We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

And when that Canadian oil comes to OUR refineries then it should be our oil at that point. None of it should leave OUR shores. If we are going to produce more, then why would we ship it away?
This is at the heart of "energy independence". If the US produces more energy than it consumes, that only means our domestic producers will ship it overseas to sell it on the world market.

We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?​

Excess consumption due to poor vehicle choices.
Energy independence deals with supply, not with price. If the world market price for Brent Crude is $100 a barrel, that's what the oil producers in Texas will charge the domestic consumers..
The whole point of the Keystone oil pipeline was to bring Canadian oil to our refineries.
Our refineries can't handle tar sand. They're set up to refine Brent Crude grades. The light sweet, "Texas Tea".
Start drilling more and then not one drop of oil drilled here is allowed to be shipped away. Protect our resources.
Except that has NEVER been the case. Free enterprise means that domestic oil producers are allowed to sell to anyone and everyone. Domestic or foreign. They even have cross continent oil deals where the cost to ship North Sea crude to China is more than shipping it to the east coast plus the cost of shipping Alaskan oil to China.
Energy independence deals with supply, not with price. If the world market price for Brent Crude is $100 a barrel, that's what the oil producers in Texas will charge the domestic consumers..
If fuel consumption were half what it is supply would be doubled.
Americans shoot themselves in both feet with their ridiculous vehicles.
If fuel consumption were half what it is supply would be doubled.
Americans shoot themselves in both feet with their ridiculous vehicles.

This goes toward energy independence two ways. One is drill baby drill, the other is to cut consumption. Only one of which is a long term solution.
Do you really think that would increase production or constrain energy costs?
It would increase national security and constrain power dealers.
The control exercised by certain corporations is contrary to the well-being of our democratic republic.
We have not been energy independent since the 1950s
Since the invention of the super tanker, oil became a world market. Energy independence became more complex than simple domestic supply and demand. It was tied to world oil supply and demand.

If we consume more than we produce, we have to BUY oil from overseas at world market prices.
If we produce more than we consume, we SELL oil overseas at the world market prices.

This also means that domestic prices aren't tied to domestic production, but to the world prices of oil.
Since the invention of the super tanker, oil became a world market. Energy independence became more complex than simple domestic supply and demand. It was tied to world oil supply and demand.

If we consume more than we produce, we have to BUY oil from overseas at world market prices.
If we produce more than we consume, we SELL oil overseas at the world market prices.

This also means that domestic prices aren't tied to domestic production, but to the world prices of oil.
We actually export and import oil at the same time because we have oil....not just where we need it most
And we are getting there. At the current rate will be there by Nov of this year. Then what will you whine about?
You’re own chart says America will never get back to full oil production. While every other oil producing nation went back to full capacity months ago.

Your Leftard head is so deep into Brandon’s ass you can’t even see your hypocrisy.
You’re own chart says America will never get back to full oil production. While every other oil producing nation went back to full capacity months ago.

Dude, it is one thing to be ignorant, but to proudly display it like this is another thing.

Find a 5th grader to explain the chart to you.

At the rate our production grew from Feb 2021 to Feb 2022 we will be above where we peaked by Nov. And our oil companies say they are expanding even more, so it might be sooner
Dude, it is one thing to be ignorant, but to proudly display it like this is another thing.

Find a 5th grader to explain the chart to you.

At the rate our production grew from Feb 2021 to Feb 2022 we will be above where we peaked by Nov. And our oil companies say they are expanding even more, so it might be sooner
Every other nation went back to full capacity months ago.
You lied saying it takes time for production to get back online.
You lie for your hero Big Government Brandon.
Every other nation went back to full capacity months ago.
You lied saying it takes time for production to get back online.
You lie for your hero Big Government Brandon.

Well, not every other nation, but at least two that you found. Two that have a nationalized oil industry. Are you suggesting we do that here so we can be like those other countries?

And yes, it does take time to production to get back online.
Do you really think that would increase production or constrain energy costs?

Nationalizing oil would optimize it so that it did not get wasted by dumping it on the market when the market is low.
When the market is low, we should be importing all the oil we can, and saving it for the coming shortage that is inevitable in the future.

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