We Told You So.

Real presidents don't need excuses. Clinton grew the economy more than 3% while balancing the budget.... He also did welfare reform and drastically dropped crime. Trump led a bunch of inbreds to attack the capital...

"Clinton grew the economy more than 3% while balancing the budget.... .."


You fools lie about everything.

Clinton never balanced the budget.

The Clinton Surplus Myth


Clinton ran deficits throughout all 8 years of his term, and one can go to the US Treasury Department and looking through the history of the total outstanding debt through Clintons term.

Every year Clinton was in office, the total national debt continued to climb.

How Clinton managed to claim a surplus was that while the general operating budgets ran deficits but Clinton borrowed from numerous off budget funds to make the on budget fund a surplus.

For example, in 2000, Clinton claimed a $230B surplus, but Clinton borrowed
$152.3B from Social Security
$30.9B from Civil Service Retirement Fund
$18.5B from Federal Supplementary Medical insurance Trust Fund
$15.0B from Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
$9.0B from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund
$8.2B from Military Retirement Fund
$3.8B from Transportation Trust Funds
$1.8B from Employee Life Insurance & Retirement fund
$7.0B from others

Total borrowed from off budget funds $246.5B, meaning that his $230B surplus is actually a $16.5B deficit.
($246.5B borrowed - $230B claimed surplus = $16.5B actual deficit).

If there is ever a true surplus, then the national debt will go down.

the national debt did not go down one year during the Clinton administration.

How much surplus did the US have when Clinton left office? - Answers

The claim is generally made that Clinton had a surplus of $69 billion in FY1998, $123 billion in FY1999 and $230 billion in FY2000 . In that same link, Clinton claimed that the national debt had been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years, presumably FY1998, FY1999, and FY2000--though, interestingly, $360 billion is not the sum of the alleged surpluses of the three years in question ($69B + $123B + $230B = $422B, not $360B).
While not defending the increase of the federal debt under President Bush, it's curious to see Clinton's record promoted as having generated a surplus. It never happened. There was never a surplus and the facts support that position. In fact, far from a $360 billion reduction in the national debt in FY1998-FY2000, there was an increase of $281 billion.


  1. In 2000, President Clinton stated that the recent surplus “represented the largest one-year debt reduction in the history of the United States…the $5.7 trillion national debt has been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years -- $223 billion this year alone.” President Clinton announces another record budget surplus - September 27, 2000
CNN stated “The federal budget surplus for fiscal year 1999 was $122.7 billion, and $69.2 billion for fiscal year 1998. Those back-to-back surpluses, the first since 1957, allowed the Treasury to pay down $138 billion in national debt.” Ibid.

So, it seems, not only did President Clinton run a surplus, but he reduced the national debt!

Would you like to see the actual national debt figures?

end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Historicals/ (table 7.1)

The table 7.1 will also show that he inherited a $4 trillion debt.

That means the debt increased 41% under Clinton.
And no wars or military build up to blame it on!
Your excuses are adorable. Do you get tired of having to make excuses?

Slither away, snake. I've exposed enough of your lies.
You've done a lot of nothing. Trump couldn't even hit 3% gdp growth while running up a trillion deficit. Giant failure.
Sure repubs never make anything better, but they sure have excuses....
in a few months you will have no defense against the economic business crushing policies the left will enact that will be felt by average Americans .... so if you are right and im wrong he truth will be evident in a few months commie .
You have some imagination. I guess you have fantasy and excuses.
we shall see Brainless .
The beginning of the dot com explosion saved Clinton's ass. He did not have one thing to do with the economic explosion of the internet.
Truth. You have no idea of the difference.
Nope, excuses. Fact is Clinton had a very strong economy and balanced the budget. Trump did the opposite. Had trump been better he might have done it too...
listen up Brainless.....i lived through both economies and hands down the Trump economy was the strongest economy by far ! as a matter of fact so many people were employed businesses were having trouble finding new workers ! that is until the Bidens and dem ally China decimated economies across the world [i say again] decimated economies across the world with a biological attack ... and you are a coward and a chicom sympathizing traitor for not acknowledging that fact .
The beginning of the dot com explosion saved Clinton's ass. He did not have one thing to do with the economic explosion of the internet.
Truth. You have no idea of the difference.
Nope, excuses. Fact is Clinton had a very strong economy and balanced the budget. Trump did the opposite. Had trump been better he might have done it too...
listen up Brainless.....i lived through both economies and hands down the Trump economy was the strongest economy by far ! as a matter of fact so many people were employed businesses were having trouble finding new workers ! that is until the Bidens and dem ally China decimated economies across the world [i say again] decimated economies across the world with a biological attack ... and you are a coward and a chicom sympathizing traitor for not acknowledging that fact .
Sorry but the numbers just don't workout for you. Trump made fun of Obama for never hitting 3% growth. Well trump didn't hit 3% growth. I lived through both also and the Clinton years were way better. Trump inherited the low unemployment. The unemployment rate was declining for 6 years when he became president and continued that same trend. Come back to reality. Clinton had more growth while balancing the budget. Trump increased the deficit to a trillion and couldn't hit 3% growth. Sorry but you lose.
The beginning of the dot com explosion saved Clinton's ass. He did not have one thing to do with the economic explosion of the internet.
Truth. You have no idea of the difference.
Nope, excuses. Fact is Clinton had a very strong economy and balanced the budget. Trump did the opposite. Had trump been better he might have done it too...
listen up Brainless.....i lived through both economies and hands down the Trump economy was the strongest economy by far ! as a matter of fact so many people were employed businesses were having trouble finding new workers ! that is until the Bidens and dem ally China decimated economies across the world [i say again] decimated economies across the world with a biological attack ... and you are a coward and a chicom sympathizing traitor for not acknowledging that fact .
hahaha. Your guy is last.

Here’s a look at average GDP growth rates under the last six U.S. presidents:

  • Jimmy Carter (D): 3.25%
  • Ronald Reagan (R): 3.48%
  • George H.W. Bush (R): 2.25%
  • Bill Clinton (D): 3.88%
  • George W. Bush (R): 2.2%
  • Barack Obama (D): 1.62%
  • Donald Trump (R): 0.95%

In his first four years in office, Trump has had by far the lowest average U.S. GDP growth rate of any of the last seven U.S. presidents.

Overall, U.S. GDP growth was highest under Clinton and Reagan in this group. GDP growth was lowest under Trump and Obama.

How GDP Growth Under Trump Compares To Clinton, Obama And Other Presidents (yahoo.com)
Democrat voters have proven as dumb as a stump.


Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.


After four years of listening too and watching democrats bitch about Trump and his policies and you now need a FUCKING LIST of his shit we opposed?


No vulgarity, no matter how much the truth hurts.

There's the truth. Then there's tossing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

You're a turd tosser polchic.

Is this the sort of language you were brought up with?

English is not my first language ...

What is?
Democrat voters have proven as dumb as a stump.


Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.


After four years of listening too and watching democrats bitch about Trump and his policies and you now need a FUCKING LIST of his shit we opposed?


No vulgarity, no matter how much the truth hurts.

There's the truth. Then there's tossing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

You're a turd tosser polchic.

Is this the sort of language you were brought up with?

English is not my first language ...

What is?

Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
The beginning of the dot com explosion saved Clinton's ass. He did not have one thing to do with the economic explosion of the internet.
Truth. You have no idea of the difference.
Nope, excuses. Fact is Clinton had a very strong economy and balanced the budget. Trump did the opposite. Had trump been better he might have done it too...

I'm sure you're not PURPOSELY lying, but spending and the budget is the SOLE responsibility of Congress, specifically the House of Representatives. So if you think the budget is a problem, you should talk about Nancy.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.

COVID vaccine arrived this week, and we should credit ...
President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed
Meanwhile, most of the other companies with vaccines in phase 3 trials were developed under Trump's Warp Speed program, including the Moderna vaccine that is expected to get FDA approval shortly. President Donald Trump finally delivers the shot in the arm we really needed

“FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

The Financial Times says President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed is responsible for the coronavirus vaccines becoming available so soon.

In an article posted Thursday, the Times noted the "vaccine push is now hailed as the bright spot in the Trump administration's COVID-19 response, as products from Pfizer and BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca and Oxford University move closer to approval."

The key achievement of Operation Warp Speed had been speeding up investment in manufacturing, Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Columbia University School of Public Health, told the Times.” FT Credits Trump's 'Warp Speed' for COVID Vaccines

“…the vaccine.

“For example, COVID. Everybody wants to say that the COVID crisis is getting worse, and the numbers certainly suggest that. But we have a vaccine. And we believe and have every reason to believe it works. There’s some serious distribution issues that I suspect will be fairly quickly resolved,” Hume continued.

“And that is what we’ve hoped for from the beginning, that there would be a vaccine. We never thought we’d have one as soon as now. We thought it’d be way into next year, maybe beyond before we got one. So that’s one big problem that’s well on the way to a solution that he faces. And look around the world …” Mic glitch appears to catch Chris Wallace rebuking Brit Hume’s optimistic covid commentary: ‘Really?’
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher
Democrat voters have proven as dumb as a stump.


Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

These voters are infantilized, and programmed to simply vote for the Wehrmacht....er, Democrats no matter what they say or do.


"Every Economic Data Point Released This Week Shows Biden Slide Into The Abyss From Trump Roaring Economy
Data released this week shows the American economy slowing into the Biden abyss of stagnation and malaise. Think Jimmy Carter on steroids. After four years of a roaring Trump economic miracle (Obama, he waved the magic wand), just the threat of re-regulation, lockdowns, obscene spending, attacks on the energy sector, and overall Marxist economy policy has stopped businesses in their tracks from hiring and deploying capital.

The only bright spot was inflation, which was in-line; however, with Yellen stepping on the banana republic printing gas, Katy bar the door.

With financial markets at all time highs…investors need to be wary with their capital deployment.

Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (Feb) PREL printed at 76.2 vs 80.8 consensus estimate.

NFIB Business Optimism Index (Jan) printed at 95 vs 98.7 estimate.

JOLTS Job Openings (Dec) printed at 6.646M vs 6.5M estimate.

Wholesale Inventories (Dec) printed at 0.3 vs 0.1 estimate.

Consumer Price Index (YoY) (Jan) printed at 1.4% vs 1.5% estimate.

Consumer Price Index (MoM) (Jan) printed at the estimate of 0.3%.

Continuing Jobless Claims (Jan 29) printed at 4.545M vs 4.49M estimate.

Initial Jobless Claims (Feb 5) printed at 793k vs 757k estimate."
We're in the Trump Recession, ya moron.

Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians

Well, I'm sure that destroying all those high paying Union jobs while making us less energy independent and more dependent on our OPEC adversaries while gasoline has already risen almost 40 cents per gallon will really help his ratings rise. Oh, and obligating so much of our tax money to go to other nations by rejoining the Paris Accords will REALLY be a winner for him, I'm sure. Luckily, I'm sure the employment rate is SURE to rise, so there's that.
Asked to list the polices of Trump's that they voted against......blank stares.

Asked for the Biden policies they were hoping for......the same stares.

Wrong again psycho

Destructive COVID policies
Cancelling healthcare
Destroying the environment
Isolating the US in the world

Listening to Scientists
Expanding Healthcare
Returning US role of global leadership
Protecting the environment
Stable, sane governance

Destructive COVID policies---What, getting the vaccines created and begun to be distributed? How is that destructive?

Cancelling healthcare---Healthcare still exists. Not one hospital was closed by Trump.

Destroying the environment---Not sure you're aware, but there's less pollution, not more New Data Show Air Pollution Drop Around 50 Percent In Some Cities During Coronavirus Lockdown

Isolating the US in the world---What nations are no longer our allies? What nations are boycotting us or our products?

As for your list of Biden accomplishments, well, I'm sure your roses will grow well this year.
Biden, after there weeks, is already a higher rated President than Trump

LMAO!!! With all of the favorable coverage by the "news" media, it should be MUCH higher

Not hard to do

Trump has solidified his position as the worst modern President. Whether he is worst of all time will be up to Historians

Well, I'm sure that destroying all those high paying Union jobs while making us less energy independent and more dependent on our OPEC adversaries while gasoline has already risen almost 40 cents per gallon will really help his ratings rise. Oh, and obligating so much of our tax money to go to other nations by rejoining the Paris Accords will REALLY be a winner for him, I'm sure. Luckily, I'm sure the employment rate is SURE to rise, so there's that.
Yes, Biden will be honored for supporting healthcare, higher wages, protecting the environment.

But his biggest accomplishment will be bringing back stable leadership after four years of Trump insanity
Just send out the stimulus even trump knew a huge stimulus is needed. You agree correct?

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