We Used to Be Energy Independent: What Happened?

Progs did that. W. warned them for years. The gay congressman Barney Frank had a hand in that and left congress soon after that. Tens of millions of honest men and women were screwed over because of giving out mortgages to people who had no history of paying loans back. Junk bonds proliferated.
It's been explained that way since that all happened. The dems have tried and tried to sweep it under the carpet. We ain't having it.
He was wrong on how much the XL expansion would carry and where the

Do you have a link showing wells and WHEN the dems shut them down?
still asking, why did prices climb the day xiden became pres? Why do you avoid the question? I know, but I ask you all.
still asking, why did prices climb the day xiden became pres? Why do you avoid the question? I know, but I ask you all.

Gasoline - 2022 Data - 2005-2021 Historical - 2023 Forecast - Price - Quote - Chart

You aren't getting any argument from me that the democrats continued apply deficit spending stimulus after the fall of 2021, and gas prices would eventually have "recovered," even without the added stimulus, from the price collapse of the final months when Trump was president. Not that he caused covid or the collapse.

Prices continued to rise through late Feb 02 when Russia invaded Ukraine because .... Putin could, and he wanted Ukraine in his Russian Empire.

There is some speculation that Russia will begin having to default on it's for debt next month, assuming the allies hold together. The IMF will not restructure Russia's debt if it's invasion continues, and I'm not sure anyone has a "for sure" guess what will happen if the world's 22nd (or so) economy totally collapses with it's currency having no value whatsoever. They have wheat that they may not be able to harvest. What would the Russian people do, if they have a "taste" of what they've visited upon Ukraine?

Prior to Putin's war, Russia exported about 5 million barrels of oil per day. Maybe as much a 7million. The world consumed somewhere around 97 million barrels a day before the pandemic. I've not seen any site showing how 5 million barrels a day can be replaced short term.

Perhaps the lesson should be that Trump was an idiot for denying that we exist in a global economy.

Gasoline - 2022 Data - 2005-2021 Historical - 2023 Forecast - Price - Quote - Chart

You aren't getting any argument from me that the democrats continued apply deficit spending stimulus after the fall of 2021, and gas prices would eventually have "recovered," even without the added stimulus, from the price collapse of the final months when Trump was president. Not that he caused covid or the collapse.

Prices continued to rise through late Feb 02 when Russia invaded Ukraine because .... Putin could, and he wanted Ukraine in his Russian Empire.

There is some speculation that Russia will begin having to default on it's for debt next month, assuming the allies hold together. The IMF will not restructure Russia's debt if it's invasion continues, and I'm not sure anyone has a "for sure" guess what will happen if the world's 22nd (or so) economy totally collapses with it's currency having no value whatsoever. They have wheat that they may not be able to harvest. What would the Russian people do, if they have a "taste" of what they've visited upon Ukraine?

Prior to Putin's war, Russia exported about 5 million barrels of oil per day. Maybe as much a 7million. The world consumed somewhere around 97 million barrels a day before the pandemic. I've not seen any site showing how 5 million barrels a day can be replaced short term.

Perhaps the lesson should be that Trump was an idiot for denying that we exist in a global economy.
we are a nation, not a global economy. There's too much in all of that to address right here. To make such a statement is dangerous. So you agree the US is run by the World Economic Orders? Except when Trump was in office. How dare him.
we are a nation, not a global economy. There's too much in all of that to address right here. To make such a statement is dangerous. So you agree the US is run by the World Economic Orders? Except when Trump was in office. How dare him.
We are in a global economy as to the commodities we need to make our economy grow. I apologize for the insult/testiness. But I have posted the graph, or others like it, at least four times in two days. Neither Trump nor Biden are really responsible for gasoline prices, or the Ukraine war or for the factS that the US producers are not producing like 2019 or for the fact that global demand of nearly 100million barrels a day is outstripping the supply we had even before Putin tried to recreated a Russian Empire of 1988.

I remember back when Slick was potus and I drove to different cities in Miss for hundreds of mile per week, and gas was under a buck and I got mileage reimbursement. Today sucks. I don't drive 100 miles a week, but I topped off my tank at $3.70 (before discount) and was "happy."
We are in a global economy as to the commodities we need to make our economy grow. I apologize for the insult/testiness. But I have posted the graph, or others like it, at least four times in two days. Neither Trump nor Biden are really responsible for gasoline prices, or the Ukraine war or for the factS that the US producers are not producing like 2019 or for the fact that global demand of nearly 100million barrels a day is outstripping the supply we had even before Putin tried to recreated a Russian Empire of 1988.

I remember back when Slick was potus and I drove to different cities in Miss for hundreds of mile per week, and gas was under a buck and I got mileage reimbursement. Today sucks. I don't drive 100 miles a week, but I topped off my tank at $3.70 (before discount) and was "happy."
well again, Trump policies then kept prices down. And something changed day one of Biden. His policies must have affected it. I can't see it any other way. What is the question. To say global economy is an excuse in my opinion. Something ran up the price per barrel.
well again, Trump policies then kept prices down. And something changed day one of Biden. His policies must have affected it. I can't see it any other way. What is the question. To say global economy is an excuse in my opinion. Something ran up the price per barrel.
But you are blaming Biden for the decline in production that occurred when Trump was potus.

See the five year graph.

I don't think Trump can be blamed for covid, but neither can Biden be blamed for investors not choosing to risk money drilling for oil despite prices. It's not that oil producers aren't sitting on leases they choose not to exploit. And drilling a well takes a year or so even if a producer has a lease and investors. And I can't say OPEC's decision to pump less oil than they did while Trump was potus before covid is illogical. OPEC is gradually increasing output, but it's in years not months. And from what I've read there are not as many drilled, but not producing, wells as in years past in North Dakota where they have to use fracking to get the oil out of the ground. That has nothing to do with Biden or Trump.

Now if you happen to own an already producing oil or NG well .... you're in high cotton as they say. LOL
Progs did that. W. warned them for years. The gay congressman Barney Frank had a hand in that and left congress soon after that. Tens of millions of honest men and women were screwed over because of giving out mortgages to people who had no history of paying loans back. Junk bonds proliferated.

....those NINJA loans....
If production hasn't been cut, then why the hell would we be asking every country on the planet to ramp up production to help us?

Liberals are idiots.
Because 5 million barrels a day of Russian oil is effectively unavailable. Then there's Iran and Venezuela. ... Thank Trump for that.
But you are blaming Biden for the decline in production that occurred when Trump was potus.

See the five year graph.

I don't think Trump can be blamed for covid, but neither can Biden be blamed for investors not choosing to risk money drilling for oil despite prices. It's not that oil producers aren't sitting on leases they choose not to exploit. And drilling a well takes a year or so even if a producer has a lease and investors. And I can't say OPEC's decision to pump less oil than they did while Trump was potus before covid is illogical. OPEC is gradually increasing output, but it's in years not months. And from what I've read there are not as many drilled, but not producing, wells as in years past in North Dakota where they have to use fracking to get the oil out of the ground. That has nothing to do with Biden or Trump.

Now if you happen to own an already producing oil or NG well .... you're in high cotton as they say. LOL

I'm missing your point looking at this chart from your link. Look at February. Are you suggesting that was Trump? seriously delusional that would be.
I stand by my prediction should Biden be elected that all he would bring is Division, Poverty, War, Inflation and Famine.

When Russia is no longer allowed to sell it's grain, and then in retaliation as one of the largest fertilizer producers refuses to sell fertilizer, it will only take a few hiccups in our weather to create famine.
Imagine that, a president who's accomplishments are War, Famine, Pestilence and Death!

Thanks Asterisk Joe!

Lets not forget that it was Quid Pro Joe that told Putin a "minor incursion" would be perfectly fine. Wink Wink!

This is all 100% on EmperorShitzHizPantz.
Economists are now sounding the alarm on the Biden Recession. Some argue we are already in one. This is what idiot Dem policies like the green new deal do. Disconnected from reality pie in the sky spin to appease and buy votes from the radical left.
Economists are now sounding the alarm on the Biden Recession. Some argue we are already in one. This is what idiot Dem policies like the green new deal do. Disconnected from reality pie in the sky spin to appease and buy votes from the radical left.
again, they love punishing people. They are tyrants with no empathy to mankind.
Given the enormously absurd vehicle choices Americans made despite previous "oil shocks", there is little hope that intelligence reign this time. Truth be told, however, those poor choices are the source of the present problems of energy dependence and price.

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