We should vote for Herschel Walker even if some of that BS is true

The past is prologue to the future. Character matters, especially when you're electing someone to such a powerful office.

One of the first lessons I learned as a young bank manager was that if someone is asking to borrow money, and they lie on their application, that's application is to be declined. If someone lies to you while asking you to "trust" him, he has no character, and the ask becomes very high risk.

It's not just the Walker lied, it's that he continues to lie, and he continues to conduct his life in an immoral, dishonest, and harmful manner with everyone he is supposed to care about in his life. This man asks for power and trust, when he has done nothing but abuse his power and those who trust him.

That's a HARD NO, for anything this guy asks for. Any vote for Walker, is a vote against YOUR OWN best interests.
lets shut that up real quick.
Hershel isn't perfect (like the Hair Sniffer in Chief) but

Let's vote for the future

not the past

and it looks like Warnock has a worse one anyhow

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