We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

Non-responder surprises no one by non-responding.

Yes, the party that wants to end use of fossil fuels for energy and has been in power for over a year now has nothing to do with policies designed to end our use of fossil fuels.....
No, I pretty much covered the high points

The article is bunk.

Believe me or don't. Think I care? Do you think I an going to present an in depth argument for squealing dummies like you and the OP who never actually read the article anyway?

It's a mystery, wrapped in an enigma.

“When the Biden Administration took office, it unleashed a dangerous “Mandate and Moratorium” strategy, a green jihad of sorts against the U.S. energy sector. The strategy was simple– create supply constraints for domestic oil and gas producers by dismantling distribution systems, tightening regulations, and suspending leases and permits, therefore impacting future drilling activity. Co-conspirators like Black Rock’s, Larry Fink, then jumped in by urging institutional divestment from the oil and gas sector and wielding a pseudo-sophisticated set of investments standards known as environment, social and governance (ESG). The strategy was topped off with the complicity of social media and tech’s intolerance for a diversity of ideas, ensuring Americans couldn’t discuss the flawed energy policy, let alone dissent from it.”

We have abundant energy that liberals refuse to exploit

We have coal, natural gas, oil, hydro electric and could have nuclear power

but liberals would rather freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, and read by candlelight all year
700K barrels a day wouldn't affect the price of oil. I know that really bugs you. I know you think that we should force all US producers to only sell oil in the US, and the govt should set the price. But fortunately, that's not how it works.

Unfortunately, on this Board you're allowed to start as many threads as you like based on your ignorance of market economics and Americans rights to own property.
reopen coal plants, lease AMWR for oil production, and build nuclear power plants

meanwhile the damn fools in california are destroying three dams that provide water and electricity
We have abundant energy that liberals refuse to exploit

We have coal, natural gas, oil, hydro electric and could have nuclear power

but liberals would rather freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, and read by candlelight all year

reopen coal plants, lease AMWR for oil production, and build nuclear power plants

meanwhile the damn fools in california are destroying three dams that provide water and electricity
Demscum are the environmentalists whores.
700K barrels a day wouldn't affect the price of oil. I know that really bugs you. I know you think that we should force all US producers to only sell oil in the US, and the govt should set the price. But fortunately, that's not how it works.

Unfortunately, on this Board you're allowed to start as many threads as you like based on your ignorance of market economics and Americans rights to own property.
700,000 barrels a day shipped from the other side of the world purchased from people who hate America is better?
FYI - that’s an additional supertanker of oil every two days.
FYI FYI- That 700,000 barrels would be a huge help - that’s a 6% gain.
We have abundant energy that liberals refuse to exploit

We have coal, natural gas, oil, hydro electric and could have nuclear power

but liberals would rather freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, and read by candlelight all year

reopen coal plants, lease AMWR for oil production, and build nuclear power plants

meanwhile the damn fools in california are destroying three dams that provide water and electricity
The energy price increase is tied to Ukraine and Russian sanctions. That and global demand and inelastic supply. Coal is proven to cost more than it's worth. There is plentiful NG. Nuclear? No energy companies are interested. And there's this issue of storing spent fuel.

And we're talking petrol. Gasoline. Not elec. And we already export NG. And US costs for NG are not historically high

Natural Gas Prices - Historical Chart
The energy price increase is tied to Ukraine and Russian sanctions. That and global demand and inelastic supply. Coal is proven to cost more than it's worth. There is plentiful NG. Nuclear? No energy companies are interested. And there's this issue of storing spent fuel.

And we're talking petrol. Gasoline. Not elec. And we already export NG. And US costs for NG are not historically high

Natural Gas Prices - Historical Chart
Wrong again.
700,000 barrels a day shipped from the other side of the world purchased from people who hate America is better?
FYI - that’s an additional supertanker of oil every two days.
FYI FYI- That 700,000 barrels would be a huge help - that’s a 6% gain.
JFC can't u understand global markets. Russia was producing 5-7 MILLION barrels a day. The 700K of China owned tarsand oil in the XL pipeline expansion THAT IS ONLY 3% COMPLETE was going into the global sales market. It is not a "huge help" or a 6% gain. THINK FOR FUCKS SAKE, MAN

That said, I personally never saw why we didn't let private industry use it's own funding to build the damn thing. Pipelines are not all that dangerous. It didn't create many jobs, really. And it didn't do jack shit about "lowering" gas prices. But the funny thing is that extracting oil from tarsand is SO expensive and requires SO much use of energy and causes green house emissions itself is ..... it's only profitable when petrol-gas prices are really high. It's stupid imo, but if Canada and China want to knock themselves out ....
A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."
You should take advice
Are you ignorant to the FACT that the USA imported oil from Russia, even while trump claimed energy independence?

Apparently you are unaware or just in denial.
Yes. Trump put sanctions against Venezuela so we bought the shortfall from Russia even during the pandemic when Trump claimed the US was energy independent.
700K barrels a day wouldn't affect the price of oil. I know that really bugs you. I know you think that we should force all US producers to only sell oil in the US, and the govt should set the price. But fortunately, that's not how it works.

Unfortunately, on this Board you're allowed to start as many threads as you like based on your ignorance of market economics and Americans rights to own property.
If Biden did away with restrictions on federal land the price of oil would plummet overnight. But he hates America.
The US has never been energy independent. Trump was just lying again. We were still importing oil from Russia, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela.... And a little bit from OPEC.
The funny thing about the Trump huggers here is that 1) the gop senators really pushed Biden into "banning" Russian oil, but it was symbolic because it was never that much compared to what we import overall, and as you posted most of the oil we import is from Canada. (we tried to conquer them three times and failed, dammit!!!). And 2) What effected the price of gas is the other countries who stopped importing oil from Russia, because that took out about 500-700million barrels a day..
The energy price increase is tied to Ukraine and Russian sanctions. That and global demand and inelastic supply.
Thats the short term price due do energy shortages created by liberal democrat policies

We cant correct greenie errors overnight

buy the sooner we start the sooner America will be energy secure
If Biden did away with restrictions on federal land the price of oil would plummet overnight. But he hates America.
No it wouldn't affect prices "overnite." The price of oil is global. And point me to your source for data that there are a bunch of oil rigs just raring to go. AT our peak we had just over 800 oil and gas rigs combined. Oil make up probably 2/3

U.S. oil & gas rigs in use per month 2022 | Statista

What would affect the price of gasoline would be to find another 7million barrels a day, and that ain't on US public lands. And even if it were 100 oil ain't getting that done. LOL
No it wouldn't affect prices "overnite." The price of oil is global. And point me to your source for data that there are a bunch of oil rigs just raring to go. AT our peak we had just over 800 oil and gas rigs combined. Oil make up probably 2/3

U.S. oil & gas rigs in use per month 2022 | Statista

What would affect the price of gasoline would be to find another 7million barrels a day, and that ain't on US public lands. And even if it were 100 oil ain't getting that done. LOL
Bush 2 mention opening up Alaska for drilling and the price of oil went down overnight.

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