We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

Energy independence deals with supply, not with price. If the world market price for Brent Crude is $100 a barrel, that's what the oil producers in Texas will charge the domestic consumers..

If nationalized, then US domestic price would be independent of world prices.
That is why almost every country that produces oil in the world has nationalized.
Why give away profit to private companies for no reason except to make gasoline more expensive in the US?
Our refineries can't handle tar sand. They're set up to refine Brent Crude grades. The light sweet, "Texas Tea".

Not all refineries.
Oil from the Great Plaines has always also been tar sand, so we have the capability of refining tar sands as well.
It just requires a lot of steam.
You’re own chart says America will never get back to full oil production. While every other oil producing nation went back to full capacity months ago.

Your Leftard head is so deep into Brandon’s ass you can’t even see your hypocrisy.

But the US has the most limited oil resources, so should be saving all our oil for later, when the price starts to skyrocket.
Nationalizing oil would optimize it so that it did not get wasted by dumping it on the market when the market is low.
When the market is low, we should be importing all the oil we can, and saving it for the coming shortage that is inevitable in the future.
A low market is not foreseeable nor are we dumping Oil. It would be constitutional for congress to not allow a good to be exported. But if Chevron on Exxon can make more profit drilling in Africa than in the Gulf .... I think we know where they'll drill. And good luck arguing we should pay more now to save our oil.

and again, I highly suspect that any nation importing refined products from the US has consumers paying less than we pay .... unless it's because we tax stuff like diesel for roads and climate.
Every other nation went back to full capacity months ago.
You lied saying it takes time for production to get back online.
You lie for your hero Big Government Brandon.
It does take time and there's also reserve maintenance... Plus a surge in demand. You think you have all the answers. But you know little about the oil business.
Nationalizing oil would optimize it so that it did not get wasted by dumping it on the market when the market is low.
When the market is low, we should be importing all the oil we can, and saving it for the coming shortage that is inevitable in the future.
Nope. storing oil above ground is a loser's deal. It drives prices up. Oil inventories are just in time inventories. Even nationalized countries don't store oil above ground.
No one wants to be inconvenienced buy giving up an inch of anything. Try staying home more walking, bike less gas consuming cars/ trucks, public transportation ride share. See were gas prices would go if demand went down again.
No, Biden revoked their permit. Doesn't alter the fact that the courts had already shut down construction before Biden was president.
You are splitting hairs yet the core remains…. Biden pursued restrictive policies on US domestic energy production without a viable alternative and the markets responded. I maintain that had Keystone moved forward, ANWAR drilling opened up, and permits not been pursued to be revoked, coal production maintained, this collective would have resulted in lower prices vs. what we are paying now. Domestic and global energy companies and nation states would respond by increasing production.
You're wrong. Keystone XL has been a tax dodge and a lie since 2011. They make a profit and you take your lumps. The jobs claims are an obscene lie and the environmental costs are ours. These guys will pocket 10% off the top and cut construction costs.
I am wrong that Keystone is not a domestic infrastructure enhancement? You keep pointing to its intended use yet it is still infrastructure on US soil that could be used in any number of ways if necessary. The environmental costs are inflated if not injured up when the reality is that transport or potential transport through pipe is less riskier compared to rail and water transport.
Funny how Russia and Saudi Arabia have no problem opening wells back up.

Funny Brandon never mentions America.

Funny indeed.

Biden: OPEC And Russia Must Pump More Oil To Help America's Working Class​

He also never mentions God. I wonder if I am the only person that picks up on that.
A low market is not foreseeable nor are we dumping Oil. It would be constitutional for congress to not allow a good to be exported.
How are exports controlled?

Federal export controls are accomplished primarily through the Export Administration Regulations (the "EAR," implemented by the Department of Commerce for items that have both a commercial and potential military use) and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations ("ITAR," implemented by the Department of State

Congress doesn't have the power to say that nobody can export American produced oil to all other nations. They can do so on a country by country sanction basis only.
You are splitting hairs yet the core remains…. Biden pursued restrictive policies on US domestic energy production without a viable alternative and the markets responded. I maintain that had Keystone moved forward, ANWAR drilling opened up, and permits not been pursued to be revoked, coal production maintained, this collective would have resulted in lower prices vs. what we are paying now. Domestic and global energy companies and nation states would respond by increasing production.

ANWR drilling was years away and even had Biden not revoked the Keystone permit, the courts had already shut it down anyway.

And despite that, we are producing at near record levels.
ANWR drilling was years away and even had Biden not revoked the Keystone permit, the courts had already shut it down anyway.

And despite that, we are producing at near record levels.
Producing near record levels means nothing if Demand is not being met and restrictive policies are being pursued. The Market doesn’t listen to excuses. The Market sees a regime in the United States pursuing restrictive policies for domestic energy product and reliance. Biden and his people are no fans of US energy fossil fuels. On top of that, they can’t handle the political fallout. My advice to them is to either ease restrictive restrictions to a level that the market reacts positively to US and/or transform some of that bullshit green energy into something scalable and reliable.
A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."
should anyone have to tell them?

what are they... retarded?
Producing near record levels means nothing if Demand is not being met and restrictive policies are being pursued. The Market doesn’t listen to excuses. The Market sees a regime in the United States pursuing restrictive policies for domestic energy product and reliance. Biden and his people are no fans of US energy fossil fuels. On top of that, they can’t handle the political fallout. My advice to them is to either ease restrictive restrictions to a level that the market reacts positively to US and/or transform some of that bullshit green energy into something scalable and reliable.

Production is about keeping up with consumption...

Production is about keeping up with consumption...

That is not enough for the Market nor does it negate the fact that Biden pursues anti US fossil fuel production. The Market is about perception. The Biden policies are perceived by the Market to be long-term harmful from an economic standpoint. Biden went too far.

He doesn’t need to reinstate Keystone but opening up ANWAR and/or drilling off the continental shelfs might help.
$1.07 ?????

In what universe?

That is not enough for the Market nor does it negate the fact that Biden pursues anti US fossil fuel production. The Market is about perception. The Biden policies are perceived by the Market to be long-term harmful from an economic standpoint. Biden went too far.

He doesn’t need to reinstate Keystone but opening up ANWAR and/or drilling off the continental shelfs might help.

Utter nonsense. Production was far more under consumption when he was sworn in. Now production has caught up with consumption, and we're approaching record level highs -- and you still bitch and moan.

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