We should vote for Herschel Walker even if some of that BS is true

Walker grew up a liberal who wallowed in hedonism

I see a man who regrets the mistakes he made and has turned his life around

Unfortunately he is becoming an example of how our mistakes can come back to haunt us

Particularly for conservative Christians who are held to a higher standard than anything-goes liberals
You need to check your eyesight then, because he's clearly a man who going deeper and deeper into the hedonism you referred to. He lies from sunup to sundown.
He'll get the GQP vote.

And from that moment on, we're going to laugh whenever they bring up pro-life or morality or traditional values.

For obvious reasons.
Right because Warnock is for all thoe things? lol!

Walker is not a good candidate, but your logic is just downright moronic.
You need to check your eyesight then, because he's clearly a man who going deeper and deeper into the hedonism you referred to. He lies from sunup to sundown.
Are you telling us walker is still a “player” who has sex with many different women?
Yes, and I don't run around in public sinning all the time.
The smartest people in any room make mistakes

The key is who learns from their mistakes - aka sins - and who doesent

All the lib trash talking about walker is based on events in his past
The smartest people in any room make mistakes

The key is who learns from their mistakes - aka sins - and who doesent

All the lib trash talking about walker is based on events in his past
He's currently lying.

Who knows, he could be currently running around with, yet another, mistress.

Are you willing to vouch for him?
I'm not a Georgia voter, but if I was I would be quick to point out that you don't know what my best interests are.

Do you believe Warnock is a better choice? Since you find character to be so important, what's your opinion of a Christian pastor who's divorced and supports abortion rights?

Since abortion rights are not a religious question, I would not have ANY faith in a pastor who did not support the "free will" that God gave us in the Book of Genesis, or one who condemned women who have abortions. In fact, I would LEAVE any Church which condemns women for such a choice.

As someone who has been divorced, I applaud the decision to divorce and live up to his obligations to his family. Most people learn from their mistakes, but Walker keeps making the same mistakes over and over - 4 children by 4 different women, and he denied their existence, until he had no choice but to acknowledge them.

Herschel Walker doesn't know or care what your best interests are. Even if he knew what they were, he wouldn't lift a finger to help you. He's only asking for power to use it to help himself and no one else. Throughout his life, Walker continues to conduct himself without any consideration for the people he has made promises to. That includes his wife and children, and if he put himself first ahead of his family who he is sworn to love, honour and protect, well you're not even shit under his heel.

As long as you keep electing unqualified individuals with no discernable governmental inclinations or skills, who are just there for a sheep vote, you're country will continue to decline.
The smartest people in any room make mistakes

The key is who learns from their mistakes - aka sins - and who doesent

All the lib trash talking about walker is based on events in his past

No, we're talking about his PRESENT. He's still lying to the public. He's still denying his children, and failing to live up to his family obligations or promises.

This is just conservatives tying themselves into moral pretzels to justify power for power's sake and fuck the people. You complain that politicians don't give a shit and are just out for themselves, and yet here you are justifying voting for a guy who openly admits he doesn't know jack shit, and he doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself.
No, we're talking about his PRESENT. He's still lying to the public. He's still denying his children, and failing to live up to his family obligations or promises.

This is just conservatives tying themselves into moral pretzels to justify power for power's sake and fuck the people. You complain that politicians don't give a shit and are just out for themselves, and yet here you are justifying voting for a guy who openly admits he doesn't know jack shit, and he doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but himself.
Who let the canadians sneak into this topic?

Who Americans elect is none of your business

Warnock tried to run over his ex-wife!

Exactly which "obligation" is that?

Says who? The right wing media.

The doctor who examined her could find no evidence of any injury and policy refused to charge him on no evidence. This is just another attempt by right wing media to smear the candidate on no evidence.
Says who? The right wing media.

The doctor who examined her could find no evidence of any injury and policy refused to charge him on no evidence. This is just another attempt by right wing media to smear the candidate on no evidence.

Actually, it's actually uncommon to suffer an injury when your foot gets run over...
Who let the canadians sneak into this topic?

Who Americans elect is none of your business

You can't seriously be this stupid, can you????? Then stop financing the FreeDumb Convoys and keep your filthy Confederate and NAZI rags out of our cities. We don't need your asshole racists shitting on Terry Fox's statue or defacing the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

W crashed the world economy and nearly started WWIII. Trump crashed the economy, killed a million people with covid, and tried to destroy NATO. His covid policies cost thousands of Canadian lives as well.

We do thank Trump for NAFTA 2.0 which has eliminated our trade deficit and put us in a trade surplus position with the USA for the first time in my lifetime. I'm sure the Mexican people feel the same way.

Who Americans elect is VERY MUCH our business asshole!
Bullshit, and I say this as someone who's foot was run over, and broken as a result.

Tell me where I said it never happens.

I've had my foot run over, as well.


I literally walked away both times...

There is just no limit to the depths you will sink to, is there?

If by "depths you will sink to" you mean exposing you for the ignorant little lass you are, yes...
You can't seriously be this stupid, can you????? Then stop financing the FreeDumb Convoys and

keep your filthy Confederate and NAZI rags out of our cities.

We don't need your asshole racists shitting on Terry Fox's statue or defacing the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

W crashed the world economy and nearly started WWIII. Trump crashed the economy, killed a million people with covid, and tried to destroy NATO. His covid policies cost thousands of Canadian lives as well.

We do thank Trump for NAFTA 2.0 which has eliminated our trade deficit and put us in a trade surplus position with the USA for the first time in my lifetime. I'm sure the Mexican people feel the same way.

Who Americans elect is VERY MUCH our business asshole!
Your cities?

You’re a friggin canadian and you have no cities in America

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