We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

Demand does go up but prices Never go up from $2.75 to $4.25 in a week. Plus it takes much longer than a week for that pricing change to reach the pump
This is Another orchestrated pre planned Hoax
Thats the short term price due do energy shortages created by liberal democrat policies

We cant correct greenie errors overnight

buy the sooner we start the sooner America will be energy secure
We're not restarting nuclear, because of the waste issue. That would be there even if we convinced people Fukishima couldn't happen here.

Exxon is committed to green.
We're not restarting nuclear, because of the waste issue.

thats just an excuse

lib greenies are holding out for the Lost Secrets Of Atlantis or nothing

if its not electricity made by windmills or solar panels they dont wan
fuck you stop lying. You bounce around between natl gas prices (which began rising when Trump was still potus in spring of 20) and gasoline prices (which also began rising at the same time)
View attachment 613133
Great chart! Except it shows gas at $3.75 average. It’s $4.26 right now and will be $4.75 by Monday.
Now who was POTUS at the time period within the square? Hint: Starts with orange and ends with MAGA.
Well you can try running on nuclear power plants, but I think you'll lose badly.
The truth is not always an easy sell

Jane Fonda made a movie bashing nuclear energy and its been an uphill battle ever since

yes there has been one nuclear incident that was a freak of nature

but the few others were caused by mismanagement

and far more years of faithful service by nuclear energy than not
Thats the short term price due do energy shortages created by liberal democrat policies

We cant correct greenie errors overnight

buy the sooner we start the sooner America will be energy secure
But the price of gasoline was not an issue for the non-crazy until ukraine. The reason oil rigs are not being fully utilized is not Biden. It's because producers don't want to chance the risk. There is oil that can be drilled without ANWR, and producers don't want to do it.
The US has never been energy independent. Trump was just lying again. We were still importing oil from Russia, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela.... And a little bit from OPEC.
Says Dufus who thinks Rosa Parks and MLK are morons.
America was energy independent.
America produced 600,000 more barrels per day than it consumed in 2021.

The truth is not always an easy sell

Jane Fonda made a movie bashing nuclear energy and its been an uphill battle ever since

yes there has been one nuclear incident that was a freak of nature

but the few others were caused by mismanagement

and far more years of faithful service by nuclear energy than not
Well, imo its technically possible to do a shut down with an earthquake, but failure is pretty catastrophic. But the Push for Nuclear in the US died because of waste storage. I'm not debating it with you. I suppose it's possible that the cost of elec could make it an issue again. But we're not even producing as much NG as we could.
The truth is not always an easy sell

Jane Fonda made a movie bashing nuclear energy and its been an uphill battle ever since

yes there has been one nuclear incident that was a freak of nature

but the few others were caused by mismanagement

and far more years of faithful service by nuclear energy than not
The Left hate nuclear because it’s the most environmentally friendly reliable energy source.
It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.

“When the Biden Administration took office, it unleashed a dangerous “Mandate and Moratorium” strategy, a green jihad of sorts against the U.S. energy sector. The strategy was simple– create supply constraints for domestic oil and gas producers by dismantling distribution systems, tightening regulations, and suspending leases and permits, therefore impacting future drilling activity. Co-conspirators like Black Rock’s, Larry Fink, then jumped in by urging institutional divestment from the oil and gas sector and wielding a pseudo-sophisticated set of investments standards known as environment, social and governance (ESG). The strategy was topped off with the complicity of social media and tech’s intolerance for a diversity of ideas, ensuring Americans couldn’t discuss the flawed energy policy, let alone dissent from it.”

It's as obvious as the nose on your face. President Joe Biden's Executive Orders are so powerful they have the ability to distort the space time continuum. They were created in a secret lab and unleashed in 2021 and stopped all that oil production back in 2020.
Bush 2 mention opening up Alaska for drilling and the price of oil went down overnight.
When did this "mention" occur?

Because this chart shows a pretty steady increase in oil prices throughout the Bush the Lesser years

But the price of gasoline was not an issue for the non-crazy until ukraine. The reason oil rigs are not being fully utilized is not Biden. It's because producers don't want to chance the risk. There is oil that can be drilled without ANWR, and producers don't want to do it.
Biden is the man in charge

He is the top of the anti-energy pyramid of radical greenies who helped put him in office

and have been working to create this crisis for 30-40 years
We're not restarting nuclear, because of the waste issue. That would be there even if we convinced people Fukishima couldn't happen here.

Exxon is committed to green.
If people become poor enough, they will be restarting lead. you have no right to interfere in others business. But here you are. and what is maddening is that you may have been messed with in life for some reason. Now empowered you are not of unity, but revenge. Most of you would sell your mother into slavery for a few pounds of coal to burn to keep warm in dark times.
It's as obvious as the nose on your face. President Joe Biden's Executive Orders are so powerful they have the ability to distort the space time continuum. They were created in a secret lab and unleashed in 2021 and stopped all that oil production back in 2020.
That was demand that slowed, shitforbrains moron.
Now demand is back but Democrats have sanctions on America.
Says Dufus who thinks Rosa Parks and MLK are morons.
America was energy independent.
America produced 600,000 more barrels per day than it consumed in 2021.
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WE were still importing oil.

If people become poor enough, they will be restarting lead. you have no right to interfere in others business. But here you are. and what is maddening is that you may have been messed with in life for some reason. Now empowered you are not of unity, but revenge. Most of you would sell your mother into slavery for a few pounds of coal to burn to keep warm in dark times.
fuck you. I'm not telling exxon what to do, but you're trying

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