We should transition to an energy-backed dollar


Sep 12, 2013
Our fiat money has wrecked our economy by facilitating massive deficit spending, resulting in the destruction of our purchasing power, increasing the real value of our ever-increasing national debt.

A gold standard would provide backing to our currency, however, gold per se is very disconnected to the economy...it's rare, shiny, pretty metal, and that's about it.

On a gold standard, discovery and extraction of gold will lead to economic disaster. Gold mining consumes valuable resources, and on a gold standard, will devalue the currency.

Economic progress becomes sluggish, as the currency supply cannot increase, and increasing the money supply drains the economy, both by consuming resources, and devaluing the currency.

There is a solution that provides all the benefits of having a backed currency, and allows the money supply to increase in proportion to economic progress: an electricity-backed dollar.

As economic growth occurs, more energy is required. So the currency supply will increase at the same rate as economic growth.

Implementing this is as simple as guaranteeing that a kilowatt-hour of electricity can be bought for a certain amount of dollars, and using monetary policy to keep the free-market price of electricity in a range somewhere below that.

If the free-market price goes above the conversion rate due to economic contraction, the government will reimburse the difference once the free-market rate goes back below the conversion rate. The currency to pay the difference can come from increasing taxes, selling bonds, and/or decreasing govt spending.

If the free-market rate goes below the range due to economic growth, the govt can print currency, decrease taxes, and/or increase govt spending.

Anyone can produce electricity, and anyone can access it.

The money supply will be directly tied to economic growth. Economic growth will increase the money supply, as everyone needs energy, AND increases in the money supply will increase economic growth, as finding more efficient ways of producing electricity benefits everyone.

Energy Backed Money
Gold Standard vs Energy-Backed Currency | Debate.org
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I'm pretty sure I wrote we should have natural gas backed bonds over a year ago

Backing currency and bonds in LNG would just create the same issue as a gold standard, only a) more physically awkward, and b) stockpiling LNG would create issues for those who need it to heat their homes, etc.

Electricity is the ideal backing for currency.
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OMG, our fiat system is based on the petrodollar, LOL. Hello! Bretton Woods? Hello?

OMG! Don't you understand I'm talking about backing our currency with electricity, the generation of which is not tied to any specific method?

Oil doesn't just sit around, neither does uranium, sunlight, wind, coal, what-have-you. It must be converted to electricity (or plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc.) to have any practical value.

Everything economically-valuable in our modern age requires electricity. Or at least energy in general.

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