More testing means the results will be more people having it. It was not long ago where you couldn't get tested unless the symptoms were severe eoungh, or your doctor made the recommendation. Today, anybody can get tested at will, at least in my state. My elderly father had to go in for some minor treatment. The first thing they did was take blood for Covid.
Testing can be a metric in determining the new cases but that is not as important today since we have learned that there are so many people that are asymptomatic and false positives are common. The metric that is most important is hospitalizations. Covid infections that are asymptomatic don't generally get hospitalized. In most places today. people will mild symptoms are not hospitalized either A lot of people claim that increasing numbers of positive cases is an advanced indicator of an increase number of hospitalizations, not sure about that.

In all the politicizing of the virus, we should not lose sight of the primary reason we test people, to find infected people so they can be quarantined to reduce the spread of the virus.
In Canada, a police officer does not have the authority to randomly require an individual to stop and identify themselves or to answer police questions. If the officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person in question has committed an offence, the officer may arrest the person, but there is no legal requirement to show an id unless there is some type of immigration charge.

In the US, Police can only ask for the ID card in public or a place open to public and only if there is a reasonable suspicion the person committed a crime.

In the UK, police have a bit more authority in regard to ids. They can stop a driver without cause and ask for an id.

In the EU, it varies a lot by country but in general most countries require cause to stop you ask for an id.

Requiring the id is not the problem, what government does with id can be.

I'm talking about a similar situation that Dr Joe and I were discussing, which was that professor and the cop that DumBama said acted stupidly.

A neighbor called the police for a possible break in. The officer that arrived on the call was immediately called a racist. Then he asked for ID which is pretty much standard for responding to a potential break in. It wasn't the officers call, it's police policy.

The moron became even more irate, and the officer arrested him for disorderly conduct. Dr Joe thinks that simply asking for an ID for the police record represents a totalitarian state. I disagreed making the point this takes place in a lot of free countries.

This professor was looking for trouble, and because the officer gave him what he asked for, Dr Joe thinks the professor was in the right, and being anti-cop, the officer was in the wrong.
I'm talking about a similar situation that Dr Joe and I were discussing, which was that professor and the cop that DumBama said acted stupidly.

A neighbor called the police for a possible break in. The officer that arrived on the call was immediately called a racist. Then he asked for ID which is pretty much standard for responding to a potential break in. It wasn't the officers call, it's police policy.

The moron became even more irate, and the officer arrested him for disorderly conduct. Dr Joe thinks that simply asking for an ID for the police record represents a totalitarian state. I disagreed making the point this takes place in a lot of free countries.

This professor was looking for trouble, and because the officer gave him what he asked for, Dr Joe thinks the professor was in the right, and being anti-cop, the officer was in the wrong.
I suspect the devil is in details of which I am unaware. A person in the US is certainly within his rights to refuse to give a law enforcement officer his identification whether he's carry id or not unless the officer has "reasonable suspicion" that the person has committed a crime regardless of police procedure. I believe what Biden meant was that having a law forcing people to present identification without legal cause is what we expect in a totalitarian country, not the US.

If you are asked by a police officer for identification, you can ask the officer am I under arrest? If the answer is no, you are free to walk away. Of course there are many gotchas in this. Most state laws allow an officer to do a driver's licences check without any infraction of the law. If you're walking down the street and an officer asks for your id and you refuse he will probably come up with some trumped up charge such as spitting in the street, disorderly conduct, or disrespecting a police officer, etc which will get you a ride to the police station, hours sitting around, and possibly getting fingerprinted and booked but eventually you get released. Being it's not worth the hassle, most people just fork over their id.
I suspect the devil is in details of which I am unaware. A person in the US is certainly within his rights to refuse to give a law enforcement officer his identification whether he's carry id or not unless the officer has "reasonable suspicion" that the person has committed a crime regardless of police procedure. I believe what Biden meant was that having a law forcing people to present identification without legal cause is what we expect in a totalitarian country, not the US.

If you are asked by a police officer for identification, you can ask the officer am I under arrest? If the answer is no, you are free to walk away. Of course there are many gotchas in this. Most state laws allow an officer to do a driver's licences check without any infraction of the law. If you're walking down the street and an officer asks for your id and you refuse he will probably come up with some trumped up charge such as spitting in the street, disorderly conduct, or disrespecting a police officer, etc which will get you a ride to the police station, hours sitting around, and possibly getting fingerprinted and booked but eventually you get released. Being it's not worth the hassle, most people just fork over their id.

When I was referring to Dr Joe, I meant JoeB131, not Joe Biden.

In any case, the Professor who was arrested did present his ID, but not willingly. He was breaking into his own house which warrants the officer asking for ID for verification of who he was. What if he didn't? Picture this scenario:

You come home from vacation and find your house ransacked. The crook got away with tens of thousands of dollars of your belongings including cash, jewelry, clothing and electronics. You call the police, and they tell you that a cop was there two days ago, but the crook told the cop he was the owner of the house, and the cop just took his word for it and left. Okay, then go and get the guy! We can't. Why not? Because the officer never asked the guy for identification. What would you say to that?

You would probably insist that this officer be fired, and furthermore, probably insist that the city be financially responsible for your losses. I know I would. And imagine the party the media would have if you called them as well.

For the most part, there is a reason police have procedures, and demand their officers follow those procedures, even if their personal judgment may tell them otherwise. Dr Joe thinks this officer asked for idea out of racism, but if I remember correctly, this officer was in charge of racial sensitivity training for the department.
When I was referring to Dr Joe, I meant JoeB131, not Joe Biden.

In any case, the Professor who was arrested did present his ID, but not willingly. He was breaking into his own house which warrants the officer asking for ID for verification of who he was. What if he didn't? Picture this scenario:

You come home from vacation and find your house ransacked. The crook got away with tens of thousands of dollars of your belongings including cash, jewelry, clothing and electronics. You call the police, and they tell you that a cop was there two days ago, but the crook told the cop he was the owner of the house, and the cop just took his word for it and left. Okay, then go and get the guy! We can't. Why not? Because the officer never asked the guy for identification. What would you say to that?

You would probably insist that this officer be fired, and furthermore, probably insist that the city be financially responsible for your losses. I know I would. And imagine the party the media would have if you called them as well.

For the most part, there is a reason police have procedures, and demand their officers follow those procedures, even if their personal judgment may tell them otherwise. Dr Joe thinks this officer asked for idea out of racism, but if I remember correctly, this officer was in charge of racial sensitivity training for the department.
I don't have all the details but it sounds like if the owner was not willing to provide identification which is his right, the cop should have arrested him for burglary. I've was burglarized twice in my life and neither time did the police ask for an id. They said are you owner and complete a report which I signed. If the professor were White would the cops have ask for his id or just assumed he was the owner? I think this is a pretty unique situation which would require a lot of details about the cop and professor and the exact conversation plus background on two men in regard to racist behavior.
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I don't have all the details but it sounds like if the owner was not willing to provide identification which is his right, the cop should have arrested him for burglary. I've was burglarized twice in my life and neither time did the police ask for an id. They said are you owner and complete a report which I signed. If the professor were White would the cops have ask for his id or just assumed he was the owner? I think this is a pretty unique situation which would require a lot of details about the cop and professor and the exact conversation plus background on two men in regard to racist behavior.

Police policy is policy. They don't have two different polices for whites and others. The officer even noted that he truly believed the professor and his claim. But again, the officer had to cover his ass too.

Your situation and this professors were entirely different. You were already robbed. No criminal robs a house, and then calls police to report it.
Now showing identification is totalitarian too? Don't police do that in Europe, in Canada? When a police matter comes up, you mean to tell me they take everybody's word for who they are?

Asking for your identification in your own home? Um. Yeah.

I see, so now you are not only predicting a Trump victory this year, but a Republican led House as well? Pretty telling that subconscious mind of yours Dr Joe.

Naw, I'm not. I guess you will luck out and the Democrats will keep your welfare coming.

Police policy is policy. They don't have two different polices for whites and others. The officer even noted that he truly believed the professor and his claim. But again, the officer had to cover his ass too.

Okay. One more time. Once he had established that the professor was indeed the homeowner.. situation over. He walks out and leaves. if the Professor wants to scream about his mother's virtue on his way out, he should deal with it.

Arresting the guy was just "acting stupidly".

Contempt of Cop is not a crime.

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