Weapons ending up with terrorists is OK, as long as Obama did it: The world according to CNN

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
CNN is competing with MSNBC for the dishonesty in journalism prize.

A “bombshell” CNN report has revealed that US-made weapons found their way to Al-Qaeda-linked fighters in Yemen. But is anyone surprised? And where was CNN when the Obama administration armed hardcore jihadists in Syria?

The CNN investigation revealed how American-made weapons ended up in the hands of “al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in Yemen,” vis-a-vis the US’ coalition partners Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Some of these weapons have also been seized by Iranian-backed militias, CNN claims.

The hardware, referred to as “Beautiful military equipment” by President Trump, was supplied to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have backed the embattled Yemeni government in its three-year civil war against Houthi rebels. However, CNN claims that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have funnelled the arms to pro-government factions, including the islamist Giants Brigade and the Al-Qaeda-linked Abu Abbas brigade

Weapons ending up with terrorists is OK, as long as Obama did it: The world according to CNN
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.

You back on this BS again? Are you going to send in troops after the fact? There was nothing to be done except get what was left of the survivors out of there. And that is exactly what was done. Sending in more troops would have been about 6 hours too late. You friggin armed chair generals have no idea what Logistics are about. You think we just need to magically twitch our noses and our troops can be there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Doesn't work that way. You seem to believe that we have armed and ready troops at the end of some magical runway already armed, briefed and ready loaded on aircraft that can be dispatched in a seconds notice. That's just a fairy tale told by fakes sitting around bars that have never been in these situations. So you hate Hillary, fine. You hate the Black Guy, fine. Say so and get it done with without the fairy tale to try and cover that up.
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.

You back on this BS again? Are you going to send in troops after the fact? There was nothing to be done except get what was left of the survivors out of there. And that is exactly what was done. Sending in more troops would have been about 6 hours too late. You friggin armed chair generals have no idea what Logistics are about. You think we just need to magically twitch our noses and our troops can be there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Doesn't work that way. You seem to believe that we have armed and ready troops at the end of some magical runway already armed, briefed and ready loaded on aircraft that can be dispatched in a seconds notice. That's just a fairy tale told by fakes sitting around bars that have never been in these situations. So you hate Hillary, fine. You hate the Black Guy, fine. Say so and get it done with without the fairy tale to try and cover that up.
You sir, are either misinformed or lying.
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.

You back on this BS again? Are you going to send in troops after the fact? There was nothing to be done except get what was left of the survivors out of there. And that is exactly what was done. Sending in more troops would have been about 6 hours too late. You friggin armed chair generals have no idea what Logistics are about. You think we just need to magically twitch our noses and our troops can be there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Doesn't work that way. You seem to believe that we have armed and ready troops at the end of some magical runway already armed, briefed and ready loaded on aircraft that can be dispatched in a seconds notice. That's just a fairy tale told by fakes sitting around bars that have never been in these situations. So you hate Hillary, fine. You hate the Black Guy, fine. Say so and get it done with without the fairy tale to try and cover that up.
You sir, are either misinformed or lying.

Or could it be that I am a retired AF Member that understands logistics and you are a lying piece of garbage playing hate games.
Or could it be that I am a retired AF Member that understands logistics and you are a lying piece of garbage playing hate games.
Then you should know Benghazi could have and should have been defended and prevented, but allowed to happen.

On that I do agree. But that could be said for hundreds of other Embassies around the world. We can use after thoughts but only after the attack. And it wasn't a seige. It was an overrun. A Siege means it goes on for hours or days. An Overrun means exactly what is sounds like. The Enemy shows up with a superior force and overruns the defenders. Yes, a decent detachment of Marines could have stopped it cold. In fact a decent detachment of Marines could have completely prevented it from ever being attempted but that wasn't the case. If you go after the sitting President and others for that one Embassy then you will also need to include the previous presidents and their cabinets as well.

Now, add in the armed Terrorists that were embedded in with the protesters and this is what you get. Without those embedded and armed terrorists, it would never have gone past a few thrown bottles. It was planned by the Terrorists (who btw, were probably IRAN supported) and you get the overrun under the disguise of the protest. It was never a protest. It always was a military overrun from start to finish and unless you have a well equipped Marine Detachment already there the overrun will be successful and there is nothing you can do about it later. The Terrorists will melt away. Are you going to bring in your Marines and attack the Civilians that really weren't armed with military weapons after the fact and really had nothing to do with the deaths of the US personnel? You have troops at the end of runways and on tarmacs loaded onboard of Aircraft ready to go after the fact. Do you allow them to launch? Do you let them just sit there until they die of old age? Or do you issue the "Stand Down" order? Those troops can't launch until the order for launch is given nor can they stand down without a stand down without a stand down order. You tell me, what order do you give?
Or could it be that I am a retired AF Member that understands logistics and you are a lying piece of garbage playing hate games.
Then you should know Benghazi could have and should have been defended and prevented, but allowed to happen.

On that I do agree. But that could be said for hundreds of other Embassies around the world. We can use after thoughts but only after the attack. And it wasn't a seige. It was an overrun. A Siege means it goes on for hours or days. An Overrun means exactly what is sounds like. The Enemy shows up with a superior force and overruns the defenders. Yes, a decent detachment of Marines could have stopped it cold. In fact a decent detachment of Marines could have completely prevented it from ever being attempted but that wasn't the case. If you go after the sitting President and others for that one Embassy then you will also need to include the previous presidents and their cabinets as well.

Now, add in the armed Terrorists that were embedded in with the protesters and this is what you get. Without those embedded and armed terrorists, it would never have gone past a few thrown bottles. It was planned by the Terrorists (who btw, were probably IRAN supported) and you get the overrun under the disguise of the protest. It was never a protest. It always was a military overrun from start to finish and unless you have a well equipped Marine Detachment already there the overrun will be successful and there is nothing you can do about it later. The Terrorists will melt away. Are you going to bring in your Marines and attack the Civilians that really weren't armed with military weapons after the fact and really had nothing to do with the deaths of the US personnel? You have troops at the end of runways and on tarmacs loaded onboard of Aircraft ready to go after the fact. Do you allow them to launch? Do you let them just sit there until they die of old age? Or do you issue the "Stand Down" order? Those troops can't launch until the order for launch is given nor can they stand down without a stand down without a stand down order. You tell me, what order do you give?
The ambush on 9/11/12 was allowed to happen is the bottom line. ( why is the question...to cover up gun running from Qatar through Benghazi to Syrian rebels many say ) To even understand the whole thing you first have to go back to 2011 before Gaddafi was overthrown to examine the events surrounding the Arab Spring in Egypt and Tunisia in particular, and then there was a CIA false flag op in Tripoli which brought in the military and we see now....7 years later Libya, which had been the wealthiest African nation is now the poorest.

Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal
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Or could it be that I am a retired AF Member that understands logistics and you are a lying piece of garbage playing hate games.
Then you should know Benghazi could have and should have been defended and prevented, but allowed to happen.

On that I do agree. But that could be said for hundreds of other Embassies around the world. We can use after thoughts but only after the attack. And it wasn't a seige. It was an overrun. A Siege means it goes on for hours or days. An Overrun means exactly what is sounds like. The Enemy shows up with a superior force and overruns the defenders. Yes, a decent detachment of Marines could have stopped it cold. In fact a decent detachment of Marines could have completely prevented it from ever being attempted but that wasn't the case. If you go after the sitting President and others for that one Embassy then you will also need to include the previous presidents and their cabinets as well.

Now, add in the armed Terrorists that were embedded in with the protesters and this is what you get. Without those embedded and armed terrorists, it would never have gone past a few thrown bottles. It was planned by the Terrorists (who btw, were probably IRAN supported) and you get the overrun under the disguise of the protest. It was never a protest. It always was a military overrun from start to finish and unless you have a well equipped Marine Detachment already there the overrun will be successful and there is nothing you can do about it later. The Terrorists will melt away. Are you going to bring in your Marines and attack the Civilians that really weren't armed with military weapons after the fact and really had nothing to do with the deaths of the US personnel? You have troops at the end of runways and on tarmacs loaded onboard of Aircraft ready to go after the fact. Do you allow them to launch? Do you let them just sit there until they die of old age? Or do you issue the "Stand Down" order? Those troops can't launch until the order for launch is given nor can they stand down without a stand down without a stand down order. You tell me, what order do you give?
The ambush on 9/11/12 was allowed to happen is the bottom line. ( why is the question...to cover up gun running to Syrian rebels many say ) To even understand the whole thing you first have to go back to 2011 before Gaddafi was overthrown to examine the events surrounding the Arab Spring in Egypt and Tunisia in particular, and then there was a CIA false flag op in Tripoli which brought in the military and we see now....7 years later Libya, which had been the wealthiest African nation is now the poorest.

Wow, are those goal posts moved by rocket powered boosters? You really want me to carry on? You are so misinformed by your handlers that you are just filling the air waves with nonsense.
CNN is competing with MSNBC for the dishonesty in journalism prize.

A “bombshell” CNN report has revealed that US-made weapons found their way to Al-Qaeda-linked fighters in Yemen. But is anyone surprised? And where was CNN when the Obama administration armed hardcore jihadists in Syria?

The CNN investigation revealed how American-made weapons ended up in the hands of “al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in Yemen,” vis-a-vis the US’ coalition partners Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Some of these weapons have also been seized by Iranian-backed militias, CNN claims.

The hardware, referred to as “Beautiful military equipment” by President Trump, was supplied to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have backed the embattled Yemeni government in its three-year civil war against Houthi rebels. However, CNN claims that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have funnelled the arms to pro-government factions, including the islamist Giants Brigade and the Al-Qaeda-linked Abu Abbas brigade

Weapons ending up with terrorists is OK, as long as Obama did it: The world according to CNN
It’s just Yemen you Fucking moron... Those fuckers down there just fight for the sake of fighting so you need to shut the fuck up because you sound like a fucking moron.
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.

You back on this BS again? Are you going to send in troops after the fact? There was nothing to be done except get what was left of the survivors out of there. And that is exactly what was done. Sending in more troops would have been about 6 hours too late. You friggin armed chair generals have no idea what Logistics are about. You think we just need to magically twitch our noses and our troops can be there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Doesn't work that way. You seem to believe that we have armed and ready troops at the end of some magical runway already armed, briefed and ready loaded on aircraft that can be dispatched in a seconds notice. That's just a fairy tale told by fakes sitting around bars that have never been in these situations. So you hate Hillary, fine. You hate the Black Guy, fine. Say so and get it done with without the fairy tale to try and cover that up.
First of all Obama and Clinton never did give two shits about any of those people in the embassy… And only fucking morons view everything through race so shut the fuck up you moron
Or could it be that I am a retired AF Member that understands logistics and you are a lying piece of garbage playing hate games.
Then you should know Benghazi could have and should have been defended and prevented, but allowed to happen.

On that I do agree. But that could be said for hundreds of other Embassies around the world. We can use after thoughts but only after the attack. And it wasn't a seige. It was an overrun. A Siege means it goes on for hours or days. An Overrun means exactly what is sounds like. The Enemy shows up with a superior force and overruns the defenders. Yes, a decent detachment of Marines could have stopped it cold. In fact a decent detachment of Marines could have completely prevented it from ever being attempted but that wasn't the case. If you go after the sitting President and others for that one Embassy then you will also need to include the previous presidents and their cabinets as well.

Now, add in the armed Terrorists that were embedded in with the protesters and this is what you get. Without those embedded and armed terrorists, it would never have gone past a few thrown bottles. It was planned by the Terrorists (who btw, were probably IRAN supported) and you get the overrun under the disguise of the protest. It was never a protest. It always was a military overrun from start to finish and unless you have a well equipped Marine Detachment already there the overrun will be successful and there is nothing you can do about it later. The Terrorists will melt away. Are you going to bring in your Marines and attack the Civilians that really weren't armed with military weapons after the fact and really had nothing to do with the deaths of the US personnel? You have troops at the end of runways and on tarmacs loaded onboard of Aircraft ready to go after the fact. Do you allow them to launch? Do you let them just sit there until they die of old age? Or do you issue the "Stand Down" order? Those troops can't launch until the order for launch is given nor can they stand down without a stand down without a stand down order. You tell me, what order do you give?
The ambush on 9/11/12 was allowed to happen is the bottom line. ( why is the question...to cover up gun running from Qatar through Benghazi to Syrian rebels many say ) To even understand the whole thing you first have to go back to 2011 before Gaddafi was overthrown to examine the events surrounding the Arab Spring in Egypt and Tunisia in particular, and then there was a CIA false flag op in Tripoli which brought in the military and we see now....7 years later Libya, which had been the wealthiest African nation is now the poorest.

Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal

I did a fast research on your cite and came up with some surprising results. It's listed as a shock value site. It's also listed as a truther and propaganda site that is really written by one person and it's his own ideas. He is sometimes listed as extreme left wing except when it comes to US Government and Israeli anything. What's confusing, as anti government as he is, he's pro Trump and shies away from publishing anything negative about the Trump Government. So much for being left wing. What you quoted was a conspiracy site, nothing more, from a crackpot who is actually a very gifted, while misguided, writer.
CNN is competing with MSNBC for the dishonesty in journalism prize.

A “bombshell” CNN report has revealed that US-made weapons found their way to Al-Qaeda-linked fighters in Yemen. But is anyone surprised? And where was CNN when the Obama administration armed hardcore jihadists in Syria?

The CNN investigation revealed how American-made weapons ended up in the hands of “al Qaeda-linked fighters, hardline Salafi militias, and other factions waging war in Yemen,” vis-a-vis the US’ coalition partners Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Some of these weapons have also been seized by Iranian-backed militias, CNN claims.

The hardware, referred to as “Beautiful military equipment” by President Trump, was supplied to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have backed the embattled Yemeni government in its three-year civil war against Houthi rebels. However, CNN claims that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have funnelled the arms to pro-government factions, including the islamist Giants Brigade and the Al-Qaeda-linked Abu Abbas brigade

Weapons ending up with terrorists is OK, as long as Obama did it: The world according to CNN
It’s just Yemen you Fucking moron... Those fuckers down there just fight for the sake of fighting so you need to shut the fuck up because you sound like a fucking moron.

While I don't care for your tone nor your profane insults, Yemen is the only place on the face of the Earth with absolutely NO Gun Regulations on the face of the Earth. There is a reason it's been in constant civil war for hundreds of years and will continue long after all of have passed away. There is a reason for "Some" gun regulations. The real question should not be "NO GUN CONTROL" but how much is healthy. Otherwise we end up with Yemen in our own back yard.
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.

You back on this BS again? Are you going to send in troops after the fact? There was nothing to be done except get what was left of the survivors out of there. And that is exactly what was done. Sending in more troops would have been about 6 hours too late. You friggin armed chair generals have no idea what Logistics are about. You think we just need to magically twitch our noses and our troops can be there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Doesn't work that way. You seem to believe that we have armed and ready troops at the end of some magical runway already armed, briefed and ready loaded on aircraft that can be dispatched in a seconds notice. That's just a fairy tale told by fakes sitting around bars that have never been in these situations. So you hate Hillary, fine. You hate the Black Guy, fine. Say so and get it done with without the fairy tale to try and cover that up.
First of all Obama and Clinton never did give two shits about any of those people in the embassy… And only fucking morons view everything through race so shut the fuck up you moron

it wasn't Obama nor Clinton that allowed the Terrorists to come to the protest in such a large number and turn it into an over run. That was an unseen happenstance. Had they not come, it would have been just a few bottles and rocks thrown and nothing much else would have resulted. It was an act of War. And it's been dealt with or is being dealt with in an ongoing process.

Now, I suggest you move on, cupcake. If you want it stopped, enlist in the Military and volunteer to help out. I already did my time. Don't you think it's time for you to do your duty if you want to proudly wear your Monicker proudly?
Do you remember my endless threads and posts about Obama not BOMBING THE SHIT out of ISIS when they took our tank, Humvees and weapons from Iraq?

The left excused every post away.
Plus, who was it that gave the stand down order when Benghazi went down ? It was the State dept, the Pentagon, White House or possibly CIA, and nobody seems to remember.

You back on this BS again? Are you going to send in troops after the fact? There was nothing to be done except get what was left of the survivors out of there. And that is exactly what was done. Sending in more troops would have been about 6 hours too late. You friggin armed chair generals have no idea what Logistics are about. You think we just need to magically twitch our noses and our troops can be there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Doesn't work that way. You seem to believe that we have armed and ready troops at the end of some magical runway already armed, briefed and ready loaded on aircraft that can be dispatched in a seconds notice. That's just a fairy tale told by fakes sitting around bars that have never been in these situations. So you hate Hillary, fine. You hate the Black Guy, fine. Say so and get it done with without the fairy tale to try and cover that up.

So tell us General McArthur, what exactly is a QRF for? One AC 130 and that changes the entire outcome. Puff cures a menagerie of evils.

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