"Wearing masks won't prevent people from catching COVID-19."

The biggest factor about masks is the unintended consequences from having to touch the masks with our hands , as mentioned in the OP @ 00:40...

Fauci actually addressed that saying that masks also prevent people from touching their faces. So masks also guard against contact transmission. There is no perfect sysem short of a full hazmat suit. But when you have to come up with a system to protect 330 million people, when the biggest US maker of N-95 masks, can only make enough masks for three per person , per year.

glad we agree. when your nose itches because of the mask do you scratch it or not? LOL
I went to walmart today and they had a big sign on the door saying masks were mandatory and then they listed the governors edict, but they left out the exclusions, particularly the one that says if are "social distancing then you don't have to wear one. I had no mask on when I went in and everybody looked at me like I had a third eye. Sheep.
Is the fuck you gonna stay 6 feet away from people at Walmart, you idiot?
I went to walmart today and they had a big sign on the door saying masks were mandatory and then they listed the governors edict, but they left out the exclusions, particularly the one that says if are "social distancing then you don't have to wear one. I had no mask on when I went in and everybody looked at me like I had a third eye. Sheep.
Is the fuck you gonna stay 6 feet away from people at Walmart, you idiot?
By not getting close to them and when you go early it's not crowded.
We need natural selection to being its work.

We need to spread this virus faster.

Behold the words of a tyrant... the defense rests
What do you mean? All we need to do is NOT be tyrants and that will take care of itself.

To do what you want requires tyranny.
What is it you think I want?
When I wrote that, it appeared that you were pushing for a bunch of shit.

I am guilty of assuming.

I am sorry, Slade.

I should be punished.

EVERYONE, I have assumed that Slade was part of the monolith.

Mods, it is your duty to ban me.

Please, purge me.

I am ashamed of myself.

I should be banned.

I should be purged.

I should be flogged.

I don't deserve to post among other USMB patrons.

I am a swine.

I am a wretch.

I don't deserve to post like others.


You can just log off and ride off slowly into the night all on your own.
Trump just legalized hemp....what are we waiting for ?
View attachment 361056
Now trump can snort coke and breath hemp at the same time.
and still be smarter and richer than you. Along with being President of the USA.
Trump inherited and stole his money. He is a trust fund baby that bails him out. He’s a looser. Without a Putin and other losers voting for him, he would have lost by more then 3 million votes.
Mask mandate ---UNNECESSARY

See how liberty works?

You won't wear a mask to limit the spread of a deadly disease. And when a vaccine comes out that frees us from wearing masks, you won't get the vaccine either.

All in the name of freedom.

Yet you claim you would fight for you country, where the first thing they do is vaccinate you.

Basic Training and Officer Accession Training
Measles Mumps and rubella (MMR) are administered to all recruits regardless of prior history. Quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine (containing A, C, Y, and W-135 polysaccharide antigens) is administered on a one-time basis to recruits.
You assume I would be under military mandate.

The organization of the militia does not work that way, buddy.
The idea of having a functioning militia that isn’t a guard or reserve unit under control of a state gov. or feds is a joke. There are 3-5 support personell for every soldier in an effective fighting force. That’s why the militia the founders had in mind, woukd be a freakin joke. They’re a bunch of cry babies the first time even an older reserve Huey unleashed a hail of rockets. Yo cry ma ma real fast. You have no medical evac, hospitals, food and supply chain and your family, darling little camp followers, can’t get out of school to watch fake soldiers cry and whine like children.
The idea of somebody attacking the most heavily armed nation in the world and private citizens like me needing to take up arms, is also a joke, but let's not let that fact get in the way of a good fantasy red herring to deflect from the current topic of discussion.
lets not get carried away. I was in the military active and later a guard unit. A real military with infrastructure would decimate civilian militia. It’s the idea a guard unit with access to real military weapons that is a deterrent. you aren’t going to help anyone but get in the way. Now, you pumping fuel for a guard fighter/bomber squadron or chopper unit or tank or artillery units....that’s where the real defense is and what the real militia is about when defending the country both internally and externally. You have no lines of communication to coordinate efforts either while guard and reserve units do. They have training in weapons you know little about that can be air lifted within hours to real guard and reserve units. Sorry, you can clean the urinals for us or.......enlist now and get real training. But don’t think your little stock pile of civilian weapons will help. You guys watch way too much “red dawn.“
That's not how a militia works. A militia is not the same as the standing army.
Just the opposite is true. Our militia is trained to function side by side and in conjunction with our standing army of regulars. In modern warfare, civilian militia does little but get in the way.....now, if you want to take up farming, you could help a lot more as a civilian militia.
I'm slightly paraphrasing, but that's what he said.

(Very short clip )

So I got sick, really badly sick, for a full two weeks.

At the time, I was unemployed, and I had been using masks the entire time.

And ever since then, I've had an 'I don't care' mentality about the masks.

Because honestly, I was as isolated, and as "safe" and "locked down" as one could possibly get. There was no way for me to be less connected to society... and I still got horribly sick, with the 'social distancing' and with the 'mask wearing' and everything else.

It made zero difference.

So I've been like 'screw that' since then.
Fauci actually addressed that saying that masks also prevent people from touching their faces. So masks also guard against contact transmission.
glad we agree. when your nose itches because of the mask do you scratch it or not? LOL
Do you take off your underwear to scratch your ass?
Funny do you touch your mask? If so all your breaths are now on your hands and you just spread all that exhale.

son, I get it, you’re layers of stupid
We need natural selection to being its work.

We need to spread this virus faster.

Behold the words of a tyrant... the defense rests
What do you mean? All we need to do is NOT be tyrants and that will take care of itself.

To do what you want requires tyranny.
What is it you think I want?
When I wrote that, it appeared that you were pushing for a bunch of shit.

I am guilty of assuming.

I am sorry, Slade.

I should be punished.

EVERYONE, I have assumed that Slade was part of the monolith.

Mods, it is your duty to ban me.

Please, purge me.

I am ashamed of myself.

I should be banned.

I should be purged.

I should be flogged.

I don't deserve to post among other USMB patrons.

I am a swine.

I am a wretch.

I don't deserve to post like others.


You can just log off and ride off slowly into the night all on your own.
Did you get the reference?

We need natural selection to being its work.

We need to spread this virus faster.

Behold the words of a tyrant... the defense rests
What do you mean? All we need to do is NOT be tyrants and that will take care of itself.

To do what you want requires tyranny.
What is it you think I want?
When I wrote that, it appeared that you were pushing for a bunch of shit.

I am guilty of assuming.

I am sorry, Slade.

I should be punished.

EVERYONE, I have assumed that Slade was part of the monolith.

Mods, it is your duty to ban me.

Please, purge me.

I am ashamed of myself.

I should be banned.

I should be purged.

I should be flogged.

I don't deserve to post among other USMB patrons.

I am a swine.

I am a wretch.

I don't deserve to post like others.


You can just log off and ride off slowly into the night all on your own.
Did you get the reference?


Missed that one... great movie though!
#189: Severe herpes keratitis of the eye took over 25 years of the virus lying dormant in the trigeminal nerves of the face. The initial eye infection was triggered by damp, cold air, and came after a caving expedition near Yellville, Arkansas. This virus dormancy ended with cold-shock to said trigeminal twenty-five years later, when the immune system had begun to decline. No, COVID-19 is not stopped at its source by wearing a mask: there are ACE2 receptors in the conjunctiva.

11 May 2020 New York Post, Steinbuch Y., Coronavirus Can Enter the Body Through the Eyes, Study Says
'....ocular surface cells including conjunctiva.'

Proposed COVID-19 intermediate host, Chrysemys, also gets conjunctival infections with helminths.
I'm slightly paraphrasing, but that's what he said.

(Very short clip )

No, but it greatly reduces the odds. He said that, also.

no study has been done, so that is an opinion not fact.

Get real. These are medical expert opinions and their predictions have come true as to what happens when people don't wear masks and don't social distance, so cut the crap and get with the program. Other countries, like Canada,
have gotten the virus under control by following expert advice. Your grifter is ill-equipped to lead us during this dire crisis. Stop acting like a high school kid with no life experience and lacking in basic reasoning skills.
I'm slightly paraphrasing, but that's what he said.

(Very short clip )

No, but it greatly reduces the odds. He said that, also.

no study has been done, so that is an opinion not fact.

Get real. These are medical expert opinions and their predictions have come true as to what happens when people don't wear masks and don't social distance, so cut the crap and get with the program. Other countries, like Canada,
have gotten the virus under control by following expert advice. Your grifter is ill-equipped to lead us during this dire crisis. Stop acting like a high school kid with no life experience and lacking in basic reasoning skills.

Fking bullshit , post the study

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