We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

The Biden Defenders keep making excuses and shifting blame towards the oil companies as for the price of oil. I keep seeing “record production”, “oil companies not utilizing all production capacity”, “demand is higher vs. COVID lockdowns” or “Biden does not impact the price of oil” as excuses for Biden. The Left hates oil but they also don’t want the political fallout for high gas prices.

My question for the Left is if all of the points listed above are true, why did Biden and the Democrats campaign on and implement policies that RESTRICT oil production and distribution infrastructure?

Biden Campaign 2020 and early executive orders:

- said the oil companies pollute the environment and US NEEDED to transition from oil
- end subsidies for fossil fuel companies
- kill Keystone pipeline
- stop federal leasing on drilling permits
- stop coal production

All of these policies are RESTRICTIVE towards the US oil and fossil fuel industries. This sends a message to global oil market that the US is restricting its own ability to produce more oil and have more oil infrastructure all in the absence of a viable energy alternative.

Biden can control his policies. His policies need to be less restrictive or he needs to have a viable energy alternative. Currently, his policies are NOT domestic energy friendly nor does he have a viable energy alternative. Combined, these IMPACT US oil prices and Biden needs to be held accountable.

The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline was already shut down before Biden became president.
This is true, they are not. Yet despite this our number of wells active is up almost 55% in one year and oil production itself is up also.

Would you agree with me that the US oil companies have no real incentive to increase production just to bring the price down?
Yes. A more domestic-friendly energy policy keeps up incentive and reduces risk. Why would a President move in this direction so quickly in the absence of a viable energy alternative??
Yes. A more domestic-friendly energy policy keeps up incentive and reduces risk. Why would a President move in this direction so quickly in the absence of a viable energy alternative??

Because he is an idiot trying to pander to a group of voters that are pissed he is not doing enough
The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline was already shut down before Biden became president.
You are not telling the full story. Biden made it clear he was going to shut it down. Will he push a policy or lobby in favor of starting Keystone back up? this was significant energy infrastructure in the US and Biden and the Democrats killed it. Tar sands, dirty oil, Benefiting China, etc. are all excuses to avoid the outcome that plain and simple, it was significant and strategic infrastructure killed by Democrats and the global markets reacted accordingly.
You are not telling the full story. Biden made it clear he was going to shut it down. Will he push a policy or lobby in favor of starting Keystone back up? this was significant energy infrastructure in the US and Biden and the Democrats killed it. Tar sands, dirty oil, Benefiting China, etc. are all excuses to avoid the outcome that plain and simple, it was significant and strategic infrastructure killed by Democrats and the global markets reacted accordingly.

No, Biden revoked their permit. Doesn't alter the fact that the courts had already shut down construction before Biden was president.
It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.

“When the Biden Administration took office, it unleashed a dangerous “Mandate and Moratorium” strategy, a green jihad of sorts against the U.S. energy sector. The strategy was simple– create supply constraints for domestic oil and gas producers by dismantling distribution systems, tightening regulations, and suspending leases and permits, therefore impacting future drilling activity. Co-conspirators like Black Rock’s, Larry Fink, then jumped in by urging institutional divestment from the oil and gas sector and wielding a pseudo-sophisticated set of investments standards known as environment, social and governance (ESG). The strategy was topped off with the complicity of social media and tech’s intolerance for a diversity of ideas, ensuring Americans couldn’t discuss the flawed energy policy, let alone dissent from it.”

This is stupidity wrapped in propaganda. The oil companies cut production because they couldn't sell their product during the pandemic.

There is no huge mystery or plot behind it, other than making more money for big oil.
Why do you feel the need to lie that the rest of the world can ramp up oil production to capacity except America?

Oh yeah. You don’t want to talk about your big government master putting sanctions on US oil.
The government hasn't sanctioned US oil companies. They are making money, addressing the surge and sick of boom and bust. 100 oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020 and a year earlier Trump was advocating lowering production to raise the ppb. You are keen to blame Biden or big oil because of your irrational partisanship, but you don't know anything about the oil business.
You are not telling the full story. Biden made it clear he was going to shut it down. Will he push a policy or lobby in favor of starting Keystone back up? this was significant energy infrastructure in the US and Biden and the Democrats killed it. Tar sands, dirty oil, Benefiting China, etc. are all excuses to avoid the outcome that plain and simple, it was significant and strategic infrastructure killed by Democrats and the global markets reacted accordingly.
You're wrong. Keystone XL has been a tax dodge and a lie since 2011. They make a profit and you take your lumps. The jobs claims are an obscene lie and the environmental costs are ours. These guys will pocket 10% off the top and cut construction costs.
The government hasn't sanctioned US oil companies. They are making money, addressing the surge and sick of boom and bust. 100 oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020 and a year earlier Trump was advocating lowering production to raise the ppb. You are keen to blame Biden or big oil because of your irrational partisanship, but you don't know anything about the oil business.
Liar. First week in office Brandon put sanctions on US oil.
This is stupidity wrapped in propaganda. The oil companies cut production because they couldn't sell their product during the pandemic.

There is no huge mystery or plot behind it, other than making more money for big oil.
As Gator Breath so politely pointed out for us, every oil producing nation is back at full pre ChiCom Flu Bio WMD attack production levels.

Except America.
You moron, only Chinese make a profit.
TC Energy owns the pipeline. A Houston company.

“As of February 2020, the bulk of the share capital of TC Energy is owned by 488 institutional investors, who compose 62% of the stock. The dominant shareholder is the Royal Bank of Canada, which owns a fraction over 8% of the company. The Big Five (banks)together own more than 17% of the outstanding share capital. Significant holdings accrue to the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and the OMERS.”

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