We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

The restrictions have been listed throughout this thread. Your denial says it all.

A lot of things have been listed here. Which ones specifically are you talking about? You mean ANWR and the Keystone XL pipeline?
A lot of things have been listed here. Which ones specifically are you talking about? You mean ANWR and the Keystone XL pipeline?
Yes. ANWR, Keystone, and others are considered restrictive.
Well if the pipeline is the thing that will fix it all then reinstate it and ensure every last drop stays here and not one drop is shipped anywhere else. Why not just do that since the pipeline is carrying all American crude?
Thanks for enunciating the idiotic Democrat energy policy
Yes. ANWR, Keystone, and others are considered restrictive.


You said, "in pre-pandemic, there were not the level of restrictions in place that we have today."

Trump opened ANWR in late 2020 and early 2021. That was after the pandemic began. So yeah, that "restriction" would have been in place pre-pandemic. And tar sands oil from Canada was already being transported down from Canada without the XL extention. Trump approved the XL extention in January, 2020 but it was shut down in the courts a few months later.
We were in the middle of a pandemic, moron. Dim governors shut our economy down, including the oil industry.


Fucking moron, the pandemic contributed to energy independence as tens of millions no longer consumed gas commuting to work.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Fucking moron, the pandemic contributed to energy independence as tens of millions no longer consumed gas commuting to work.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Shutting down our oil industry does not contribute to independence.
Fucking moron, consumption fell way more than production ...

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Fucking moron. The price of gas was at its lowest at that time.


Also, Consumption is always close to production. How can we consume more than we produce? Your chart shows that both were lower after the pandemic began than prior to it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.

“When the Biden Administration took office, it unleashed a dangerous “Mandate and Moratorium” strategy, a green jihad of sorts against the U.S. energy sector. The strategy was simple– create supply constraints for domestic oil and gas producers by dismantling distribution systems, tightening regulations, and suspending leases and permits, therefore impacting future drilling activity. Co-conspirators like Black Rock’s, Larry Fink, then jumped in by urging institutional divestment from the oil and gas sector and wielding a pseudo-sophisticated set of investments standards known as environment, social and governance (ESG). The strategy was topped off with the complicity of social media and tech’s intolerance for a diversity of ideas, ensuring Americans couldn’t discuss the flawed energy policy, let alone dissent from it.”

“We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?”​

Joe Biden happened.

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