Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

A semi-automatic rifle or carbine with a 30-round magazine is completely different from a pump-action shotgun, one having nothing to do with the other.
The argument by the anti-gun left is that no one needs a "weapon of war"
How do they not both qualify as such?
Tells us that you're a racist piece of shit without saying that you're a racist piece of shit.
Tell us you are brainwashed cultist without telling us you are a brainwashed cultist...

Yes. You are the spokes-leftist for black people. Were you assigned that role at the latest KKK meeting?

Well, someone has to talk to you, because if an actual black person talked to you, you'd probably go all Karen on them.
Actually, what I remember was Newt throwing tantrums for four years until his own party sacked him. The reason why Clinton was so successful is because of what he did. He got the rich to pay their fair share. Then the GOP tried to impeach him over a blow job, and he became even more popular.

Uh, guy, Clinton, Obama and Biden all inherited fucked up economies from incompetent Republicans. I mean, I KNOW you guys want to keep pretending 2020 didn't happen.
Clinton (the lolita express passenger/inturn abuser/liar/NAFTA signer that shuttled manufacturing jobs by the hundred's of thousands's in America).

Obama (the man who alledgedly gave an American traitor a sex change at taxpayer's expense/alledged race baiter/alledged con artist/he over saw an alledged botched gun runner plan into Mexico calling it "fast and furious?"/resided over the Benghazi debacle along with the alledged lies to accommodate the story/seal team six killed on his watch/and worst of all he appointed his token white man Biden to VP just to show that he wasn't a racist exactly like Biden did with Harris in the opposite.

Biden - The current on going screw up from hell. Obama vouched for that fact.

Any more character references you'd like to use in order to make your weak points with ?
Tell us you are brainwashed cultist without telling us you are a brainwashed cultist...

Well, someone has to talk to you, because if an actual black person talked to you, you'd probably go all Karen on them.
You poor, dear. As the spokes-leftist in charge of all communications with black people, such a weighty burden you bear.

Just preface all your communications with black people with an apology for the fact of their mere existence.
Clinton (the lolita express passenger/inturn abuser/liar/NAFTA signer that shuttled manufacturing jobs by the hundred's of thousands's in America).

NAFTA created millions of jobs. Why do you think all the Mexicans came up here in the 1990s? They were looking for jobs.

Obama (the man who alledgedly gave an American traitor a sex change at taxpayer's expense/alledged race baiter/alledged con artist/he over saw an alledged botched gun runner plan into Mexico calling it "fast and furious?"/resided over the Benghazi debacle along with the alledged lies to accommodate the story/seal team six killed on his watch/and worst of all he appointed his token white man Biden to VP just to show that he wasn't a racist exactly like Biden did with Harris in the opposite.

Wow, guy, do you do this all day... just repeat hate radio conspiracy theories? Obama was a very successful president who is probably going to look better being between Bush and Trump, two of the worst presidents in our history.

You poor, dear. As the spokes-leftist in charge of all communications with black people, such a weighty burden you bear.

Just preface all your communications with black people with an apology for the fact of their mere existence.

That's it. Just pretend your racism is normal and black people would be happy if there weren't people riling them up.
That's it. Just pretend your racism is normal…

Yep....he still votes for the party created by actual slave owners.....or as he calls them, slave rapists....

actually, I call the Founding Fathers slave rapists... there wasn't a Democratic or Republican party when this country started.

The problem was when the Democrats finally decided to throw the Southern Racists out of their party, Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms.
NAFTA created millions of jobs. Why do you think all the Mexicans came up here in the 1990s? They were looking for jobs.

Wow, guy, do you do this all day... just repeat hate radio conspiracy theories? Obama was a very successful president who is probably going to look better being between Bush and Trump, two of the worst presidents in our history.

That's it. Just pretend your racism is normal and black people would be happy if there weren't people riling them up.

Just pretend your hysterics aren’t the subject of ridicule.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is appropriate to point and laugh at the goofy leftist.
actually, I call the Founding Fathers slave rapists... there wasn't a Democratic or Republican party when this country started.

The problem was when the Democrats finally decided to throw the Southern Racists out of their party, Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms.

No...the democrat party itself was created by two slave owners......you can dance around that all you want, but you can't hide from that......you vote for a political party created by slave owners. The democrats didn't throw the racists out, they invited more racists in.....
No...the democrat party itself was created by two slave owners......you can dance around that all you want, but you can't hide from that......you vote for a political party created by slave owners. The democrats didn't throw the racists out, they invited more racists in.....

Nope... the racists were asked to leave in 1964... and Republicans embraced them.
Nope... the racists were asked to leave in 1964... and Republicans embraced them.

Nope....the democrats stayed racist, and invited in the racists of all skin colors.....to take control of the government and then use it for each racist groups private grudges....
Nope....the democrats stayed racist, and invited in the racists of all skin colors.....to take control of the government and then use it for each racist groups private grudges....
You live in your own little world, don't you?
You live in your own little world, don't you?

The real world....

the democrat party...today....

La Raza...hispanic racists
Congressional black caucus....black racists
Nation of islam....black racists

The racists of all skin colors have flocked to the democrat party, because to enact your racism, you need control of the government.....that is why racists of all skin colors work together in the democrat party......take power, punish your race enemies....we see this more and more every day....as the democrat party works over time to segregate this country by race...something the democrats have been trying to do since the party was founded by racists.....

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