We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

Start drilling more and then not one drop of oil drilled here is allowed to be shipped away. Protect our resources.
As Gator Breath so politely pointed out for us, every oil producing nation is back at full pre ChiCom Flu Bio WMD attack production levels.

Except America.

And we are getting there. At the current rate will be there by Nov of this year. Then what will you whine about?
It is acceptable to you that our oil, would be allowed to be shipped away? If so, why? When everyone is saying we need more oil I'm all for it but then to take it and ship it away?
Nuclear is far better than coal. If we are going to reopen coal ants then it's past the to triple coal miner's wages.
The US is not and never can be "energy independent".
The US has less than 4% of the world's oil and gas.

Only when it comes to coal does the US have a significant amount, but coal is 4 times dirtier.

The US learned how to frack and extract oil and gas faster than anyone else, but that just means we run out sooner.
That means we sell oil and gas when its cheap, and will run out and have to buy it from others when it is 10 times more expensive.
Anyone who wants to increase oil or gas production now, is just stupid.
We should be buying cheap foreign oil and gas now, and save ours for later, when its more rare.
It is acceptable to you that our oil, would be allowed to be shipped away? If so, why? When everyone is saying we need more oil I'm all for it but then to take it and ship it away?

The whole point of the Keystone oil pipeline was to bring Canadian oil to our refineries.
To my knowledge no new coal plants are being built

but many are still in use and we should reopen others as needed

Coal is in much greater abundance in the US than oil or gas, but pollutes more.
Still coal would be cheap if not for the federal penalties.
So it is only native reservations who can use coal now, because they are exempt from the EPA penalties.
And when that Canadian oil comes to OUR refineries then it should be our oil at that point. None of it should leave OUR shores. If we are going to produce more, then why would we ship it away?
And when that Canadian oil comes to OUR refineries then it should be our oil at that point. None of it should leave OUR shores. If we are going to produce more, then why would we ship it away?
That would be theft.

We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?​

Excess consumption due to poor vehicle choices.

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